So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

There was only one desert ranger inxthe series ( tycho) and it was a nod to wasteland, Fargo previous post-apo for series. I don't think they were ever intended to become prominent, especially if interplay couldn't acquire the IP.
It is not the same as contradicting main plots or main subplots, like the super-mutants suddenly not needing pure humans to make smart ones, the jet becoming a pre-war drug, the vaults becoming butchery, instead of SOCIAL experiments, or the BOS suddenly worshipping technology instead of protecting people from it, or having the aliens start the war instead of both the usa and china eescalating and so on... those things aren't side events but have big impacts in some installments or the series overall.
It is not the same as contradicting main plots or main subplots, like the super-mutants suddenly not needing pure humans to make smart ones, the jet becoming a pre-war drug, the vaults becoming butchery, instead of SOCIAL experiments, or the BOS suddenly worshipping technology instead of protecting people from it, or having the aliens start the war instead of both the usa and china eescalating and so on... those things aren't side events but have big impacts in some installments or the series overall.