Coen @Fikziejon_079 2h2 hours ago
@DCDeacon I'm a little confused about the ps4 version of Skyrim remastered and it's mods. Armor, weapon and quest mods are a no-no, right?

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Pete Hines Verified account @DCDeacon
@Fikziejon_079 you can mod any of those things provided you aren't trying to add a new texture to them. Or sound effect.
8:56 AM - 24 Oct 2016
Or models, or cubemaps, or better normals, or new animations, or nifskope mashups of vanilla content, or npc faces, or quests that involve quest names with stages like in all quest mods and the base game, or quest markers, or quest rewards via script.
PS4 sword mod = Pick a vanilla sword model, change the damage it does or the on effect when hitting or vanilla magic effect.
PC sword mod = Anything, literally anything. I can use the dwemer animunculi as a sword, or make a glowing fire sword of death that when equipped kills everyone with less then 50 HP instantly, while making me able to fly to another universe with a black sun.
PS4 Armor mod = Pick a vanilla armor model, change the armor rating it has or the on effect when hit or vanilla magic effect.
PC Armor mod = Anything from a new model that looks like (insert super hero) to bouncing boobs and butt on a realistic anatomically correct body, to a person that is a suit that has to be convinced they need you to wear them, which in turn grants you the power of Lorkhan, makes you jump higher, trippy visuals and you glow in the dark scaring wolves away.
PS4 Quest mod = Read a piece of paper that gives you directions to something, no quest in your journal, no map marker, no fancy effects, grey face on every new NPC. text dialogue for new NPCs.
PC Quest mod = Literally anything, including an entirely different game.