Aurelius Of Phoenix
I can take a lot, retcons, multiplayer... But I'm tempted to take a rifle and shove it down their designer's throat so he can see what side a fucking reciever goes on.
They may originate in Vault 87. Doesnt really matter now tho, with BoS included, their "lore" suck already.Also saw some Super Mutants in one of the videos, so that makes it a fourth strand of FEV.
So, the usual? Their lore has been atrocious since Fallout 3.God, the lore in this will be utterly atrocious, won't it?
You can't have a Fallout without BoS, Enclave, and Super Mutants.Also saw some Super Mutants in one of the videos, so that makes it a fourth strand of FEV.
The good thing is if people freak out enough they can remove them from the game in like five minutes since there is nothing to this barebones piece of shit, made for the modern day generation of PUBG MOBA teabag Dorito Mountain Dew Miley Cyrus *bzzzzz* PRISONPLANET *SQUELCH* training our kids to be *REDACTED*
"So what's Bethesda's explanation for the changes? In comments made to GameSpot, vice president Pete Hines explained the developer takes lore seriously, but that it won't be "beholden to something that somebody wrote 20 years ago even in franchises that we created like the Elder Scrolls".
"Having said that, we don't take it lightly to just go 'ah, we're just going to do whatever the hell we want'," he continues. "There has to be a thought process - what is the rationale? Why would there be super mutants, or the Brotherhood of Steel? There's absolutely reasons and explanations for how all that ties to Fallout 76."
Where are the defenders of this shit? Point me at them.
Theory: Microsoft buys Obsidian and they create a new IP that is Microsoft only. If it has dragons or elves in it I will light my fucking head on fire.
Eh, no point in really getting worked up about it, Fallout has been dead for 7 years already.