APB: Reloaded. I have no idea what the game's quality used to be but it's trash now. It's filled to the brim with micros transactions, literally the first thing you see when opening up the district server is the Armas marketplace which forcibly opens up wasting your time.
This one is true.. They care more about money than they care about the game/players
There's no balance whatsoever, I've joined missions where it was me against a team of four several times. Only the group host can call for backup which means you're fucked if he chooses not to. They always seem to have high level weaponry too which you can't get because they're level locked. Literally the only way to rank up is missions, which you can't complete because you're always fighting the exact same players who kicked your ass for five missions straight.
The first guns are good enough to handle pretty much every other gun and the pistol you start with is the best/second best in most opinions. So i dissagree here even if one of the snipers can be hard to counter early on. But you unlock that quite fast aswell.
Not to mention it only has one lobby per district. In games like GTAO, if you're getting griefed you can switch to a new lobby and get a fresh set of players. APB will not allow it, you are completely stuck getting killed by the same people over and over again because there's no other lobby for the district. While players can't grief you in freeroam, it derails missions since you can't do anything about it.
This is false. You can get up a server list if you don't click on the quick join district things. I allways used that to enter the top 5 or so most populated "servers"
The tutorial sucks, it's just a list of objectives. Tutorials are supposed to teach the player the ins and outs of the game so they can get better. APB literally just gives you a box with objectives with no details at all. I had to look up how to arrest criminals (in a cops and robbers game no less) because all the game said was "hold X". I held X near an arrestable criminal (which the tutorial did not mention) and nothing happened. Apparently stun guns allow you to arrest criminals but once again the game said nothing (and they're level locked).
Been a while since i did the Tutorial but i think it covered most of what you needed to know? I could be wrong tho.. Been a few years.
The game is laggy as shit and bugged to high hell. Trying to purchase something from a contact is a frame rate disaster, it will go down to roughly 7 fps regularly or so. This is why I dread switching weapons because it takes way too long for something that should take seconds. On several separate occasions I obtained a bug that caused slight freezing every time I fired my weapon, in a game where there's no melee and using guns is your only option. If you're in a passenger in a car, you can
look under the map guaranteed. It's barely even a bug because it's guaranteed to happen whereas bugs may not always happen. The game crashes a lot, sometimes because you entered a menu. It usually crashes once a session for me, it once crashed so hard my character couldn't join any districts and I had to wait a day.
The game is unoptimized as fuck but 7 fps for using contacts? I guess your computer is low end or there is something wrong with it. And i've never been able to see under the world from the car but i haven't been on for a year "ish" so it might be something new. Had 2 crashes in the 2.5 years or so i played the game so might be on your end again.
I have no idea what state the condition of the game was originally but it's worthless now. The only thing it has going for it is customization which has it's own set of problems (you can't do more than a few layers on something without micro transactions) and that's it. The game is trash now and it's funny how people on the GamersFirst forum act as if the game is hot shit.
Not sure how the game is now compared to when i quit but i've heard that it is about the same with less people. The game is still "good" but it would be far better off in the hands of a new company that didn't suck ass.
Also the new game engine will arrive... "soon" as they say AKA 2020..? Maybe