A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

Do you want Britain to Leave? Or to Stay?

  • Leave

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Stay

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 9 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Ewww, PJW, ewwww, ewww
Seriously, I could model this guy after a Villain of something.

But my opinions on the whole EU thing, I'm in the remain camp.
BUT, that comes from more of a distrust of our current Government (whom I fear will use this chance to fully dismantle the NHS and replace the Human Rights Act, I mean, who seriously disagrees with Universal Healthcare? I don't usually push on people for their political views, but I will not take anyone seriously who believes Universal Healthcare is a bad thing).

Also my problem with the leave campaign is that it's built around Bullshit and Half Truths, they also have no idea what will happen and have no back-up plan if it all fucks up.
I have issues with the remain side as well, both have been using scaremongering tactics, yet most people tend to think that agreeing with the leave puts you in the same boat as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, which is an unfair statement to make as in a better world with a more competent party, the leave option would be far better.

It's a tough one really, it all depends on who gets to fuck who really.
What's wrong about PJW?
Outside of the fact that he can be pretty easily debunked, he comes across like his word is final and if you disagree with him on anything, you're stupid for thinking so.

He isn't the sort of person I would engage in a fair and reasonable debate on politics.
Outside of the fact that he can be pretty easily debunked, he comes across like his word is final and if you disagree with him on anything, you're stupid for thinking so.

He isn't the sort of person I would engage in a fair and reasonable debate on politics.

This is the first time I've seen him and I already want him to never speak again.

Either way, I think it's best to stay in the EU for now; economy aside, like fuck I'm going to vote to remove the only authority above David Cameron keeping the bastard in check.
This is the first time I've seen him and I already want him to never speak again.

Either way, I think it's best to stay in the EU for now; economy aside, like fuck I'm going to vote to remove the only authority above David Cameron keeping the bastard in check.

In all honesty, as much as I dislike Cameron, I'd rather he be in power than someone like Johnson, May or even that twat Osborne.
On the topic of PJW, this video is a pretty good at tearing him down.
In all honesty, as much as I dislike Cameron, I'd rather he be in power than someone like Johnson, May or even that twat Osborne.
On the topic of PJW, this video is a pretty good at tearing him down.

He may be the shiniest turd, but I'd rather not be lead by excrement in general.
Vote for one group of rich people's benefits or another group of rich people's benefits.

Just a reiteration of Trump vs Clinton really.
In a perfect world, you would simply disband the EU, and start again, with something new and better.
But this doesn't work in the real world like that. For anyone who is against the EU, should remember what the past was like. With trenches, nationalism, agression and wars. I think at no point in recent history, like the last 500 years, has the core part of Europe seen so much safety and freedom like in the last 70 years. And this is definetly something that has a lot do with the European Union. And the Soviets. It always helps to have a bigger mofo to fear than your neighbour.
Weird poll.
Do I want them to leave or do I want them to stay?

Like, wut? Yes to which one?

Here are some more video's about Brexit by Sargon Of Akkad and Thunderf00t by the way:

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As a British person, I thought you might be interested in my opinion. I'm remain, mostly because of the big science money from Brussels, environment laws and it would be an arse to renegotiate trade deals.
However, I don't think it would be apocalypse now if we leave.

There will be a black Wednesday scenario, with the pound falling. Maybe another George Soros (or just George Soros again) makes billions by short selling. Conservative Leadership contest, probably Boris Johnson wins. Early general election resulting in a Tory landslide (maybe over 400 seats). totally new cabinet, the old cabinet is humiliated and Cameron's career is over and he is remembered in ignominy forevermore.
Michael Gove is the figurehead of the renegotiation, and eventually we would have trade deals with Germany and other countries within the first year or two.
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What's wrong about PJW?
"Paul Joseph Watson is the editor-at-large of Infowars.com"
That's all you really need to know about this guy.

Anyway, I'd like them to stay because I don't want to pay import taxes and have to deal with the customs office whenever I order something from the UK.
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