Nuka World: No Review Possible


Some kind of lucky

"One does not have the right to review something or criticize it if they have not experienced it in it's entirety themselves, not through other reviews/opinions." ~DirtyOldShoe

As it is a video game, that entirety can be trimmed to the main quest.

I can't give a review. I played it for 2 hours. I literally can not play it any longer. No condition checks on actors for quests, a shooting galley mini game in a shooting gallery game. Voice acting is just not good at all. Bland bland bland. It is so boring that I can't review it. However, if you don't mind the DLC being spoiled, just watch the video from 0:07 to 0:15 on repeat. If you like that, you will have a blast.
Well Bethesda's unpaid marketing troll called it a "solid exit for Fallout" and I have to agree because it's the same stupidity piled on top of the already existing stupidity.

"A near perfect videogame" with a "solid exit"
You've gotten farther than I ever will, I still have Fallout 4 stuffed in a draw and don't feel like reinstalling and then buying this DLC.
I always see that the inability to review something is sometimes a review in itself.
If the DLC was so bland you couldn't finish, that is the worst score you could give the DLC
I would rather play the worst quest mod ever created by a noob modder with no/bad dialogue, clipping buildings, breaking quests and an inflated ego then play this. I'm not exaggerating. And I might have put more heat on Emil than I should have. Bethesda/Zenimax, can you please stop giving game design positions to shitty voice actors and producer positions to shitty Oblivion QA personnel. Nothing against cos-players, but if your producer is making DLC decisions off of what costumes people dress up in, might want to re-think your entire staff.
Well since I bought a season pass with my pre-order going this can't be worse than Fallout 3 I saw Fallout 4 updating with this last night and went "I don't have time to be bothered even firing the game up". So have not tried it. Maybe in the dead of winter if Civ 6 does not have me too interested (yeah right).
that Paddle Ball shit is really getting on my nerves, since it's basically just Bethesda putting itself into it's own circlejerk about that stupid Strength Video. "HURR HURR remember the paddle ball?! LET'S MAKE THAT A WEAPON!" and all of the sci-fi went FLYING out the fucking window with that stupid paddle-ball weapon. You can have fun and creativity in a Fallout world with weapons, but for fucks sakes, this is NOT Saint's Row!
At this point if Fallout can become Saint's Row, I would maybe consider pirating it. I'm sure I would have more fun shooting stuff with wacky weapons, than a boring board of freezing.

A Dead Rising, or rather Ghoul Rising would be fine too, since Fallout has crafting. Though their complete lack of creativity and competence is more and more apparent. You can't hide fire with paper, as say the Chinese.

Bethesda has become a disgrace.
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Fallout has lost its identity now.
Fallout 4 is such a weird mess of throwing together a bunch of cooked up ideas that the whole thing has become a giant mess.
I know we've all talked about how much of a mess it's become, but I don't we've yet really thought about how much of a mess it is.
Fallout 4 is an example of what not to do in the industry, and the sad thing is, even Fallout 3 had something of an identity.
I blame radiant ai for this, that has to be the reason. Since Bethesda threw that out into the forefront, their games have just dropped in quality.
Even NMS got an identity, but what is Fallout 4? I'm dying to know.
Bethesda still doesn't understand the concept of player agency.

Why would you need player agency when you have sweet kisses from Alan Nanes?
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  • "our fans really want to be a Raider" i've neither seen or heard anyone say they seriously want to be a Raider, except maybe in an argument as to why we need more opportunities for roleplaying.
  • "kindhearted Raider" those two words are mutually exclusive.
  • "weaponized Nuka-Cola" remember when Fallout actually took itself seriously?
  • "Overboss" gee WHIZ! more meaningless and forced positions of authority for our characters!
it seems to me this DLC is a really hamfisted and unintuitive response to all the 'FO4 protag is a goody-two-shoes' complaints.

in other news, Bethesda still doesn't understand the concept of player agency.
And yet they missed the point of wanting the option to be good or bad, choose our own path, because you're made leader of the entire faction in the beginning of the DLC as usual with Bethesda.

I'm getting more and more certain that Bethesda's writers aren't adults. How they ever became employed as writers is beyond me.
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Tee hee. Nuka World has a mixed rating on Steam. :smug: Maybe this would put to rest the fanboys screaming that DLC will fix the game. This game is such a cobbled together mess of gimmicks and fads that not even Christ himself can fix this wreck of a game.
If you think that Mixed review is bad, go look at the Fallout 4 Season Pass Steam rating, it's worse than No Man's Sky's rating.
Never understood the idea that dlc could "fix" a game. I doubt dlc alone could even hope to redeem a game.