Just a daily reminder everyone

People have been saying this since Day 1 and I used to agree with it probably out of some refusal to accept that it really is garbage.

The game was designed to make the most money possible and nothing else. It's a lazy cash grab with the worst writing of any Bethesda game ever made, hideous dialogue wheel and cutscenes, an utter lack of choices and reactivity, terrible weapon sounds and lack of weapon variety compared to previous games, and the list goes on an on.

People can keep saying "it's a good game, just not a good Fallout game" all they want but I'll certainly never see it that way. Wanna know why it's not a good game? 50% of the Season Pass is paid mod crafting DLC. That alone makes it a garbage, lazy cash grab and terrible game. The game cost $100 and took 7 years to make by a major studio with an enormous budget and support.

Well said.
When I was playing Fallout 3, the Talon Company intrigued me and I remember spending a considerable amount of time searching out the story or quest that underpin them.

I was inexperienced then, ignorant in the ways of Bethesda. I eventually gave up, convinced that what I was looking for must be in the game somewhere and that I just lacked the wherewithal to find it. It would take several years and a chance visit to the Fallout Wiki for me to understand the truth.

I figured it out when I discovered their headquarters all the way out in bumblefuck.

Any hope of interacting with these clowns was forever dashed when the entire base showed up hostile... even their big cheese, Commander Jablonsky or whatever the hell his name was.

All this on an evil karma character too. I knew right then and there it was never meant to be.
I'll be honest, I don't even really consider gaming my hobby anymore. It's like I've finally crossed the "old man" threshold where it feels like nothing (in this industry) is made for me anymore.

I'm 25 years old...

I know your pain, I started to experience that myself a while back, making me think "I am that old?" (I am 36)
Because a lot of titles no longer appeal to me I sort of dropped out of the gaming scene, and when I tried to come back I was overloaded with descriptions and terms that absolutely told me nothing (not to mention standards of graphics gamers of today now expect titles to adhere to), only reinforcing the whole "I am an old man now." feeling.

Well I knew what genres I liked so I started to look into these only to discover that there barely has been any decent new release since the last titles I played, or that they have gone complete multiplayer now. (I have no problem with multiplayer but I prefer single player games myself)

One of the biggest let downs is that Publishers that in the past released games that I liked are also no longer the sources I should go to to find a title I will probably enjoy. If it is not computer issues then it is some other kind of shady business with the title.

It is fucking depressing for looking more and more into the past to find titles I enjoy, I really do start to feel like the close minded hermit some old school gamers are accused of being.
Other alternatives are just to partly abandon the hobby and find other interests to pursue.
You know? I was really looking forward to learn to mod with Fallout 4. It only had to be at the level of Fallout 3 and have some good things learnt from New Vegas, it was really just enough.
I could still do mod it, but i won't make a single byte of content for a game that hates us almost as much as we hate it.
But at least it managed to make 3 games that its fans enjoyed. Glad to see Dark Souls 3 was successful and wasn't turned into a crafting game like Fallout 4.

Best thing is, From Soft was almost a indie studio (in 2008 Indies weren't really designated as such, iirc). Their first games weren't as revered, but still okay (VERY niche though).
They didn't have near as much "fame" as the Fallout franchise holds, even in the case of BIS/Interplay, to not mention Bethesda.
Their games didn't sell "Becouse they are From's/They are a Souls".
The "original Souls", King's Field wasn't at all a Fallout 1/2, and Demon's Souls didn't have an Advertising campaign, it became popular "by itself", same goes for Dark Souls 1, ahead of Dark Souls 2 it became more popular, proof is this picture xD
Hype has only been in the latest installment, and mostly it came from the press.

For crafting... Don't jinx, maybe they go a step further in the Infusing/Upgrading system in their next game :look:
I've never played Dark Souls. It's one franchise that I simply can't become interested in. As an outsider, it just looks like a series of repeated frustrations as you fight mob after mob and then the occasional boss fight that you have to repeat 100 times until you finally win.

But at least it managed to make 3 games that its fans enjoyed. Glad to see Dark Souls 3 was successful and wasn't turned into a crafting game like Fallout 4.
its not just the gameplay, its the story and lore. the way they told the narrative is very unique.
If you watch the shandification by MrBtongue, i am sure you will find that dark souls is what he is refferencing.

Of course, you have to be fantasy nerd like me to be capable undestanding word such as "Ash seeketh embers" :P /s
You know? I was really looking forward to learn to mod with Fallout 4. It only had to be at the level of Fallout 3 and have some good things learnt from New Vegas, it was really just enough.
I could still do mod it, but i won't make a single byte of content for a game that hates us almost as much as we hate it.
Why even bother trying to mod it mate?, With a Dialogue System as flawed as that, it seems near impossible to even make something remotely resembling a good Fallout game with it. The whole engine is fundamentally rigged to only allow shit fallout games.

