Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

EDIT: no nvm tested in vmware with winxp now, same result.... which map file is umbra's?
Umbra location has two .map files:
tribe01.map and tribe02.map.

Edit: There's also another map related to a quest (from Krom), but you probably don't want that.
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nope removing those dont help. removing tribe1.map helps when rescuing kurisu but then you dont auto travel to umbra and have to walk there but then black screen no matter what I do
nope removing those dont help. removing tribe1.map helps when rescuing kurisu but then you dont auto travel to umbra and have to walk there but then black screen no matter what I do
There is a very obvious reason for why that don't work. when you remove the Den map the game gets the original map from your master.dat file, but as the umbra tribe maps are not original, they are not in that file. Removing those maps will not work cause there are no "backup maps" for the game to find.
Sorry If I post it at the wrong place, but please somebody help! I've encountered a bug (I have WinXP, Fallout 2 version 1.02.31, RP 2.3.3, Sfall 3.3a + widescreen patch). When I enter the ring at San Francisco to run a test against Dragon's apprentices, the game crushes at the moment when the screen fades out while changing opponents (usually happens on 3d - 4th opponent). I tried to disable widescreen fix, but that did not help. I also tried different resolutions, but to no avail.
Hi, I have been out for a long time. Anyway, is there a way to play RP 2.3.3 with the latest Sfall (3.8.1)?

I installed the latest Sfall over RP install, but it gives me a warning with big red letters soon after i start playing (Something about that i should revert back to RP's Sfall before it's too late.)
Just don't overwrite the ddraw.ini.
sfall-readme.txt said:
If you are using a mod that included sfall already (e.g. killap's unofficial patch or RP, etc.) then that mod has probably included a custom modified ddraw.ini. In that case, overwriting it with sfall's vannila ddraw.ini will be likely break your game. Instead, only overwrite ddraw.dll, and keep the mods existing copy of ddraw.ini. (Or, if you know what you're doing, you can merge them together by hand.)
I have one question, and looks like it's just a place to post it.
By the end of the game, when I blow up the computer on the lowest level of oil rig, and defeat Frankie on the entrance level, I have encountered the bug. In the original game, only the door throug which I first entered the Enclave, is operable at this point. You go there, you get the ending movie & slides, you choose whether to play further or not - usuall stuff. In RP, the elevator is added near the lovest (NE) door of the entrance hall, in original game there was only the staircase towards the cell block. I scouted this elevator firt, before entering the cell block, and there is a vertibird pad atop. Was it a restored location, or it might work with the Vertibird unofficial mod somehow (which is not included in RP)? Moreover, after dealind with Frankie, I found out that the NE door still can be opened (in original game it was sealed at this point), which seemed quite logical to me - yeah, I killed all the Enclavers, but I still have to lead my tribe from the cell block either to vertibird, or through the entrance hall to the tanker. But when I use that door, I get the ending movie, and get thrown out to the main menu. Wasn't it supposed to work the way mentioned above, so I could rescue my tribe (in original game it always eluded me, how the hell could they manage to escape to the tanker themselves, considering the fact that after the mainframe is blown up, only then the forcefields in their cells go off, BUT the door to the entrance is sealed and Frankie stands there, and the turrets?!)? Because of all said, I think it is a bug, wich will be wonderful to have fixed by the next update:-)
And also, can somebody tell me what the hell is EPA? After finishing the game i bumped into special encounter with SW characters, got a wonderful blaster from Han Solo, and someone mentioned this EPA, said there's a lot to do there, so I should definitely wisit it. But I've scouted every inch of the map and found no new locations. Was it a bug, or did I do something wrong, or was it just a joke or easter egg of some sort (still I have no idea what could EPA possibly mean)?

P.S. And it always frustrated me, that after seeing such a wonderful ending slide for Arroyo, where the great city and community is built, where I have become the Elder, the only thing I see after returning there is the same f**ng blown up bridge and a sponge of blood where Hakunin died. If they offer me to continue playing after I finish the game, wasn't I supposed to be able to actually see the results of my work?? Considering that my tribe, unlike the Overseer from F1, has absolutely no reason to kick me out - hell, the whole Arroyo and the residents of Vault 13 together must meet me with flowers and red carpets everywhere after what U've done for them! But I only discover the same broken bridge, no Arroyo, and 2 GECKs in my inventory - I wonder what the hell did I get them for, anyway?

P.P.S I thank you Killap, from the bottom of my heart, for doing such a tremendous job on Fallout2! You're the BEST, to say the least! And if you could also do something about what I described in P.S. (I know it's a lot of hard work, would've helped you if I knew how, but still:-)) I would build you a shrine or something!:-)
And also, can somebody tell me what the hell is EPA?
Won't spoil this one for you, so the only hint is that you can't find it by exploring the map on your own. You have to speak to some specific NPCs in order to find more.

