How Do You Feel About Gender Identity Hw ?

Is Gender Identity Important?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

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“But think of the children, they’re being duct taped dildos in their forehead! After all, it’s what this is ACTUALLY about and something that is totally happening all the find everywhere no really, it’s not a hyperbole of even low key implying nonbinarism exists to kids as part of sensible upraising of nowadays where kids should feel safe to choose without fear of being rejected by their parents, which is probably the #1 factor deterring younger people.”
Yeah guys, heterosexuality is dying. Enjoy it while it lasts, perhaps we’ll eventually also have to be “cured” of it by being literally fed poison.



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I thought kids doing sex changes - or the support of such - was fringe mentality. Nobody I know, and most are "liberals", would never find that a reasonable prospect.

Most kids don't even understand their own sexuality, they think "kooties" are a thing untill their voice breaks.
Indeed. people should be allowed to pop their eyes out with corkscrews because of feels.
The same way the Las Vegas shooter stands for all gun owners I suppose. The Appeal to Extremes, isn't doing any good here.

No one ever denied that there are people with severe mental issues and yes of course there are ridiculous individuals. But are those really the standard? Or just what is prominent and shared among the communities. And honestly, those individuals are really low hanging fruit to criticise. Look at the 100.000 of 'silent' transexuals, transgenders and intersex out there, which don't run around screaming and kicking. Those are the people we have to talk about. Besides, if I would be you, I would try to look past the loud rhetoric and actually try to get behind their arguments. Dude, there are still homosexuals, transgenders and many other minorites murdered for well, beeing a minority. Is it completely far-fetched, that people who are members of those groups sometimes become irrational in their behaviour? See, this is what some mean when they talk about priviliges that some people simply have. Like not having to fear that someone will throw you out of your job, your apartment or worse, when they realize what your sexual orientation is, or that you're not stoped by a cop just because of your skin colour or well, geting your skull bashed in by neo-nazis. And I see this all the time, when I apply for certain positions, I look like the majority, I speak the language fluently and the only thing giving my herritage away, is my name. When I compare this now to black people living here in Germany, or even migrants from turkey, it becomes rather disturbing. My mother for example faced discrimination due to the fact that she's having an accent. A women with turkish herritage and headscarf has to send out like 10 times more applications compared to a native women.

Is it really so difficult to see why transgenders or people which have issues with their gender, are facing issues in our society? A society that is STILL very uptight about sexuality and traped in stereotypical ideas of what masculinity and feminity is. This whole topic, is a prime example of that where a few 'weirdos' as you call them, are seen as a threat. But I am asking my self, what kind of threat? Our manliness? Since when was that something that could be taken from you trough force? No one's standing with a gun next to you an telling you, be less muscline now! If a muscle car and fucking chicks all day long while saying they belong in the kitchen, is your thing, and go and do it. But don't act surprised when this is becoming a thing of the past, just like locking up homosexuals in mental institutions or outright lynching them, if we go some 200-300 years into the past.

Well you got to remember that children can be very insightful/ignorant and sometimes have a understanding/no idea of how these irreversible life altering changes will effect them
And who's qualified to make such decisions now? Mind you, if a 7 year old boy comes to you one day out of the blue, telling you that he hates his penis and wants to be girl now, then it most probably isn't just a phase. You're underestimating children a lot, which tells me that you never got in a situation where you had the pleasure to educate them. Just to make this clear, no one here is talking about performing sex changes to children, just to acknowledge the fact that transgenders should be recognized and not stigmatized, what do you think? At which age, do children realize they are gay? 8? 11? 18? Yes, there are still many open questions and issues to resolve, but hoenstly it's not like homosexuallity is actually 'perfectly' understood and neither heterosexuality, if we are at it.

But that shouldn't keep ups from allowing people to make their own choices and not beeing discriminated for it.

I thought kids doing sex changes - or the support of such - was fringe mentality. Nobody I know, and most are "liberals", would never find that a reasonable prospect.

Most kids don't even understand their own sexuality, they think "kooties" are a thing untill their voice breaks.
Of course it is, but it makes for a great example to scare everyone in to believing western society is falling and everyone is out there to destroy your 'masculinity'.
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So you'd only be fine with it if they paid somebody to pop their eyes out with a fork right? You're sick.
No one ever denied that there are people with severe mental issues and yes of course there are ridiculous individuals. But are those really the standard?

People with an actual dysphoric disorder are an infinitesimal minority. But don't worry, there are far, far more people latching onto transgenderism as a fad. Look up shit like autogynephilia and tucutes/truscum sometime.

And honestly, those individuals are really low hanging fruit to criticise.


Besides, if I would be you, I would try to look past the loud rhetoric and actually try to get behind their arguments.

I've seen the arguments of transtrenders and such. They're retarded feely-feels shit.

