You mean
incomplete "evidence", as has been proven by the encounter with the Legion in Nipton? Most Recruit Legionaries in Nipton were armed only with machetes, and even Vulpes Inculta, the leader of the frumentarii in Caesar's Legion, was armed only with the Ripper, a close-range melee weapon. Plus, they wore their ridiculous football "armor". Look at
the video again.
I posted about the Nipton Recruits (raiders) on the second post that I already quoted once and will now quote again:
Ah! Found them.
The ones with only Machetes are Legion Raiders, and their weapons are dependent on player level, once the player hits the level 16 all of the Legion Raiders gain a ranged weapon (16 they gain a caravan shotgun and 21 they gain a cowboy repeater), some of the lower levels also get throwing spears. Also some gain a single shotgun, I think those gain it at player level 11.
This is made for balance since the player is expected to be lower level by the time he finds those Legion Raiders (like in Nipton). If they had caravan shotguns or cowboy repeaters by then when the player will be around level 10 or if it rushes even lower and with weak equipment (specially if it rushes), then the player wouldn't stand much of a chance on vanilla Fallout New Vegas (4 legion soldiers shooting at the player plus Vulpes slashing with a Ripper = dead player fast).
Also it is worth pointing out that these are named Legionary Raider and not Legionary Recruit. The raiders are like the low of the lowest that are sent into the wastes with the bare minimum (as not to waste resources in case they get killed while making them stronger and more experienced to be placed as recruits and fight in the wars) to scavenge or raid caravans and locations that have no defenses, they are not to be used in a battle front during the war.
They will have guns depending on the PC level, and i also explained why they have only melee ones at the start, so the player has a chance (it's called balancing the game). In that video the PC is level 5, it is using the Courier's Stash weapons (which give a edge at low levels), bombed the enemies with the mercenary grenade rifle before engaging them, has the perks every level mod and still almost died a couple of times and had to use stimpaks to keep himself alive

. That is how tough the Legion raiders are, the player even used a service rifle and didn't dent them much and had to change to a cowboy repeater (which shows it to be the superior weapon), on VATS 5 shots of the service rifle (which would consume all of the PC's AP) deals less damage than 2 shots of the cowboy repeater (which would consume only 1/3 of the PC's AP because he can actually shoot 3 times in VATS with the cowboy repeater).
Also, I like how you totally ignored on that video one of the
Legion soldiers uses a shotgun, which actually serves as proof against your arguments that they only have machetes. I guess the PC level affects the weapons but there is still a small chance they will spawn with guns.
So thanks for the video that actually proves what I have been saying about the Legion in Nipton having guns (even at PC level 5) and that the cowboy repeater is actually balanced against the service rifle, which thanks to that video we can see it is actually superior

The NCR, however, offers superior firearm training and equipment to its troops.
Have you played the game?

It is explicitly said ingame that the NCR doesn't train their troopers more than two weeks of basic training anymore. "Former Staff sergeant, third platoon of Bravo Company: (...)
I don't know what else the brass expects... half these kids don't get more than two weeks of training before they ship 'em out here."
It is explicitly said ingame that the NCR is badly equipped and even has logistical problems. "The Courier:
"NCR doesn't have the caps to outfit their troops?"
Arms merchant:
"Vegas is bleeding us dry. We're tossing caps at a hundred different problems, while Caesar bides his time and lets us wear ourselves out. This war is gonna bankrupt the NCR, unless we finish off the Legion fast and dirty. We shouldn't be perched up at the Dam - we ought to be crossing the Colorado and sticking a boot up Caesar's ass."
It is said explicitly ingame that many of the Legion soldiers are trained from birth and get superior training... "The Courier:
"You mentioned that they were in good shape?"
Cassandra Moore:
"Yes, extremely so. They must use conditioning routines on par with the rangers, or better. Their soldiers can run near half again as fast as my best men, and close distances with frightening speed. And they're as strong as they are fast. Their superior physicality makes them extremely dangerous up close, so I've had the men run drills for taking on larger, stronger opponents. But they've all been instructed to take them down at range, if possible. I've made it clear I don't want any heroes in my squad, just survivors."
