Trump is winning

One thing is certain. Dr Fallout is a complicated guy.


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Dr Fallout is three separate entities. One born in Russia, second is from Australia and loves barbie, and the third is Donald Trump.
If you think about his fervent love for Legion, it all fits.
Pneumonia can be tough, and if you keep moving around doing stuff with a high fever, can even be potentially fatal.
Call me skeptical, but pneumonia does not make you:
- Drop weird metal bits out of your pants (supposedly parts either from a catheter clamp or a leg brace?)
- Do neurological finger pressure tests with your assistant just prior to collapsing.
- Have bodyguards running around with Diazepam injectors.

But hey, maybe I'm just imagining things.

Disclaimer: I don't like Trump any better than Hitlary, it's like having to chose between the spanish flu vs the plague. I do believe Hitlary belongs in jail.
Call me skeptical, but pneumonia does not make you:
- Drop weird metal bits out of your pants (supposedly parts either from a catheter clamp or a leg brace?)
- Do neurological finger pressure tests with your assistant just prior to collapsing.
- Have bodyguards running around with Diazepam injectors.

But hey, maybe I'm just imagining things.

Disclaimer: I don't like Trump any better than Hitlary, it's like having to chose between the spanish flu vs the plague. I do believe Hitlary belongs in jail.
Wow ... For once I totally agree with you. I think that blood clot did more damage than she and her entourage are willing to admit. And I think that if anything will keep her from becoming President, it'll be her own medical condition. But we'll have to see about that.
After watching hours of footage from the Benghazi hearings, I strongly agree with you that she belongs in jail. She's responsible for Christopher Stevens' death and the other loss of life at the embassy and she's been so fucking reckless with classified information (and getting rid of it), it's a miracle she's still a free citizen let alone a candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America.
If she wins, she will be a continuation of a trend that started with Obama and which I choose to call "Let's not pick a white heterosexual male for President". I don't really care about the (political) future of the US, but I don't think that affirmative action is a smart move when it comes to such delicate and important matters as choosing a capable leader.
So ... Hillary or Trump? All I know is that I much prefer to sit next to a foul mouthed, politically incorrect uncle than next to a lying, sick aunt, whatever the occasion. And since these are pretty hectic, violent times, I just assume an alpha male may be a better companion than a fake feminist whilst travelling abroad.
Yeah, this may be the week that derails Clinton's campaign beyond repair. People are used to Trump slinging insults around, but she damaged her own image there by stooping to this level. That was stupid.

What concerns (or well, would concern me had I been american) is her health. Pneumonia is bad, but maybe what she has is even worse. And that's before she starts assuming what must be one of the most stressful positions in the country. Plus all the secret around it, she really should knock it off with all the confidentiality, especially on stuff like that.

So even after Trump's fuck-ups which would probably have killed most other presidential candidates, it's still a coin toss as to who wins. It's both interesting and sad, because it's really the first american election where I can say I have no real favorites anymore. I still think Trump will make for a terrible president, but Clinton very probably won't be a good one either.