That reminds me actually, of someone that was round here, at least they used to be. Everybody knew him either as 'market dave' or else 'oi man' (because his response to everything (and frequently nothing and nobody) was something along the lines of 'OI! FUCK OFF!'. A rag-and-bone man, pushing his handcart everywhere. Thing was, he was apparently stinking rich, when he died, and he had a house and lived in it, but pretty hobo-ish.
Unfortunately, he was singled out for the worst of people's brutality. No, not people, chavs (big difference there, the average pikey tosser might just pass for mammalian, if not simian, but definitely NOT as 'people') and teen gangs of pikey trash, one of them the same as tried to off me as a kid, and the same as responsible for my joint problems now, or partially (stamped repeatedly on my kneecap, same one as I'd had recently before, to go to hospital about after falling on a spike of broken sheet glass and had it go through the patellar tendon and into the joint, and to limp home after pulling it out and breaking the larger piece off, that was weighing down on the joint as I couldn't get it all out, while I was recovering, shortly after I'd recovered enough to be able to walk again)
And eventually, after years of this same pack of subhuman offal and dog shit tormenting him, bricking his windows, following him and throwing things, attacks in groups like a pack of jackals some of them ended up battering him so badly that they beat him to death. I'd like to think that at least a few of them felt what was probably an iron-fisted knuckle sandwich, because whilst he was a rangy bugger, and somewhat old, he wasn't geriatric old just grizzled and old, and from pushing that twisted steel cable is skinny, and getting punched by him would probably be like being smacked by a boxing glove made out of lead and gristle, and he'd almost certainly have had a piece of metal pipe I should think, and would have fought back.
But yeah, a mob of pikey charver trash ended up murdering him several years back.
Would definitely have taken him for a hobo, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd actually SEEN his house, and tried a couple of times I'd seen the shitheads start to accumulate around there throwing stuff at his house windows and making with the abuse (got to admit, there were moments that I wish I'd have taken my homemade grenade launcher out with me, when I'd seen them at it, because I'd have used it for more than typical kids stuff buggering about, and blown a few of them to hell if I'd had reason to carry it around that area, or rather, realized I had reason to)
That really would have been immensely satisfying, to pump a couple of HE concussion grenades or phosphorus shells into the middle of the crowd (as a kid, I'd built a grenade launcher for, well, shits and giggles really. Never used it in anger against people, just for your typical high-jinx that kids get up to when not under the oversight of their parents. But I think I would have in the case of these arseholes, they were relentless in tormenting the poor bastard.
Granted he wasn't the nicest person in the world, but he was harmless. Just scruffy and immensely vulgar. But he didn't need a person present to be coarse and offensive in language, he was just vulgar, full stop, he'd mutter strings of profanity at thin air just as soon as he'd tell someone to go fuck their mothers, fathers, both, or just about anything, dead or alive with a cunt or chocolate starfish. Made him come off as an arse alright, but not a dangerous arse, I think he might have had tourettes, perhaps, from the way he'd start swearing at nobody in particular, and people that knew of him would have known that he'd swear at nothing just as soon as he'd swear at people nearby. Might not have been swearing at them even, just, well, being a vulgar little git.
Guy was the epitome of 'steptoe' in the sitcom steptoe and son-an Ambulant lump of gristle and coagulated profanity, looked like what you might obtained if one used liquid nitrogen to condense a dewar full of morning-after flatulence from every greasy arab-run donner kebab shop, every prawn curry and every meatball hoagie and every pet cat or dog's fish-based catfood and any dogfood based fart passed in six months in the UK, distilled it down to the 5% foulest, most rancid, oleaginous, wallpaper-stripperesque corrosive stinkers and frozen that with liquid He around a stick, to create something shaped like an ice cream but more like a cacodyl version of a jagerbomb floated in a pint of pus and fermented urine in practice, served in a cryogenically shock-frozen cut-out rectum with a cork superglued in the sphincter to create an arse-based meat-tankard.
