I'm not sure the best foil for someone who is ostensibly supposed to be playing the trope of the Heroic Badass HeroTM straight is best summarized by someone foiling the OOC playstyle of those who don't take the actual game seriously.
It shows what the Dragonborn
could have been. He could have ignored his quest (and as I pointed out, like many players do. How many people rush the main quest and instead fool around in the game world instead?) and decided to do other things for his own power. Also it literally could not be more obvious he's your foil
I mean Jesus Christ it's all right there in the title. Miraak is the closet thing to yourself that you're ever gonna get to fight. He's a prophesied slayer of Alduin like you, he has a lot of your abilities, he can fight a lot like you, you're basically what he was supposed to be. I mean come on it doesn't get more heavy handed than this.
I never got the impression Miraak was anything close to defeating Hermaeus Mora but got himself enslaved and then outgambited at every point.
Then you never paid attention to the story. The whole point is that Miraak is almost freed himself from Mora and is using Mora's own tool against him and for Miraak's own gain. He's already influenced the outside world and has a bunch of cultists at his beck and call. Mora even pretty much admits he's getting too much to handle by asking and helping LSD to defeat Miraak. Hell Miraak even says if you do Dragonborn first that he'll probably end up killing Alduin himself since theres no real reason he couldn't. It makes the story a bit more interesting to take into account that depending on interpretations of the prophecy you could very well have been meant to merely die and let Miraak be the one to absorb your power and defeat Alduin. It's a pretty cool encounter from a lore standpoint.
Eh, we have Ulfric Stormcloak for the "human" face of the conlfict.
What? Ulfric is the main "villain" of the Civil War sidequest and even then that's only if you side against him.
Eh, we have Ulfric Stormcloak for the "human" face of the conlfict. Personally, I enjoyed defeating Haakon and Alduin. Miraak? Miraak felt like an anti-climax, especially since Mora was the "real" villain.
>an end fight that's just the same dragon fight as usual where you stand there and whack at it's dumb face until it dies
>not anti-climatic

Dragon fights fucking suck big fat ogre ass and Alduin is no exception.
Harkon was a little better but it was just awkward with how janky his movements are. Vampire Lord form looks retarded when you're not in control and the poorly animated AI floats around everywhere. Not to mention he's just some Vampire you met recently so it's not really that much of a climax either.
Miraak? Miraak felt like an anti-climax, especially since Mora was the "real" villain.
How was the 1v1 fight with Miraak anti-climatic? It was a fight with someone who you're pretty much evenly matched with, that's the best kind of fight. Two guys who are almost total equals and only wit to give one or the other the advantage. Also Mora wasn't really the "real villain" until the very end when he tries to do to you what he did the Miraak.
Indeed, Westworld has one of its primary subplots between two guests is the first one wants to experience Westworld as an authentic immersive experience and the second just wants to shoot and fuck everrything.
Not really sure how that's relevant at all but I'll just quickly say I tried to watch that show and it was extremely pretentious and I didn't enjoy it at all. Not to mention there was a cucky part or two.