So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. everyone knows family mordino is responsible for jet in some way. They ain't exactly secretive about it.

I mean the fact that they're inhaling cow manure fumes.

Then again, I guess most junkies couldn't give less of a shit where their next hit comes from.
I mean the fact that they're inhaling cow manure fumes.

Then again, I guess most junkies couldn't give less of a shit where their next hit comes from.
Maybe you have heard about Russia's Krokodil's tears. This shit says a lot about how far junkies can go to get their hit. Scary, really. In Fallout's world, Jet seems to be as much addictive as this crap, so I don't think that the mordinos need to hide their industry, really. It's not like they are even afraid of the NCR, when trying to turn their goldmines into jet dens.
Maybe you have heard about Russia's Krokodil's tears. This shit says a lot about how far junkies can go to get their hit. Scary, really. In Fallout's world, Jet seems to be as much addictive as this crap, so I don't think that the mordinos need to hide their industry, really. It's not like they are even afraid of the NCR, when trying to turn their goldmines into jet dens.
Yeah, a stain on Russia and it's pride.

Got to be ashamed about that shit, and the terrible effects it has. Makes weed look like baby smokes.
This just in: Bethesda ret-conned "Pip-Boy" to "Vault-Boy".

From a loading screen in the new Vault-Tec DLC:

"In the years before the war, RobCo and Vault-Tec forged a powerful corporate alliance. Residents of Vault-Tec's Vaults would each be provided with a RobCo Pip-Boy personal computer, a device which made extensive use of the popular "Vault Boy" mascot."
The mascot was always called Vault Boy, the Pip-Boy is the personal computer.

I think he means the Pip-Boy 2000 mascot, the original one with the red hair and all.

^ This. All trace of the Pip-Boy mascot has disappeared in the 3D titles. Vault Boy has effectively replaced it, and the loading screen makes no sense at all, since it implies it was always like that (that the Vault Boy was the mascot for the Pip-Boy).
^ This. All trace of the Pip-Boy mascot has disappeared in the 3D titles. Vault Boy has effectively replaced it, and the loading screen makes no sense at all, since it implies it was always like that (that the Vault Boy was the mascot for the Pip-Boy).
Not exactly

But once again, modders fixed it.
I KNOW I'm going to get flak for this but aside from the more egregious breaches in lore (T-60 Power Armor, Jet being pre-war, FEV is everywhere, etc) everything else just seems like really insignificant stuff that can be glossed over or explained away/retconned. Sure you can argue that they're stupid or don't make sense, but at the end of the day they're pretty harmless compared to something like pre-war Jet which has an indisputable post-war origin.
I KNOW I'm going to get flak for this but aside from the more egregious breaches in lore (T-60 Power Armor, Jet being pre-war, FEV is everywhere, etc) everything else just seems like really insignificant stuff that can be glossed over or explained away/retconned. Sure you can argue that they're stupid or don't make sense, but at the end of the day they're pretty harmless compared to something like pre-war Jet which has an indisputable post-war origin.
I disagree. Kid in the Fridge harmed the previous established lore that Ghouls still needs to eat and drink, and it even goes against THEIR own previous established lore of Fallout 3 where Ghouls can go mad and turn feral. Cabot House is even more blasphemous, a sign that they wouldn't hesitate to touch the West Coast.

Those shit should've been in a Wild Wasteland trait. "Bu-but there's not traits!" just shows how much they don't really care of making RPGs anymore.
Kid in the Fridge harmed the previous established lore that Ghouls still needs to eat and drink, and it even goes against THEIR own previous established lore of Fallout 3 where Ghouls can go mad and turn feral. Cabot House is even more blasphemous, a sign that they wouldn't hesitate to touch the West Coast.

Those shit should've been in a Wild Wasteland trait. "Bu-but there's not traits!" just shows how much they don't really care of making RPGs anymore.
Fair enough. I will agree that Kid in the Fridge and Cabot House should have been a WW random encounter.
^ This. All trace of the Pip-Boy mascot has disappeared in the 3D titles. Vault Boy has effectively replaced it, and the loading screen makes no sense at all, since it implies it was always like that (that the Vault Boy was the mascot for the Pip-Boy).
This is something I was always confused about even before Bethesda bought the Fallout IP. :confused:
Let's be honest, the Pip-Boy 2000 has that mascot red hair boy on it, but anywhere else it shows the Vault Boy instead (and this is in the old games). Literally the only time it shows the red hair one in on the Pip-Boy surface, then if you go into the actual Pip-Boy screens (Perks, Karma, Skills, SPECIAL, etc) it is only depicted Vault Boy :confused:.

Back in the day that really messed up my OCD, but then I tried to reach a logical reason for it to be like that (so I wouldn't get frustrated by my OCD :freak: ) and thought that Vault Boy is the Vault Tec mascot and that red haired character is the Pip-Boy's mascot (probably even called Pip-Boy himself). This is of course all made up by me, the lore doesn't provide any base for my reasoning. But oh boy, it did calmed my OCD a lot! :nod:
I KNOW I'm going to get flak for this but aside from the more egregious breaches in lore (T-60 Power Armor, Jet being pre-war, FEV is everywhere, etc) everything else just seems like really insignificant stuff that can be glossed over or explained away/retconned. Sure you can argue that they're stupid or don't make sense, but at the end of the day they're pretty harmless compared to something like pre-war Jet which has an indisputable post-war origin.

It's hard to explain to fans who don't care much for the old ones, because you're either bothered by the changes or you're not. It's not about how small the changes are, it's about how they pile up, eventually amounting to an experience that feels more like a reboot than a sequel.
That's why I prefer to criticise the bad mechanics when it comes to Bethesda games; they're more universally acknowledged as being terrible.

Of course, some lore breaches can be tied into the mechanics and storytelling, such as Virgil's Super Mutant cure, which removes the point of Super Mutants entirely.

This is something I was always confused about even before Bethesda bought the Fallout IP. :confused:
Let's be honest, the Pip-Boy 2000 has that mascot red hair boy on it, but anywhere else it shows the Vault Boy instead (and this is in the old games). Literally the only time it shows the red hair one in on the Pip-Boy surface, then if you go into the actual Pip-Boy screens (Perks, Karma, Skills, SPECIAL, etc) it is only depicted Vault Boy :confused:.

Back in the day that really messed up my OCD, but then I tried to reach a logical reason for it to be like that (so I wouldn't get frustrated by my OCD :freak: ) and thought that Vault Boy is the Vault Tec mascot and that red haired character is the Pip-Boy's mascot (probably even called Pip-Boy himself). This is of course all made up by me, the lore doesn't provide any base for my reasoning. But oh boy, it did calmed my OCD a lot! :nod:

The Vault boy is meant to be a 'Vault Dweller's Survival Guide' of sorts; he's in educational videos and everything. That's why he's on the SPECIAL attributes, skills and perks; he's meant to be a visual explanation of what those do.

I don't exactly mind the Pip-Boy receiving an upgrade; the old one was terrible to navigate (though the new one isn't much better). Fallout 3 even explains it as being a Vault-Tec exclusive as opposed to the older one, so I can believe the mascot being done away with; I just wish they'd acknowledged the older model at some stage, so it felt less like a retcon.
The Vault Boy/Pip-Boy stuff is fairly minor in my opinion.
It's just there.
In all honesty, I don't have much of an issue with the Vault Boy stuff.

I take issue with the whole unself-awarness that Bethesda has, with them whoring the Vault Boy like the dirty little slut he is.
In their bid to cash in in the Vault Boy craze, they've in turn become Vault Tech.