Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

Were the vats ever properly destroyed? Can the Chosen One blow them up, again? If not then there are still a few batches of FEV at Mariposa.
A century of abuse from humans and NCR can get people to reconsider their position.
You do realise most of them are hiding away right? That's why Super Mutants in New Vegas are depicted in remote locations. Anyways, I'm done talking with you.

Were the vats ever properly destroyed? Can the Chosen One blow them up, again? If not then there are still a few batches of FEV at Mariposa.
I recall that most of the vats at the Military Base was destroyed and the remainder was collected by the Enclave? I'm not too sure about this part.
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You do realise most of them are hiding away right? That's why Super Mutants in New Vegas are depicted in remote locations? Anyways, I'm done talking with you.

Random aside, I think Fallout 2's most touching moment was the Super Mutants working side by side with ghouls and humans to mine uranium.

It reminded me of Warcraft 3 except good writing.
I disagree. I like the fact that in some places life has recovered to some degree. Societies with a large population and technology aren't just going to disappear.

Instead of having the NCR collapse, surely it would be better to just focus elsewhere? Such as Wyoming or some other location untouched by NCR or Legion. Something we haven't seen yet. That's what I'd like to see.

EDIT: No more FEV. Maybe you meet a lone Super Mutant, but that's it. No "new" mutants.
I disagree. I like the fact that in some places life has recovered to some degree. Societies with a large population and technology aren't just going to disappear.
Instead of having the NCR collapse, surely it would be better to just focus elsewhere? Such as Wyoming or some other location untouched by NCR or Legion. Something we haven't seen yet. That's what I'd like to see.
EDIT: No more FEV. Maybe you meet a lone Super Mutant, but that's it. No "new" mutants.
I really like the idea. I don't mind if there's a small expedition group of NCR or Legion (like trying to get some info from the "new frontier"), just don't make them main factions in the game. And yes, no more new super mutants, yet another "pre-war® FEV research facility", or stupid feral ghouls. I'm fine if there are some old ghouls and mutants to talk/trade with.

But about the title of this thread, return to the West Coast? HELL NO if Bethesda is still going to make the game.
I really like the idea. I don't mind if there's a small expedition group of NCR or Legion (like trying to get some info from the "new frontier"), just don't make them main factions in the game. And yes, no more new super mutants, yet another "pre-war® FEV research facility", or stupid feral ghouls. I'm fine if there are some old ghouls and mutants to talk/trade with.

But about the title of this thread, return to the West Coast? HELL NO if Bethesda is still making the game.

I hope Bethesda stays away from the West Coast. That seems like a blasphemy.

Let Bethesda stay on the East Coast.
however, i think the NCR's collapse should be handled maturely
Don't worry, mature is Bethesda's middle name:
NCR is destroyed by the aliens that live in their city under the mojave.
How? They're sterile and can't breed.
They will come from Mothership Zeta, there were many frozen there, together with samurai, cowboys, US soldiers, little girls, raiders and whatever else they have there also alien abominations and alien drones.

Why will Bethesda use so many aliens? Because people are into space stuff now... Stellaris, No Man's Sky, Civ Beyond Earth, whatever other space games are currently or were popular in the last few years. Also we will have the choice to build our own alien city and populate the moon too.

Ok, enough joking around.
I think the NCR's end is overdue. I don't know what could destroy it in a believable way. Maybe the pre-war tech NCR relies start to actually fail without any chance of repair or replace it. That could be a nice blow to NCR, then the lack of resources would create difficulties and there would be riots and stuff... This is starting to sound like the pre-war USA...
Oh well, I don't know how it could be destroyed. But I would like to see NCR shrink and be just a union of just a couple or maybe three towns/cities and stop being so big.
Oh well, I don't know how it could be destroyed. But I would like to see NCR shrink and be just a union of just a couple or maybe three towns/cities and stop being so big.
Legion victory, starvation and Kimball's incompetence and hamfisted attempt at a dictatorship after a failed coup.
Weirdly, I think the best ending would be the NCR Victory.

NCR annexes the Mojave and immediately suffers civil unrest from the glut of New Citizens and the fact they weren't actually given a choice for annexation. Unable to get the food situation under control, there are riots in the street fostered by the Followers of the Apocalypse who resent NCR's controlling heavy-handed ways.

Vault City and then the Boneyard both secede from NCR and this results in a Civil War.

Which, of course, turns nuclear.
FEV cannot be 'rediscovered'. It's extremely hard to make and limited in supply. Also, you can't cultivate it from local life, that's not a thing. Also... NO MORE FUCKING SUPER MUTANTS!!! LET THEM REST!!!
Maybe we should tell Bethesda that.

I rather they finish the real Fallout 3. I really not see a point of another Fallout title. Either way I don't really want to see more of the NCR or the BoS. Those factions have been too fleshed out already.

I imagine the Legion being the one that splits apart.

I think the NCR's end is overdue. I don't know what could destroy it in a believable way. Maybe the pre-war tech NCR relies start to actually fail without any chance of repair or replace it. That could be a nice blow to NCR, then the lack of resources would create difficulties and there would be riots and stuff... This is starting to sound like the pre-war USA...
Two games talking about the NCR's downfall might feel redundant.
I'd rather the NCR rapidly decline then spontaneously combust. Maybe have a game in Seattle where we hear of NCR migrants fleeing a famine, or an encroaching revitalized Legion under Caesar's non-Lanius successor.
Not that hard to scavenge them, though, or construct them with their level of technology.
You can't just scavenge Nuclear weapons, they kind of used them already (the ones at Hopeville are an exception). The NCR also isn't really at the nuclear level, as of New Vegas.