Presper and his followers released the New Virus in the remote areas near
Boulder and
Denver. It was close enough to the quarantine prison to spur ULYSSES into action, but not near enough to huge populations to start a general panic. Once enough people were infected and ULYSSES "arrested" enough people to just about fill up the prison, Presper infected himself,
Coleridge, and a handful of loyal soldiers so they too could be taken into the prison. Once there, the rest of Presper's uninfected men would stage an attack on the prison, which would allow everyone to escape. This event would start a countdown for the missile launch on B.O.M.B.-001. ULYSSES would asses the viral spread, try to gather up the escaped prisoners, and once 90% of the prisoners had been retrieved, launch nuclear missiles to "clean & prevent" any further infection. By the time this happened, Presper had planned to be on, and in full control of, B.O.M.B.-001, and reprogramming targeting solutions to clean the areas
he wanted. Humans of his choosing would wait out the second nuclear holocaust in the
Boulder Dome, until the day came where he declared the Earth safe for pure blood humans once more. The only thing that really was a time consuming factor for his plan was figuring out the launch codes on the satellite. But Presper knew he was more than intelligent enough to eventually figure it out. After all, he was far more intelligent than the monkeys who originally programmed the launch computers on B.O.M.B.-001, or so he thought.