P.S. And it always frustrated me, that after seeing such a wonderful ending slide for Arroyo, where the great city and community is built, where I have become the Elder, the only thing I see after returning there is the same f**ng blown up bridge and a sponge of blood where Hakunin died.
You can't expect to find rebuilded Arroyo in the same week you destroyed the rig, right? That's distant future described in the end slides. The tribe needs some time to get there and they'll spend another months just by studying the GECK user manual. :)
Won't spoil this one for you, so the only hint is that you can't find it by exploring the map on your own. You have to speak to some specific NPCs in order to find more.
Thanks, but still if you could give me one last hint, I would be most grateful: are those NPCs from originals, or from those recently added? I hope they are not Hubologists or New Reno bosses (I killed all of them, except for Wrights, I'm their made man)

You can't expect to find rebuilded Arroyo in the same week you destroyed the rig, right? That's distant future described in the end slides. The tribe needs some time to get there and they'll spend another months just by studying the GECK user manual. :)

Well, I'll wait then... actually, never tried to spend a year or so after game ending, so maybe this is just the thing I should do. BTW, it could be an interesting quest line, for an intelligent player well skilled in science and repair, to aid his tribe in understanding and using that GECK somehow:-)

Killap and team, I thank you all over and over again, and there are no words to describe the greatness of your work with RP! May the Source be with you indeed!
Yes, vanilla NPC dialogue lines regarding EPA got unlocked in RP. (Darek wrote detailed walkthrough for RP where you can find every piece of new content summed up, I think that playing on your own is much more satisfying though.)

As for Arroyo, that's the same as Broken Hills - we can see in the end slides that the city would be abandoned eventually, but this is distant future not to be found on any in-game map. Don't wait for it.
I'm just about pulling my hair out. I've been trying to sort this out for days. I used to install and play FO2 and the Restoration Pack easily and without an issue. Yet, now I just can't seem to get things working properly, or at least what I'm trying to. The RP installs properly, or at least seems to, with the main menu message and message on the little rock showing. High res checks out. I can even choose different appearances for my character. The issue seems a little more selective.

I want to do a playthrough where I just use a Lightsaber and the Blaster weapons.

Now, I used to be able to use a FSE2 to add the Lightsaber before even entering the Temple of Trials, and it would work properly. I've tried to do this now on a GOG install and Steam install, re-installing the RP patch with different options selected. I've tried it before the Temple, and after getting the Vault Suit.

The Lightsaber and Blaster can both be added to my inventory, and their icon shows up. Yet, when I stick it in the quickslot my character stops 'rotating'. Then, when I try and 'enter combat' by clicking the icon, my character goes invisible, and shortly after the game crashes with application error. The error remained consistent over installation from the different platforms, and repeated installs with differing options selected.

I don't suppose anyone can offer a solution or help? If someone has a save file with the main questline completed and the Lightsaber in their inventory they could share, it would be appreciated. That way I can rule out the issue being with the save editor (though I have tried several).

I just want to play the game through chopping up bad guys as a wandering Jedi. :(


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Looks like you don't have lightsaber anims for player character installed. Check if there are FRM files with an 'O' as the 7th character in their filenames (e.g. HMCMBTOA.frm) in your DATA\Art\critters.
Looks like you don't have lightsaber anims for player character installed. Check if there are FRM files with an 'O' as the 7th character in their filenames (e.g. HMCMBTOA.frm) in your DATA\Art\critters.

Just had a look, and they seem to be there, including you example file. I really don't get it. I never used to have a problem. Searching with google, TheDarkAss seems to have had the problem in Aug 17 2015, but I don't see any responses, or if s/he came to a solution.

Here is a series of screens preceding the above error. I even had a few seconds to hover over the RP rock before it happened as always.

Edit: Just to double check, I tried to copy the 'art' folder from the manual install zip over my existing install, and I'm afraid no dice. Same error. Is there a specific Save Editor designed to work with RP saves? Just so I can see if it's some sort of save corruption error.

Oddly, with the vault suit the character doesn't disappear, but seems to be holding a wakizashi or 10mm pistol depending if I have the lightsaber or blaster equipped.


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There is no lightsaber anims for tribal appearance. You need to be in vault suit at least. Player's tribal appearance lacks many anims for various types of weapons, so it's better to also give yourself an armor if you want to use other weapons during the temple of trial.
And only armored appearances have "real" lightsaber anims. The knife holding ones for vault suit are merely placeholders to prevent crashing.
There is no lightsaber anims for tribal appearance. You need to be in vault suit at least. Player's tribal appearance lacks many anims for various types of weapons, so it's better to also give yourself an armor if you want to use other weapons during the temple of trial.
And only armored appearances have "real" lightsaber anims. The knife holding ones for vault suit are merely placeholders to prevent crashing.

Huh. Well, I feel silly. Thanks, added some leather armor, and yep. Seems to work fine now. I could have sworn I used it through the Tempe in the tribal garb once before... Oh well. Much appreciated. As there was actually no error there, except one of my own creation, I could have been stumped for quite a while.
Just don't overwrite the ddraw.ini.

Ok. Thanks.

Btw, i just got a special encounter (flashing red thunder inside a circle) called "A band of angry raiders". However there are no raiders in this encounter. Just a cave full of lesser radscorpions. What's so special in this encounter or is it bugged?

Edit: Or is this related to mercenaries cave location (i got it near it)?
That's Kaga special encounter. Nothing important, you can safely continue.
His sidekicks spawns in wrong spot sometimes, so they cannot move or initiate combat mode @killap
Two question:
I play a new game with RP2.3.3 ONLY, however:
1. I cannot enter vault city "core" even I got a fake citizenship, is that normal? I checked the walk-through, I should be able to get there....
2. Is there any unlimited follower mod that works with RP2.3.3??

Two question:
I play a new game with RP2.3.3 ONLY, however:
1. I cannot enter vault city "core" even I got a fake citizenship, is that normal? I checked the walk-through, I should be able to get there....
2. Is there any unlimited follower mod that works with RP2.3.3??
1. Now you have to being a real citizen to enter the Vault.
2. Check burn's FO2tweaks.