And you trust your government more than the EU?They should leave because simply stated large governments and steps toward one-world government are too dangerous to society. Turns out, with one large group heading more nested groups, the complex layers of bureaucracy can become corrupt, which endangers the people most of all. I just simply cannot trust the EU--as long as it exists there is truly no sovereignty in the nations it controls. The more that nations are split apart, the less danger they make as individuals...the same reasoning that large nations like the United States can be good, but once again become easily corrupt through each layer of politics... the United States has been viewed as a threat by some, a friend by others, but the bottom line is that our power (I live in the US) is too strong to be held by a single government (no matter what type of government it is) and it is the same thing BUT WORSE in the EU.
In which way is the EU by the way interfering with the sovereignty of your or any nation inside the Union? Did they deploy their non existant military force to enforce their hidious and draconic laws upon said nations?
I am with you when you criticise the EU and the bureaucracy, the lobbyism and all that. But it is in no way really much different to what happens everywher elese. And it definetly won't improve if we disband the EU. Infact, I think it would get even worse, because we get back to Pre-EU conditions.