Heh. "Private" affair.Men are men, women are women.
If people want to live their lives outside of reality, fine. But don't go out of your way to make your personal demons with what you were born with between your legs into anything but a private affair.
Honestly, I don't give half a dick what someone wants to be called; tell me your pronouns, and if they're not completely retarded (like "bunself"; yes that fucking exists) then I'll call you by em.
BUT, and this is a big, fat ass of a but, if you try to shove that shit down my throat or call me transphobic for not believing that your chosen gender is legit (i.e. freezegender), then man, woman, or babyself I'm punching you in the damn face.
My cousin is trans, and I love her to death. But I also believe that she has an extreme form of body dysmorphia. I respect her choice to transition to a woman, and I will acknowledge her as such; but that doesn't change that she has a serious mental issue. Again, I RESPECT HER RIGHT TO TRANSITION TO A WOMAN AND I WILL ACKNOWLEDGE HER AS SUCH; but there's no escaping from the simple truth that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.