Why is Skyrim so liked and what is there even to do?

Anyway, all this talk about Morrowind made me nostalgic, so I dug up my old disk and reinstalled it.
It's a good entry-level, "baby's first" RPG. The simplicity of it's systems can be a great entry point to the genre, while other systems aren't quite so dumbed down that they seem Mystic Quest levels of pandering.
It's a good entry-level, "baby's first" RPG. The simplicity of it's systems can be a great entry point to the genre, while other systems aren't quite so dumbed down that they seem Mystic Quest levels of pandering.

Its kinda sad when I consider games like Dwarf Fortress and Fallout 1-2 'medium difficulty at best', and we're expected that games like Skyrim should be a 'starting RPG' for people. DX

Christ, next we'll devolve to Pong to be the next 'starter darksouls' game.
I'll admit that i enjoyed the game when i first played it which was at release back in 2011. But even after two full playthroughs, i found the game extremely forgettable because seriously, i barely remember anybody from the game.

Then i started to play open world games with far more roleplaying elements and better combat, now i hate it. Fallout New Vegas is probably the main reason that made me despise Skyrim. I tried to replay Skyrim recently and found it dull as hell.

I'm not gonna say New Vegas is super deep in terms of combat but i like the limb system, where i can pick limbs to cripple to make enemies weaker like crippling Cazador's wings to make them stop flying and cripple Deathclaws's legs to make them walk slower (Deathclaw Mothers still run way too fast even crippled). Skyrim has no strategy in combat whatsoever, it's just two rocks grinding at each other until one breaks.

The story and characters are so damn boring and dull that it just bores me. Hardly any decisions during quests with the only significant one being that you can permanently destroy the Dark Brotherhood. I would have liked more of these, please. The Civil war between the Imperials and Nords has hardly any effect in the world except which Jarls are in charge of the cities.

I'm honestly never touching this game ever again and if this is an indication of what is coming next for this series. i'm just going to stop playing it altogether.
I mean I think thats the problem with skyrim that followed onto fallout 4. The PC can be everything. They cna be good be bad it does't matter. The can be head of all the guilds and be military leader for the storm cloaks while robig with the thevies guild. I just dont get it the same sort of issues followed into fallout 4 where you could pretty much be freinds with everyone up-towards a certain point. Nothing is locked out and in both skyrim and fallout 4 there no level cap so the player can get infinitely strong. It just becomes silly really ......
Well, modern Bethesda games idea of 'good and evil' is basically 'you can be hitler or jesus christ'. DX
Its kinda sad when I consider games like Dwarf Fortress and Fallout 1-2 'medium difficulty at best'.


Fallout 1 isn't so bad (it's actually quite accessible, barring some random encounters with radscorpions) but Fallout 2? Hell no! And Dwarf Fortress? That game is about as accessible as Fort Knox, both in the Adventure mode and in the Fortress mode. I would never expect a total newcomer to the genre to "get" Fallout 2 or DF.

Fallout 1 isn't so bad (it's actually quite accessible, barring some random encounters with radscorpions) but Fallout 2? Hell no! And Dwarf Fortress? That game is about as accessible as Fort Knox, both in the Adventure mode and in the Fortress mode. I would never expect a total newcomer to the genre to "get" Fallout 2 or DF.

I managed to get into those, hell, DF is piss easy really.

Either I am super-aryan-gamer, or everyone else had lobotomies.

B-But they're not hard!

DF is almost impossible to lose, and only the Enclave are annoying to kill!

F2 has an easy endgame, but the early game is a pain in the ass, doubly so if you're going in blind. It's got a massive learning curve. DF is alright once you get used to it, but that's just it; it's a pain in the ass to get used to. Difficulty isn't the problem so much as accessibility (though a lack of the latter tends to lead to an increase in the former.) Neither game is particularly accessible, which is vital for newcomers. That's why I suggest for newcomers to the genre to test the waters with games like Skyrim and New Vegas. They're infinitely more accessible and can teach newcomers about the quirks of the genre.
F2 has an easy endgame, but the early game is a pain in the ass, doubly so if you're going in blind. It's got a massive learning curve. DF is alright once you get used to it, but that's just it; it's a pain in the ass to get used to. Difficulty isn't the problem so much as accessibility (though a lack of the latter tends to lead to an increase in the former.) Neither game is particularly accessible, which is vital for newcomers. That's why I suggest for newcomers to the genre to test the waters with games like Skyrim and New Vegas. They're infinitely more accessible and can teach newcomers about the quirks of the genre.

I found Fallout 2 endgame harder, enclave crits basically instagib you, while starting enemies can barely dent you if you leg it.
I managed to get into those, hell, DF is piss easy really.

Either I am super-aryan-gamer, or everyone else had lobotomies.
I agree with you here, Fallout 2 is super easy. I honestly have no idea what Ben is talking about.

You just need to learn to run away from fights you can't handle, and build your character right. I genuinely do not see how anyone could possibly find it difficult.