Dude, there are still homosexuals, transgenders and many other minorites murdered for well, beeing a minority.

They're not murdered for being a minority. They're murdered for a panoply of different reasons, from hatred to fear to actually having been a real fucking shithead to someone at times. To blanket the LGBT with a statement of "They get murdered because they're minorities" is retarded.

See, this is what some mean when they talk about priviliges that some people simply have. Like not having to fear that someone will throw you out of your job, when they realize what your sexual orientation is, or that you're not stoped by a cop just because of your skin colour or well, geting your skull bashed in by neo-nazis.

The EEOC lists sexual orientation (among other things) as being protected. We have these protections and still you bleat on about how they must be protected.

And I see this all the time, when I apply for certain positions, I look like the majority, I speak the language fluently and the only thing giving my herritage away, is my name. When I compare this now to black people living here in Germany, or even migrants from turkey, it becomes rather disturbing. My mother for example faced discrimination due to the fact that she's having an accent. A women with turkish herritage and headscarf has to send out like 10 times more applications compared to a native women.

1. You're free to take yourself and your mother back to fucking Serbia.
2. The Turk is free to go back to Turkey.

Is it really so difficult to see why transgenders or people which have issues with their gender, are facing issues in our society? A society that is STILL very uptight about sexuality and traped in stereotypical ideas of what masculinity and feminity is. This whole topic, is a prime example of that where a few 'weirdos' as you call them, are seen as a threat. But I am asking my self, what kind of threat? Our manliness? Since when was that something that could be taken from you trough force? No one's standing with a gun next to you an telling you, be less muscline now! If a muscle car and fucking chicks all day long while saying they belong in the kitchen, is your thing, and go and do it. But don't act surprised when this is becoming a thing of the past, just like locking up homosexuals in mental institutions or outright lynching them, if we go some 200-300 years into the past.

Oh shut the fuck up with this "You're just insecure in your masculinity" crap. In a day and age when we get to hear all about why being masculine is so fucking awful from the usual idiots? Fuck right off.
Is that what I said? I don't think that's what I said. You should eventually read again what I wrote. Just because I acknowledge that someone has issues, means I am ok with every decision? Or that all people have the same issues?

Counterquestion, why are you so judgemental about someone who wants to poke his eye out? Is that some kind of existential threat to you? Why don't you complain about someone who used a gun to kill himself due to a clinical depression with a neurological cause?
Ah yes, violating the sanctity of something that is artificial in the first place, most of the binary gender system being a derivate from religious dogma. But you're DISGUSTING, having somebody else curate the situation, like... you'd apparently actually agree for if you don't trust these people with their own calls.

I've also come to the realization that the way to exclude people you don't like from that MUH FREE SPEECH rethoric that is so important the rest of that time is to say they're appealing to emotion, as if that somehow was invalid, while having a lot of the defense for it be calling the interlocutor amoral robots. Checks out.
Ah yes, violating the sanctity of something that is artificial in the first place, most of the binary gender system being a derivate from religious dogma.

Imagine being this fucking insane.

We are chromosomally diploid, you absolute fucking kook. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?


I like how the left fell out of love with science the moment it realized science shot holes in their bullshit more often than not.
Is that some kind of existential threat to you?
It'd compromise the survival of our species! Our species that is already decreasing the unsustainable rate we're growing at slowly as we reach the demographic transition anyway, and to which gender identity has a minuscule relevance even in its utopical state.

Imagine being this fucking insane.

We are chromosomally diploid, you absolute fucking kook. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?


I like how the left fell out of love with science the moment it realized science shot holes in their bullshit more often than not.
Indeed, there are only two biological sexes. But in case you haven't noticed, right up there It says "gender identity", which is a different matter.

I like how the right falls out of love with reading the moment it realizes actually rationalizing what others and themselves are saying will shoot holes in their bullshit more often than not.
Again, the concept of gender identity as something separate from biological sex is a machination cooked up by John Money, who was an absolute piece of shit and did bad fucking science.
@Arnust why do you love pedophiles so much? Are you a pedophile?
@Arnust why do you love pedophiles so much? Are you a pedophile?
Sure, why not. I raped Serifan, it'll just be another thing on my Evil Liberal Agenda bucket list.

Islam and Christian authorities were probably perfectly legit dudes who enforced gender binarism and roles only because of genuine worry and not because of simple impracticality and giggles, after all.

Meanwhile @TheGM:
"Daddy I've decided I'm not really into boys"
"No, I'm just not into girls..."
So you are implying if you had a daughter who was lesbian, you'd break their legs and pluck their eyes out? You sick fuck.
I would, if the bitch isn't giving me kids to molest, she's not getting fucking anything.
Fine, lets watch somebody who wants to sever their spine then.


