Water Chip? Been There, Done That

So, did you guys get your New Vegas successor as ordered?
I think most here are pleased with the game in the very least. Obsidian, unlike Bethesda, seem to be listening to what fans of New Vegas want and with more funding to put into their future games, thanks to Microsoft, the future for Obsidian seems to be bright and hopeful. Which means more games like The Outer Worlds in the future which I can safely say many here will be happy about.So, did you guys get your New Vegas successor as ordered?
So, did you guys get your New Vegas successor as ordered?
So, did you guys get your New Vegas successor as ordered?
So, did you guys get your New Vegas successor as ordered?
I liked what I've played of it, but factoring in the publishing company being a branch of 2K Games and the bits of woke and not-funny humor that I keep finding, once my Game Pass runs out, that's as far as I'll go with this one.
Woke humor?
I will say that the humor is more bearable then a Lily Sighn or Samantha Bee comedy special. At least I didn't hate myself and my sex after watching a playthrough of The Outer Worlds. Although some of the humor was the cringey, "LOL! So random!", "We're in a bleak situation but we are going to be quirky and quipy!" humor that is really common now with the entertainment industry in California but that just maybe my Washingtonian bias.
No such thing as SJWs have no sense of humor.Woke humor?
I think most here are pleased with the game in the very least. Obsidian, unlike Bethesda, seem to be listening to what fans of New Vegas want and with more funding to put into their future games, thanks to Microsoft, the future for Obsidian seems to be bright and hopeful. Which means more games like The Outer Worlds in the future which I can safely say many here will be happy about.
Not really.
I guess it is better than what Bethesda craps out but that is not hard these days.
Smaller. But damn good. It's like Dragon Age 2 to Dragon Age: Origin but with a better story.
I liked what I've played of it, but factoring in the publishing company being a branch of 2K Games and the bits of woke and not-funny humor that I keep finding, once my Game Pass runs out, that's as far as I'll go with this one.
- The character systems look nice, but don't really do anything worthwhile or meaningful (lack of interactivity and impact)
If people are comparing it to Fallout maybe. The freedom and exploration of the game seems to be more cerebral with the choices you make than the places you go. I'm actually not sure how open the world is but there are some points to explore. There just doesn't exist quest or other prompts nudging you to do so.- The world is very linear and boring to explore (lack of interest and interactivity, feeling too deliberately set up)
- A lot of the characters sound like they were written by a bored ideologue, and that they feel copypasted (the afore mentioned "woke humor" for one")
- Loot is bonkers
- It is a disappointment in what all it lacks considering who made it. How much of that rings true?
There's a lot of clutter items in the form of "aid" that don't get used and don't seem practical.
Might it be that they just aren't practical for the characterbuild you have, however unclear that might be in the game, or is it a universal thing?
You pick up dozens of unique types of consumables, a lot of which have the exact same (and often mediocre) affects like "200% health regeneration out of combat for 30 seconds" so right now I probably have 20-30 different stacks of aid items and most of them are nearly useless. You can bind them to be auto-used with the inhaler but their benefits aren't useful enough to justify constantly juggling them in the inventory screen. Health regen items in particular don't serve a purpose in combat and you don't want to waste adrena charges just to use consumables. Also the interface doesn't let you easily select or hot key these items and in the inventory screen you can only consume them by holding the "A" button (on xbox) which is really annoying. That's just my take.
Ok, sounds like Skyrim done badly. And Skyrim had a slew problems of it's own already.
The UI for aid items was better in Skyrim :p you could very quickly and easily see what each item did and consume it with a quick button press. It's not game breaking by any stretch, I don't find a frequent need to heal and largely just ignore everything in the aid category.
... that second sentence of yours still leaves it unclear if those items would be, if not life savers, helpful for some characterbuilds...that aren't yours.
this sounds... choresome