This ghoul has seen it all

Bethesda games barely work when they are purely single player. Imagine the shitshow it's gonna be with an always online one.
We kinda got that with Elder Scrolls Online. You know. The horrible, horrible abomination that was belched forth from fiery oblivion after gestating in Todd Howard's deep, dank asshole for far too long for the finished product to be as horrible as it was.Bethesda games barely work when they are purely single player. Imagine the shitshow it's gonna be with an always online one.
I mean, whenever a Fallout 3 fan tries to bring up "laws" in any non Bethesda Fallout game, you can be 100% sure they haven't played them anyway and ignore them.
Of course their plan would work.And the Enclave's plan had a much better chance of working than the Master's.
I am not so sure about that. Using FEV to kill all living mutants (even slightly irradiated humans) would mean that it would kill all animal life too, and probably most or all plant life, since they are mutated and irradiated too...Of course their plan would work.
Mass genocide via airborne toxins is always easier than mass mutation of the entire human populace.
I only agreed that their plan is more easier to pull off.I am not so sure about that. Using FEV to kill all living mutants (even slightly irradiated humans) would mean that it would kill all animal life too, and probably most or all plant life, since they are mutated and irradiated too...
Without any animals or plants, what would the Enclave eat? Rocks?
we need a Virgin Vault Dweller vs. Chad Super Mutant meme
I mean, there are people here that bought F4. Not many... and none had anything positive to say... but Bethesda doesn't care if you dislike the product. They only care to hype up their next one to get your money. Sigh.
You are very naive, aren't you?
94% of NMAers bought FO4 at some point, and 97% of people played it. Most of them finished it. And a huge chunk of players invested 200+ hours in it. That is telling.
NMAers just act edgy to keep the stereotypical Glittering Gem of Hatred appearance alive, in reality NMA loves Bethesda and Bethesda loves NMA.
Bethesda Games Studios, maker of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games
Damn I am a bit divided on this one.
I do feel bad for terminally ill children, being absolutely afraid of death myself despite that I have difficulty with life sometimes.
I know this is something that makes children happy but still I can't help but think it is kind of a wasted wish.
I feel like a kid whose parents got divorced and I just want them to get back together.https://www.theguardian.com/games/2...odd-howard-pete-hines-elder-scrolls-starfield
A recent interview with Todd Howard has confirmed our fears. New Vegas 2? Never. If it isn't Bethesda, it ain't Fallout. Drink a shot of Rotgut tonight in honor of the days of isometric Fallout.
No remake of Fallout 1 and 2 either. Thank Per, Roshambo, and Jebus for that.