"The Courier:
"I understand."
"Good. But for her to trust you to re-enter the room, she'll need to believe you've been doing what she expects of you. You'll need to punch me until I'm bleeding and weak. Go on. This is nothing compared to the Legion's training."
"The Courier:
"What kind of weapons do they use?"
Cassandra Moore:
"Their standard kit seems to be a blade of some sort and light armor. Guns are not uncommon, but are of questionable condition. While they prefer to use their blades, it's common for them to scavenge better weapons from their enemies and use those. The men have been told to toss their weapons over the side of the dam if they receive a fatal wound, but I doubt many will remember."
No, it is a fact because it is verifiable within the game: start a new character, make your way to Nipton and see for yourself.
See my first point. It is definitely not a fact. Please don't close your eyes to actual facts.
Plus, the NCR has radios (moreso than the Legion because of the emergency radio) and access to Vertibirds.
Since you like to quote wikia so much:
"The NCR has very limited airpower, possessing a small fleet of captured Vertibirds reserved for political VIP's, with at least one Vertibird named "Bear Force One" reserved as the president's personal vehicle."
They have only a few vertibirds, they don't have any fueling station in the Mojave, they only use those vertibirds for political VIPs. Basically they are transport vehicles.
Even with supposedly being "overstretched", the NCR is still able to build military outposts across the Mojave, and men them with troopers equipped with professional military-grade armor/uniforms and, in most cases, military-grade firearms.
Fallout Wiki: NCR Army
Their large numbers mean the troopers utilize mass produced equipment made from durable materials that perform reliably and can survive harsh treatment. . . . It is superior to equipment employed by most adversaries of the NCR, namely raiders, nomadic tribes or the numerous recruit legionaries of Caesar. . . .
The NCR still has large numbers and superior equipment. Being "overstretched" also means having a larger presence in the Mojave. Combined with the NCR radios (including emergency radios), it also provides for better logistics.
Fallout Wiki: Caesar's Legion
The most inexperienced of them, recruits . . . , wear the simplest of garments and are usually marched in the front line.
You can only throw so many poorly equipped and inexperienced recruits against a relatively modern military in fortified positions before running out, especially when you still have to prepare for a massive battle at Hoover Dam. Despite the Legion supposedly having "bodies to spare", NCR still has large numbers and a larger presence in the Mojave, with superior equipment, including emergency radios and access to Vertibirds.
Finally, the game's portrayal of Caesar's Legion goes against what is known about the historical Roman Legion, including its battlefield strategies.
Their posts were mostly pre-war military camps or other facilities they took over. Also as I experienced in the army, building a camp like the ones we see (a few tents and sandbag barriers/cover) takes less than one day to make with a force of 5 soldiers. Hell, 3 guys can mount a military command tent in less than 3 minutes and if they follow regulations they will have it all set up (with all the equipment) and ready to use in less than 15 minutes.
Also the Legion also managed to make camps: "The NCR initially had great success in the Mojave Wasteland, setting up several bases and even an embassy on The Strip. The front line of the new conflict between the NCR and Caesar's Legion moved towards the Colorado River. The Legion attacked the NCR with its full strength during the First Battle of Hoover Dam. The NCR was forced to retreat, but lured the Legion into a trap at Boulder City and was able to retake the Dam. After their defeat, the Legion regularly conducted raids on the west side of the Colorado, even creating permanent bases at Cottonwood Cove and sacking towns like Nipton and Nelson with little response from the NCR."
You do realize that professional military grade equipment sucks, all the armies in the world have a large majority of their troops equipped with the basic equipment because that one is cheap and fast to build. Only a small fraction of the army will have access to the quality equipment (usually the special forces). The NCR Heavy Troopers get the professional military grade quality equipment, not the troopers.
Again, the video you posted showed how bad the service rifle is compared to a cowboy repeater (being used by a person with the same skill on both weapons).
