Still Mildly Glowing

If you are willing to wait a year Bethesda announced private servers and mods will be available in late 2019. Maybe you will be able to get it on sale by then too.
Albeit, I would stay out of it for two reasons--Beth has been banking precisely on the idea that this will be a slow burner. Invest little until release, wait to see the numbers, patch slowly, create drama, then release on Steam, sale, release modding, ect., ect. They expect people to not be patient and that's what the whole rhetoric surrounding 76 was to begin with.
On top of that, I actually deeply doubt that 76 will reach the same modding potential in a year alone(let alone ever...). I played F4 earlier in 2018, for it was standing like a fossil from my slightly younger days when I was doubting things less, and that has been a long time of patches and mods, and still some of the base problems that pushed me away in the first place persisted. For instance, going to the Institute and not being able to complete the main plot quest. What is weirder still is that I posted that problem on Steam's forum and asked for help, only to get a snarky response telling me to look it up myself. Which tells me that the community that aggregates around these games is not as mature as, say, Warframe(which I haven't played at all, but I posted a little on their community hub.)