Erich van Loon
Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

People have been saying this since Day 1 and I used to agree with it probably out of some refusal to accept that it really is garbage.
The game was designed to make the most money possible and nothing else. It's a lazy cash grab with the worst writing of any Bethesda game ever made, hideous dialogue wheel and cutscenes, an utter lack of choices and reactivity, terrible weapon sounds and lack of weapon variety compared to previous games, and the list goes on an on.
People can keep saying "it's a good game, just not a good Fallout game" all they want but I'll certainly never see it that way. Wanna know why it's not a good game? 50% of the Season Pass is paid mod crafting DLC. That alone makes it a garbage, lazy cash grab and terrible game. The game cost $100 and took 7 years to make by a major studio with an enormous budget and support.
Well said.