Deleted member 93956
Ooooh! You aré part of the problem! Alrighty.Or you get more of the same, which is what plenty of us want.
I'd rather have a dozen mediocore sequels than one game which is done then over.
Ooooh! You aré part of the problem! Alrighty.Or you get more of the same, which is what plenty of us want.
I'd rather have a dozen mediocore sequels than one game which is done then over.
I'd rather have the one good game actually.
So... You don't need games to, eh, BE GOOD GAMES while there are more with the franchise name half-hazardly stapled into it?Yeah and then you're done, you're done, which kind of sucks.
Of course, I find the idea of replaying video games weird.
So... You don't need games to, eh, BE GOOD GAMES while there are more with the franchise name half-hazardly stapled into it?
Again, I like franchises. They don't have to great if they're entertaining. Better to have a long running consistent franchise than try to reinvent the wheel.
I also get pissed off when games change too much between editions.
Okay, okay, I'm dropping it. But that exact thinking in the consumer's side is a big part of what ruins franchises. ME:A? It's the same game! Fo4? The same game but with even less presonality! Call od Duty/Battlefield? Don't make me say it. DS3? Still balldroppingly amazing but could have used some more original stuff.
*Until half of BrotherhoodI think Dead Space 3's problem is it changed and ruined itself by trying not to be an already great series successor. If they just did Dead Space 1 or 2 over again then it would have been great. Basically, no one wants to maintain fidelity to the original concepts and things degrade. Say what you will about AC but until Unity, it was a consistently good product.
*Until half of Brotherhood
And Dead Space changed for the bad, duh. EA being greedy and some other fault from the devs, both appealing to market appeal and pandering to the masses' aparent interest.
Some games need to change at different extents, some don't.
So FIFA must be your favourite franchise then. One a year with only marginal changes between one another, It's perfect!
I'm going to try and ignore that.a consistent release schedule of good solid games would be better, IMHO, than trying to make masterpieces or blockbusters each time.
I can see that... I guess.
I'm going to try and ignore that.
And Phipps, really. You can get like three discounted games for every ""chapter"" of a Telltale game. And those can last you from 1 to 1000 hours, and will be more varied by a 1000%
That's actually another issue I have in the game world as the "gameplay length" is all over the place regardless of price or goals.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided? 10 hours.
Fallout 4? 80-100 hours, which is because I didn't want to play it more.
Mass Effect: Andromeda? 50 hours
Telltale gameplay when it's not the shitty Batman game (a few quirks aside), is 5 bucks for a decent 2-4 hour experience. Which is good money, entertainment wise.
I'd rather have one really good game than a bunch of mediocre titles.
I also don't know why you find the prospect of replaying games weird.
Do you find it weird when you watch the same movie twice?
Or read the same book twice?
Howabout the same song?
Games are a medium, and some are asked to play more than once.
There are franchises I like, but there has to come a time when it's best to move on.
The Halo series was a favorite of mine 10 years ago, now I couldn't care less what happens.
The Metal Gear series is still my favorite series, it just suffered heavily in the last few years.
A franchise is great even if there are bad games. But why would you want sub-par games?
I still consider the Fallout series to be one of the finest in modern gaming, even if two games are sub-par and a spin off which is mind numbingly awful.
Fallout: New Vegas is my favorite Fallout and it's basically just Fallout 3 with slight improvements
Because I loathe the development cycle which games currently exist under that is ruining video games and have driven many franchises into the ground. When I say mediocore, I hope it's clear I mean the fact the constant need of bigger and larger as well as tearing the universe apart. Half-Life 3 never came out for the same reason Duke Nukem became the quagmire it was, the belief the game had to be the biggest thing ever that prevented a small ordinary sequel cranked out for fans.