So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Caesar: Is staying in his tent, not involved in battles. Caesar obviously would know how to use guns if it were necessary, due to the fact that he literally trained the Blackfoot Tribe in firearm usage.
- Caesar: No firearm.
- Legate Lanius: No firearm.
- Lucius: No firearm.
- Vulpes Inculta: No firearm.
Legate Lanius: Has (likely) bullet-proof armour.
Lucius: Is a Praetorian Guard. It is literally explained in-game that Praetorian Guard's train with unarmed so even if disarmed of there power fists they will be able to restrain attackers.
Vulpes Inculta: Is a Frumentarii. He is literally a spy for Caesar's Legion. He doesn't actually fight on the frontlines.
Literally not part of the Legion.
- Salt-Upon-Wounds ("Honest Hearts" DLC): No firearm.
It must be very difficult to train dogs without using firearms.
- Antony: No firearm.
Karl: Is acting as a diplomat to the Great Khans. If someone from Caesar's Legion visited your gang, you'd probably be uncomfortable with them having firearms.
- Karl: No firearm.
- Atticus: No firearm.
Atticus: While he may not have a firearm on his body, he is literally in a safehouse full of weapons. Invaders come along, he could easily pick one up and start firing.
Yeah, Leather Armour is very crappy isn't it. It's not like it's easy to mass produce and would provide a very simple layer of protection.The bulk of Caesar's Legion wears some form of repurposed sports equipment, ridiculously made to resemble lorica segmentata.
Notice how this wiki page has only 2 citations on it, both of which are from the Fallout Bible.Army
The New California Republic's military is [Snip]
That thing about a "trainining regimen" in the wiki-page is not only unverified, but there is literally evidence in-game to suggest otherwise(The Squad from Flags up our Fouls quite literally has had no proper training). It is made a big-deal of that the NCR is dragging in people with little to no training just to bulk up numbers.