The overstretched means exactly the opposite of what you said there. They are overstretched not because they are everywhere in the Mojave (which they are not) but because they sent many of their forces to the other territories they expanded to. The Mojave only gets a fraction of the active troops.
The NCR in the Mojave also has logistics problems, the Courier even has a few side quests to go and request the proper equipment to be delivered in the proper camps, and also side quests to look for the equipment or supplies himself and deliver them to camps.
Wrong, again!
Legion Raider = Recruit Legionary
Gaining a firearm at higher levels corresponds to the Legionaries having to scavenge weapons.
It is not wrong and doesn't correspond to them scavenging anything, it is the inner works of the game and it was made for balance. The Nipton ones are the only ones that start without ranged guns (although your video proved that hey can have them anyway). If the player reaches Nipton at level 5 against 6 enemies with guns, the player is dead fast (again your video shows that only one with a gun and 5 with melee already kill the player easy, even though the player is better equipped and much stronger because he has the courier's stash dlc and got perks every level, if no stimpaks are taken and almost kill the player even with the use of several stimpaks, the player in your video only has 5 stimpaks left after defeating the enemies and he got 5 for free from the courier's stash, so the average player without the pre-order DLC when the game was released would have 0).
Also the GECK shows that Recruit Legionary =/= from Recruit Raider. Recruit Raiders are only used in that encounter in Nipton, no where else in the game they appear. Recruit Legionary are different NPCs with different forms and lists from the Legion Raiders.
Since you like the wikia so much, even the wikia has the different stats between the Recruit and the Raiders.
Again, there is no margin for doubts because the GECK shows it perfectly how it is.
That alone doesn't explain their success against the NCR, considering other factors taken into account and mentioned above.
It actually explains their success against the NCR considering everything the game shows and tells you explicitly. The Legion Soldiers are stronger and have better equipment except for the armor (which has 4 less DT). The rest they have the advantage.
Look at the stats between both a Trooper and a Recruit and you will see how much better the recruits are:
Trooper's HP: 50
Recruit's HP: 95 (almost twice as much)
Troopers Skills: Melee Weapons: 46, Guns: 46
Recruit Skills: Melee Weapons: 48, Guns:46
How can you say that the Legion Recruits are inferior?
Then the number of Legion soldiers which exceed the NCR by a lot, it all explains the success against the NCR quite well.
Again, the game tells us (in the "code" and in the actual game) without a doubt who is stronger.
Fallout Wiki: Don't Tread on the Bear!
Little escapes the eyes of NCR Rangers. If you continue to work with Caesar's Legion, the NCR will brand you a terrorist.
That doesn't sound like "NCR simply can't counteract that."
It is also known that NCR does have informant networks and spies in general.
Fallout Wiki: Thomas Moore
In reality, Thomas Moore is an undercover NCR agent gathering intelligence on Vault City and smuggling its technology outside.
Fallout: New Vegas, the NCR also works with Van Graffs to trick the Legion into an ambush in "
Birds of a Feather".
In the quest "
Eye for an Eye", the NCR's First Sergeant Astor asks the Courier to collect intel on the Legion troop movements, raids and to plant a bug in their radio at Cottonwood Cove. Therefore, given the chance, the NCR does, in fact, employ spy tactics against the Legion.
Also, the
dialogue with Martina Groesbeck has one of the dumbest lines for the Courier to say:
Courier: You work with the NCR? It was the Legion who sent me to protect you.
Martina Groesbeck: What? I only talk to Captain Curtis over at McCarran. I would never work with slavers. Honest.
Why would the Courier blow his or her cover like that? Yet, the dialogue line triggers the Legion quest titled "
I Put a Spell on You". What a terrible writing!
There were Legionaries in Nipton, going against the cause, which Vulpes Inculta describes as "men of the Legion such as myself."
You are quoting things that have nothing to do with the Mojave war, the vault city thing for example, the other things are the player's intervention which can go both ways so that can't be used as proof of what is happening in the war, no player actions on Fallout New Vegas are considered canon yet (and I doubt they will ever be since it's been so long and no canon was declared by Bethesda on which ending is the canon one).
