How Do You Feel About Gender Identity Hw ?

Is Gender Identity Important?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

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I can't pretend I get it, but I think everyone should be free to pursue happiness anyway they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
If someone prefers to be called a certain gender I will oblige.
The problem I have with this, is that when you refer to them (to somebody else) by their [newly assumed] gender... it is effectively lying. I know a male street artist—with a wife, who claims to have had 'the surgery', and he now truly believes that any person who does not refer to him as a woman is breaking the law. He is a mutilated man in a dress—but that was his choice to make; and he seems happy with it. We should all be so happy with our own permanent choices.

I've seen far stranger things here, and this just doesn't register as significant; he can act however he wants... but I have managed to avoid ever actually referring to him as a woman, and I won't... if it ever comes down to it.

Aside: But when it comes to fighting [woman to 'woman'] ... on average, these guys can still hit like a man.
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Seems like just going out of your way to be a dick about something that isn't even your bussiness nor affects you in any way. :shrug:
Seems like just going out of your way to be a dick about something that isn't even your bussiness nor affects you in any way. :shrug:
It becomes one's business when one is pressured to lie; but this has not happened yet... and probably never will.

I suspect it would be more complicated if the person was a coworker—or one's boss, and not someone passed on the street occasionally.

The point was the bit about believing it is against the law to hold a different opinion; in this crazy place, that might someday become truth.
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It becomes one's business when one is pressured to lie; but this has not happened yet... and probably never will.

The point was the bit about believing it is against the law to hold a different opinion; in this crazy place, that might someday become truth.

So the entire scenario for you caring enough to be a dick about it is just a victim fantasy.
What am I inventing? You literally said that the reason why you do it is because "IT MIGHT BE TURTH IN THE FUTURE" that it would become illegal to do be a dick somehow, but that you meeting anyone that would force you to do it in any fashion is a scenario that has never happened and isn't even likely to happen. Like, those were your exact words.
What am I inventing? You literally said that the reason why you do it is because "IT MIGHT BE TURTH IN THE FUTURE" that it would become illegal to do be a dick somehow, but that you meeting anyone that would force you to do it in any fashion is a scenario that has never happened and isn't even likely to happen. Like, those were your exact words.
Ah...That explains it. ;)

No. I said, that I have so far [politely] avoided ever actually referring to the man as a woman—and that it might never happen; ie. never come to that.

I also (later on) extrapolated that at some [eventual] point in the future, it might actually become legally required to refer to a person by their chosen gender. We live in an age where people have started to view any contrary opinion held by others, as a viable threat to their life.
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Walpknut essentially said that if you don't believe in what he believes, you are an asshole.
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I know it's hard to do in this kind of discussions, but I think the whole thread would work better if you tried to argue actual points instead of trying to argue what your opponent might or might not say in a slightly hyperbolic fashion.
And if you don't think what I think, well, you're wrong.
What are peoples opinion on how they are transphobic if they refuse to date transgender people. I find the whole thing hilarious.
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Men are men, women are women.
If people want to live their lives outside of reality, fine. But don't go out of your way to make your personal demons with what you were born with between your legs into anything but a private affair.
This won't be a big issue if some people learn how to respect others gender identity. I think everyone has the right to be whoever they want to be.
This won't be a big issue if some people learn how to respect others gender identity. I think everyone has the right to be whoever they want to be.
I can agree with that—to a point... but isn't the issue that of when a person insists that the rest of society play along in their (personal) fantasy?— along or be censured.

Someone could just as equally insist that they are an elf —and demand deference; yes they could get the cosmetic surgery for that appearance. A person could get the alterations to look like a tiger, or a lizard... should they also be addressed as their choice of cosmetic being? Should that be on their driver's license, or birth records?—a tiger?
Would it make you uncomfortable telling a new acquaintance (or an employer) that you went to grade school with your best friend—who is a clever and talented...lizard? Even if you scoff, and dismiss this as hyperbole... at least understand the parallel.
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What are peoples opinion on how they are transphobic if the refuse to date transgender people. I find the whole thing hilarious.

That respect is a two way street. People have a right to choose who they date, and what sort of person. Straight people shouldn't be forced to date someone of the same gender, gay people the opposite, etc.

If someone is trans and trying to get dates, they owe it to potential partners to be honest about it and accept the reality of their situation. Some people just aren't going to be okay with dating someone who is trans, and that's actually completely fine. To be blunt, if you go through the transition process, you need to accept that your potential dating pool is going to drastically shrink.

If someone who's trans makes an argument that they someone is somehow transphobic because they wouldn't want to date them probably couldn't get a date in the first place anyway on account of being such completely insufferable piece of shit.
Someone could just as equally insist that they are an.... should they also be addressed as their choice of cosmetic being? Should that be on their driver's license, or birth records?—a tiger?
The chances of actually encountering ACTUAL SJWs is really low and much much lower for these cosmetic surgery freaks. Most people are basing their opinions off of compilations of the loud vocal minority "gitting 0wN3d hlulzz" by a speaker when in reality most gay members of society are regular people just like you and me who have their set of beliefs.
I cast a 'No,' mostly because I don't want to be involved in anyone's choices which come across as strange to me. I usually shrug and turn away to something that's interesting to me... like games :D... which is no more productive than getting your pecker removed, but at least I don't try to make somebody tell me that I am involved in an intellectual pursuit by brain stimulation.

I don't deal with such people but I think if somebody has got enough time for this, then they have enough time to find happiness in a different, less expository way. Come to think of it, the whole 'Gender Identity' shenanigans does seem like people seeking publicity for publicity's sake. I don't think that if somebody was genuinely happy with what they've chosen for themselves they'd have the need to further project onto others.
I find this a difficult issue to really comment on myself as my thoughts are not clear on it.
I think people should pursue what makes them happy, but what makes them happy should not bother, or influence other people's happiness. The whole thing about micro aggressions because people who have their own gender concept are upset when someone who is talking to them makes an assumption based on appearance.

Likewise I am against the idea of educating young children about gender fluidity and similar topics. It may be sold as making children more comfortable with the concept but I feel it will rather lead to more confusion. Furthermore I do not find it that far off compared to how religion or certain political streams (communism for example) tries to ingrain itself into young susceptible minds that have yet to develop a clear perception of self (what do I believe in? what are my political leanings?).
I feel it is a form of indoctrination.

Last, what kind of bothers me sometimes about the LGBTQ thing is that what originally seemed to be about acceptance by others on not being harassed or considered mentally ill now has turned into about being in everyone's face. It is no longer about society acknowledging that such individuals exist, they now need to be on television and in internet articles, and they need to be told how brave they are.

This doesn't necessarily come from these individuals but rather the people who think that they should fight for these individuals rights but that is a whole different can of worms.
This is perfect response.