But he really didn't deserve the way he was hounded by that pack of jackals, to have stones and bricks thrown at him and his house. Or to get battered to death. IIRC he was stabbed as well to finish him off although I'm not 100% on that. Told to fuck off right back at him sure, when he was gobbing off and shouting 'OI! OI!' at passersby. But not beaten to death and AFAIK shanked after years of persecution. Nobody ever got prosecuted for it either, those who know, obviously kept their mouths shut, and if there were any witnesses they either didn't come forth or were silenced. I know the group I very strongly suspect did it, but all I'd have to back it is the accusation based on the way they treated him in the past. Nothing to prove it, as I wasn't there. But I've got my suspicions. And I owe several of them a broken bottle or a sock full of rocks and gravel in the face. Given one of them a battering but not yet seen all of them again in a position where I can take them on in ones and twoes (not for an unfoundable accusation, but because the same cockeaters left ME with a crippled knee and bad hips by my late teens, so I do have a valid personal reason to introduce their teeth to a pair of pliers)
As for you serifan, 'probably never amount to anything, making me a worthless piece of shit', sorry but I already have. I'm a self-employed chemist, and in the past have been selfemployed making guitar parts, turning out the parts for truss rods for guitar and bass necks on the lathe, brazing them together etc. and selling them in batches to a guitar maker, to supplement the disability income (which contrary to what they claim is what the law says someone needs to live on, amounts to way, way less than would take to rent a place, less than it would be to run a car if I could drive (I can't, for health reasons, seizures rule that out, before you ascribe that to some imaginary fault of mine), and wouldn't pay bills either. You couldn't do any ONE of those things, its about enough to pay for food, but thats it, and simply eating and shitting what you eat out after isn't living, it would be maintaining biological function, not living)
But I'm an autodidact who taught themselves their scientific skills and I'd say, whilst surely there are those better at it than I, I am nowhere close to being the worst at it either. Run my own lab, thats kitted out with equipment worth a good many thousands of pounds and since I am my own boss I can have free choice in what I work on, no constraints in that sense which is good.
And no oversight either, which is even better. My overheads are low, in that a chemist can start with more basic supplies and use them to create far more valuable and costly items for those willing to pay for them, and where precursors available by the kilogram at tens to hundreds of quid per kg can be used to make the refined end products at that per gram, tens of grams, 100s of grams etc. could go for hundreds for a couple of grams, for fine chemicals, especially for things like catalysts and for biologically active compounds.
And 'spastic'? fuck the whore that shit your mongrel mother out of Tartarus 6-7 months after her anal gangrape. First of all, I'm nothing of the kind. And more importantly, those who are mentally retarded, they have the right not to be written off, not to be demeaned as garbage, or to have their beings and name used by the likes of some jumped up neurotypical POS like you to insult people by comparison. People with MR are just that.
PEOPLE, who deserve dignity, compassion, and for those who seek it, and find it, are entitled just as much as I am to receive friendship, love, passion and kindness. Not to be viewed as if they were the real world equivalent of the ghouls of the fallout series. You aren't fit to lick dog shit off my boots if I get the soles covered in it as a result of kicking you in the face, so what the fuck makes you think you are better than those with MR? hell, there are MR ex g/f's of mine who would gladly knock you into the stone age where you belong. Or the early chalcolithic, if you got lucky, if they were to hear you speak like that. Assuming I wasn't there at the time to hear it of course. Because that would get you far, far worse than they'd mete out.
And if you didn't know (which is probable IMO, especially considering what a smug, thick skulled sack of dog waste you have proven to be so far), there are plenty auties, aspies who would view you in the exact same light, just because you're an NT. I might not be one of the more rabid autistic supremacists who thinks they are better than you as some piece of neurotypical trash. They give the rest of us a bad name. But you are a piece of trash and I'm certainly both autistic and unlike you, not a subhuman mound of dung who needs to be raped, killed and raped again. But not because you are an NT, its because you are a knuckledragging mouth-breather who lacks the intellect to breathe and shit at the same time, and who makes the ideal poster manchild for legalizing retrospective post-natal abortions. ,