You have the Van Graffs example but again taat doesn't show spies, it shows that the NCR made an ambush (which they are known to do because that was how they gained the battle of Hoover Dam), ambush =/= spy. For all we know the Van Graffs told the NCR that the Legion was interested in obtaining energy weapons and the NCR told them to set up a meeting where they would kill the legion. I don't see any spy work in that.
Basically your examples are things that happened decades ago when the NCR were in their infancy and things the player can do or say. While in the Legion's case we actually meet several spies, the train gets exploded without player's intervention, the Khans will join the Legion, etc.
How many Legion quests are there that involve successfully gathering intel from the NCR prisoners? Because the NCR has at least one Legion prisoner intel quest at Camp McCarran.
That because the Legion beats up and make the prisoners slaves, then they make them fight in the arena. They get all the info by torture and pain and even if they get nothing, they throw the prisoners in the arena to die. Also I doubt troopers would know many things that the legion would want to know. And to finish, the NCR captured a spy because the Legion actually uses spies.
There were Legionaries in Nipton, going against the cause, which Vulpes Inculta describes as "men of the Legion such as myself."
Great way of taking the things out of context, he never said there were Legion people going against the cause and we see no Legion People bodies either, while we see NCR, Powder Ganger and towns people bodies. Vulpes Inculta means that Nipton was wicked because they would do business with anyone, either powder gangers, NCR or even himself. And he means that because they agreed to set the trap for the Legion because Vulpes Inculta paid them.
Here is the full excerpt:
Nipton was a wicked place, debased and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid. Profligate troops, Powder Gangers, men of the Legion such as myself - the people here didn't care. It was a town of whores. For a pittance, the town agreed to lead those it had sheltered into a trap. Only when I sprang it did they realize they were caught inside it, too."
See? He says that they agreed to set the trap because he paid them, that is what he means by them "serving Legion people like himself".
That's two-to-three weeks of intense training with superior equipment.
Fallout Wiki: Recruit Legionary
These Legionaries are better trained than the average NCR trooper when it comes to sheer conditioning and hand to hand combat. The NCR, however, offers superior firearm training and equipment to its troops.
Again, the equipment is not superior, look at the video you posted, you will see that the service rifle is worst against Legion Troops than a Cowboy Repeater.
Also have you been in the army? I can tell you that even one month is not enough to do even a basic military training, they were not training only in how to use their equipment, they have to get training on how rank works, how the chain of command works, how to maintain and take care of their equipment, physical training (this one will be what they will spend most of their time doing), how to operate and use radios and all the radio code, phonetic alphabet, etc. In my country the basic military training goes for 6 months. And that is just the basic things.
And once again I point out that the training the Legion gets make them have the same skill at using guns and better skill at using melee weapons than the NCR trooper, also due to the tough training the Legion recruits have almost twice as much HP.
I keep repeating myself and this post is taking already more than one hour to type so I am getting tired. But I will try to still continue.
According to the game's lore, the NCR won the first battle for Hoover Dam without the Courier's help.
Otherwise, it is nonsensical writing given the Legion and the NCR lore-wise military capabilities.
It actually lost the battle and had to retreat, they only won because they lured the Legion into Boulder City where an ambush was laid. So they even show in the lore that without that ambush, the NCR would have lost.
The Legion now is prepared to not fall for another of those ambushes though.
Most of the time, this Recruit Legionary ambush party cannot even take on a travelling merchant caravan, especially considering the element of surprise:
That is not most of the time, that was once. And you can see that the game bugged, the Legion soldiers got stuck at the start, one of them just stands there looking in the opposite direction, another gets stuck in a rock for a while, also they don't seem to attack much even when getting close and I am sure one kills another with a throwing spear in his back. And also we have no idea if that video used any mods or not, the weapons seem to be causing a lot of damage and the Brahmin is glitched in a way i never seen in the actual game. Also that video was taken less than one year after the game was released, when there were still a couple of patches coming up for the game.