Why is Skyrim so liked and what is there even to do?

The roleplay may be mostly in your head with Skyrim but that freedom is there and that's part of why Fallout 1 and 2 were so awesome.
Uh... that sounds like an odd conclusion to make for your sentence.

I was following what you're trying to say though I must comment that the part on Fallout 1 and 2 is unnecessary for the statement.
I understand but do you understand why people like me love it?

Because that goes both ways.

The roleplay may be mostly in your head with Skyrim but that freedom is there and that's part of why Fallout 1 and 2 were so awesome.
Yeah, but in Fallout 1/2 the roleplaying was also in the game. It's a bit like comparing a D&D campaign with playing with GI Joe dolls.
Ah, yes, the "Casual" insult.

*finger wag*


As if a game shouldn't just be fun.
I didn't call you a casual. I called Skyrim a casual game.

Or maybe you take offense that I called Skyrim a casual game? Jesus, do you really don't have anything else to say than take offense? Instead, try to convince me that Skyrim isn't a casual game.
I didn't call you a casual. I called Skyrim a casual game.

Or maybe you take offense that I called Skyrim a casual game? Jesus, do you really don't have anything else to say than take offense? Instead, try to convince me that Skyrim isn't a casual game.

Let me clarify that I don't think being casual game is an insult. :)
Skryim (vanilla) is little more than a zombie smasher dragon slayer game, not much else in it.
Been playing Morrowind with mods. I say Skyrim can suck my dick. I don't care how fancy the combat can get. I don't know why I bounced off that game so hard. Must be pure hate.
There is lots to do:
Install mods, install Script Extenders, those alone can take you hours. Very worth the 5 dollars it sold for on the Steam Sale.
I found it fun. Not engaging and awesome in the same way as New Vegas, but a bit of a medieval, swords 'n spells power fantasy is a guilty pleasure I can enjoy from time to time.
Because it's awesome and fun!

Beautiful people, beautiful scenery, lovely world-building, fun gameplay, and a great dungeons and dragons-esque experience.

I have to admit I do like the scenery, but out of everything in the game I'd say the soundtrack is probably the best part for me.

I enjoyed Skyrim when I first got it, but now it's another one of those games that I really couldn't get into again beyond create a new character, screw around for a bit then stop playing it for several years.

I understand but do you understand why people like me love it?

Because that goes both ways.

The roleplay may be mostly in your head with Skyrim but that freedom is there and that's part of why Fallout 1 and 2 were so awesome.

Too much freedom can be a bad thing though. The Dragonborn can be the head of several major guilds, kill the Emperor whilst serving the Legion and get involved with various Daedric Princes (which is explained a bit but still) and suffer NO consequences. Whereas in Fallout 1 and 2 certain actions and paths you take will lock you out of others. Become a slaver? Well you're going to have a tough time playing Fallout 2. Dumb as a rock? Better pack some Mentats or you'll have a hard time talking to...anyone really.
Too much freedom can be a bad thing though. The Dragonborn can be the head of several major guilds, kill the Emperor whilst serving the Legion and get involved with various Daedric Princes (which is explained a bit but still) and suffer NO consequences. Whereas in Fallout 1 and 2 certain actions and paths you take will lock you out of others. Become a slaver? Well you're going to have a tough time playing Fallout 2. Dumb as a rock? Better pack some Mentats or you'll have a hard time talking to...anyone really.

That for me is the nature of the "toolkit" part of Skyrim in that you write your own story to a large extent. While you may balk at the idea of killing the Emperor then serving the Legion, I actually did that as a roleplaying story. For me, it was about the fact he hated the Emperor for surrendering to the Thalmor and getting his family killed, only to be stunned by the Emperor's courage at death and deciding to preserve the Empire post-mortem. Also, in this universe, you actually have the option of not being known as the guy who does certain stuff. Skyrim is large enough of a game you don't ever have to be a "completitionist" to get your value out of the game as you can make a character up, have him solely do the Thieves' Guild sidequest and it's an entirely complete game on its own. Ditto the Dark Brotherhood.

it's like a single player MMO.
Played Skyrim soon as it got out. Completely ignored main quest. Walked aroundm entering locations at random. After a dozen hours or so I could mop the floor with dragons.

Best hiking simulator 10/10 would hike again.
Played Skyrim soon as it got out. Completely ignored main quest. Walked aroundm entering locations at random. After a dozen hours or so I could mop the floor with dragons.

Best hiking simulator 10/10 would hike again.

I think it's closer to a simulator of a virtual character playing xBox 360 Kinect games or something. Because I remember only a few things from the game.... and that is the Dragonborn jumping, running and swinging weird things in his hands.
No idea why people still enjoy the game, everything in terms of combat, dialogue and overall roleplay mechanics sucked ass. Melee was boring with shitty execution animations, no real exciting gore, 2-handed weapons were absolutely terrible and with how the AI would abuse the attack animations (If you blocked an attack and then riposte with the 2-hander, the AI would still have a chance to instantly block, and WITH a 2-hander, would riposte unbelievably fast where you can't even block in time), Shield was useless with how armor rating worked, Dual wielding was OP in melee. Archery was meh and magic, the most interesting branch in the game, is left with pretty disappointing results. It's a no wonder people made Magic mods so damn much.
uh, everyone played it or has seen someone play it at one point.

people like dragons and swords and pretty magic

people also like swinging swords and shooting arrows and stuff

just like other games, is p fun 4 other people
Skyrim failed to deliver a decent pay off for all of its numerous flaws. Its main quest is inexcusable. I realized that I only put up with it because I expected a good main quest and a good ending. From start to finish, the main quest is terrible and there basically is no ending.
Skyrim is a solid action and dungeon crawling game
Combat is literally spamming things till they die. There is no method to it.

Every dungeon is pretty identical, and has stupid puzzles and is probably filled with Draugr.

A good action game requires good combat mechanics, and a good dungeon crawling game requires interesting and unique dungeons.