Don't need to, that is what their posts are for.

Sure, if fallacies are your thing.

Overextended Outrage

(also known as: overextended moral outrage, overextended political outrage)

Description: This is a form of poor statistical thinking where one or more statistically rare cases are implied to be the norm or the trend (without evidence) for the purpose of expressing or inciting outrage toward an entire group. It is a form of extreme stereotyping, based on the cognitive bias known as the group attribution error.

I still don't know why you're so judgemental or why you assume that just because I acknoledge a certain behaviour that I would necessarily AGREE with said behaviour. If someone tells me, they have this strong urge to cut their leg off and I ask why, and he says, well because Jesus who came from space told me to do it, than I have to acknolwedge that this is what he beliefs. I do not have even for a second the doubt, that this person is strongly convinced of what he says in this moment and that his feelings and emotion tell him that he has to do it. That however, doesn't mean that I agree with his decision, to cut of his leg!
I work with one of the most irrational creatures on earth, toddlers. If I was judgmental about their behaviour, I couldn't do this job. And yes, it is possible to acknoweldge someone and their emotions, without beeing judgemental. You're not helping people, by beeing judgemental or stigmatizing them, or do you think this women would stop with what she's doing because you think she's a weirdo?

So you're not intrested in a discussion anymore. Fine. Unless you can find a quote here, where anyone actually said something like that. Talking about irrational and unreasonable behaviour ...
Islam and Christian authorities were probably perfectly legit dudes who enforced gender binarism and roles only because of genuine worry and not because of simple impracticality and giggles, after all.

Holy fucking SHIT you're nuts.

So who's the one holding a sword to the heads of most of the animal kingdom to "enforce" the gender binary, then, you fucking loon?
Holy fucking SHIT you're nuts.

So who's the one holding a sword to the heads of most of the animal kingdom to "enforce" the gender binary, then, you fucking loon?
Instinct, mostly. Even if what can be called homosexual behaviour has been spotted in a few thousand animal species. Did you know that 50% of bed bug sex is gay, and 20% with other creatures? It's even part of their biology, as sperm from other males is redirected through their circulative system so they can jazz it as well as their own on a female when they stumble upon one. And of course there's all the Hermaphrodite and Assexual species.
But we're recurring to "well werrr just animals really", aren't we. Please refer to the being stripped naked, thrown on an island, and going to fuck yourself indications from earlier and thank you.
What a dumb thread anyway. "Is gender identity important?" clearly it is. People make a BIG DEAL about gender identity all the time, so yes, it is important, from a purely pragmatic point of view.

What else is important? The enviiironmeeent :o
Let's not wonder what happens TO the environment, that's for later - but:

Do you think the environment is important? Discuss.
Instinct, mostly. Even if what can be called homosexual behaviour has been spotted in a few thousand animal species. Did you know that 50% of bed bug sex is gay, and 20% with other creatures? It's even part of their biology, as sperm from other males is redirected through their circulative system so they can jazz it as well as their own on a female when they stumble upon one. And of course there's all the Hermaphrodite and Assexual species.
But we're recurring to "well werrr just animals really", aren't we. Please refer to the being stripped naked, thrown on an island, and going to fuck yourself indications from earlier and thank you.

Sexual orientation != gender identity
Gender roles != gender identity

You have been playing shell games and moving the goalposts all over the fucking place.

Human beings ARE animals, however sapient and so on we happen to be, and as such we tend to play by a LOT of the same rules as much of the animal kingdom.

There are 2 sexes. Gender ROLES vary somewhat from creature to creature and culture to culture, but they tend to be HEAVILY influenced by biology. Gender IDENTITY is utter and total hogwash, as it implies you have a male brain in a female body or vice versa. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. LEGIT transgendered people tend to have brains that are SOMEWHAT more like the sex they want to be, but notable differences still exist between the brains of cisgendered women and transgenders who want to be women.

You CANNOT escape your biology. It isn't a matter of it being "enforced" - YOU CAN'T FUCKING ESCAPE IT. NOTHING WILL TURN YOUR Y CHROMOSOME INTO AN X. NOTHING IS CAPABLE OF THAT.
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What I wonder is how does that matter at all. Does biological determinism give you such a hardon? They're more aware of that than anyone. But chromosomes are rather irrelevant when It comes to simple agency on deciding what kind of person you want to be and how do you want to be treated and seen as to be the most comfortable about yourself in daily life. You (and I), too, have a manifest gender identity, believe it or not. You're just part of the clearly most widespread and established one. Somebody intently misgendering you and rejecting you for being straight (as y'all seem to imply like you are being) would also be wrong.

Gender IDENTITY is utter and total hogwash, as it implies you have a male brain in a female body or vice versa.
That's dysphoria and that isn't literally it either.
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