I would reccomend you mod 3 or New Vegas instead
Mind explaining yourself?

I hate that phrase, but here goes:

Fallout 4 has elements of a good game, y'know: solid shooting, Settlement building does work, etc.

It's just that there are things in it that make it a bad fallout game.
I hate that phrase, but here goes:

Fallout 4 has elements of a good game, y'know: solid shooting, Settlement building does work, etc.

It's just that there are things in it that make it a bad fallout game.
well there is intimidating UI, not even graphic setting in-game wise, and very poorly optimized engine with not so good graphic. Its also a bad priced compared to other AAA with similiar price or lower.
Its also a bad priced compared to other AAA with similiar price or lower.
This is somewhat off-topic, but this is what irks me about people defending No Man's Sky by saying "why all the hate? it's so relaxing guys!" etc.

NMS is a $60 game. It is priced as a fully polished AAA major release, when in reality it's a $20 Early Access Alpha from an indie studio at best.

Fallout 4 is as bad because it's massively unpolished for a AAA game and costs $100, much of that cost going to Crafting DLC.
Other alternatives are just to partly abandon the hobby and find other interests to pursue.

That's pretty much where I am now. I still keep my eye on things, hoping that maybe the pendulum swings back my way but I'm not particularly hopeful. I might go back and play some of my old faves every now and then and I spend a lot of time modding FNV but, for the most part, I just don't really play games anymore.

But Fallout 4 did see initial success and was an OK game. It makes me cringe to say it, but it's a good game, not a good fallout game. ._.

Personally, I wouldn't describe Fallout 4 as a "good game". I'd say that it is a competent game relative to the quality of other contemporary AAA titles. It just seems to be another big budget game that might tick a lot of boxes, feature-wise, but seems to be almost completely devoid of soul or passion.
Personally, I wouldn't describe Fallout 4 as a "good game". I'd say that it is a competent game relative to the quality of other contemporary AAA titles. It just seems to be another big budget game that might tick a lot of boxes, feature-wise, but seems to be almost completely devoid of soul or passion.

It was probably Bethesda getting pressured from all this Fallout 4 hype from the hoaxes. They probs made they fans more suspicious after they told the guy at survivor2299 to stop.

So they had to deliver.

I was too young at the time and didn't know what a fallout or survivor2299 was. I joined in pretty late actually.
It's a competent, though uninspired, open-world shoot'n'loot that's padded out with just the right amount of busy work to keep its players occupied, but not enough for it to feel like a blatant grind. For that kind of game, details like its terrible dialogue, insipid story, lack of player choice, and inconsistency with the lore of the series are only minor flaws.

Also, I adore the Souls series. I wouldn't call them storytelling masterpieces, but it is fun to piece together the tiny shreds of lore you're offered and try to figure out the big picture. And while I probably wouldn't want to see that kind of exposition in every game I played, it's appropriate for that series.
yes, exactly. judging FO4 by it's own merit and not as an addition to the Fallout series, it's adequate, yet mediocre. i'd never felt so acutely bored playing an AAA game before as i did with FO4. sidequests felt like chores, the typical errand-boy schtick i've come to expect from Bethesda. "go here, fight X" becomes quite repetitive after a while.

my top issues with FO4 are that it's chock-full of contrived deus ex machina moments, missed opportunities, and that we are forced into playing as a character with a predefined personality. the interlocution with Kellogg is a perfect example of the predefined character: when you finally meet him, the guy is calm and reasoning with you, yet the only response options you get are stupidly ragey and aggressive. there's no option for diplomacy—your only choice is to kill him. and then the game has the gall to guilt trip you later on because of your 'rash actions'... oh fuck off, honestly. maybe if i weren't robbed of any role-playing options i would've spared him?

additionally, Kellogg's memories were possibly the only moments in the game where i'd felt immersed with the story, but what i don't understand is why they'd go through all that trouble fleshing out Kellogg's life when he's already dead and has no further relevance to the plot. it's also a great example of a deus ex machina moment, how Kellogg conveniently happened to be a cyborg and Nick conveniently happened to be able to read his brain matter.

then, they tease us with Kellogg talking through Nick, implying there will be unforeseen consequences to having hacked his brainy bits, but nothing ever comes of it. what a way to drop the ball. Kellogg could've made a much better gruff merc companion than Robert 'My Wife is Dead' MacCready, or Boone 2.0 as i prefer to call him.
Damn yeah, i like kellog a lot. Probably even more so than Boone. Hell if we skip the whole family affair and revenge plot, we could just be buddy. Albeit more like Hero and His lancer relationship