Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

Its gotten to the point where they post a little jab about NMA on the comment section for shameless karma farming.
Weird how this little corner that pales in comparison to them in exposure and traffic can live so rent free in their heads. I guess everyone just needs a boogeyman. A tribe to hate. Funny thing is how we bother them one hell of a lot more than they bother us.
Nah I mean you still type like you're on there. It's okay now. Break free.
Currently I am very pissed at liberal people which inhabit Reddit like rabbits in a warren. They are so annoying and demeaning. They bully people like the scum they are and insist on kicking the horse even long after it is dead. This signifies to me that they are cowards at heart.
Additionally the fact that they cannot keep a civil conversation or keep their own words straight angers me deeply, I just realized it recently when I decided to find a Reddit alternative.
Its all feely feely nowadays. No one appreciates the art of conversation or lectoral skills. If I present a well thought out argument defending my opinion about something they are touchy about, they immediately skip to the "you CANT hurt my feelings you MONSTER" bullshit.
In the end, these things all have something in common, self control.
Self control just happens to be taught at a young age.
"But NOOOOOO you cant discipline your kids, its CHILD ABUSE!!!"

I dunno about you but I thank my parents for whipping my ass when I was a bad kid.
These men and women were spoiled from children, and the fact that this syndrome is growing in our population so rapidly is depressing and angering to me.
I have these thoughts but lets say that I didn't think about writing them down when I first submitted my post
Weird how this little corner that pales in comparison to them in exposure and traffic can live so rent free in their heads. I guess everyone just needs a boogeyman. A tribe to hate. Funny thing is how we bother them one hell of a lot more than they bother us.
Glad you brought that up! In my home state of Oregon there are protestors who are destroying property and injuring if not killing valiant and good men trying to protect that property. These protestors are becoming the very thing they hate so much, racists.
If I remember right there was a video game all about this form of irony: Bioshock. Its a good game, I suggest that you try it some time!

PS I'm not trying to sound threatening just over-dramatic lol, however I am dead serious.
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I enjoy the Bethesda Fallouts and no one here has ever insulted or tried to run me off because of it. Maybe in a joking manner, but nothing to be taken seriously. Reddit might be a different story.

Welcome to the site!
Jokes on you, 70% of the time I’m serious all the time.
I wonder what 70% and 100% added together make. would that mean you are not serious .30% of the time?
Or if you are serious all the time, except for 30% of the time you are not serious all the time?
I fucking give up man lol
I enjoy the Bethesda Fallouts and no one here has ever insulted or tried to run me off because of it.
Well to be fair those who would have done that are long gone and have passed into legend. If people enjoyed Fallout 3 that is fine. I played it, I had my fun with it. Nobody has a problem with somebody enjoying the game, just don't say it is good. because it isn't. it is a buggy janky mess and the story is a fucking castle of stupid built on a foundation of retarded. Oh some don't think stuff isn't stupid with the game's story or setting....two words.

Little Lamplight.
I discovered Little Lamplight/Big Town in that game about a week before my grandfather got the cancer that would ultimately take his life. Coincidence?

I think not.
Welcome to the NMA.

I've also started with FO3, played NV and decided to try the originals. Beginning was rough (first time getting to Hub only to learn that I've been giving stuff away for free, instead of selling them).

If you haven't tried them yet, I recommend giving Resurrection and Nevada a try (Fallout 2 TCs).
I've clicked links to reddit over a hundred times and still can't figure out how to read the whole thread.

That website is garbage.
Glad you brought that up! In my home state of Oregon there are protestors who are destroying property and injuring if not killing valiant and good men trying to protect that property. These protestors are becoming the very thing they hate so much, racists.
A Pacific Northwest native. So am I! I'm from Western Washington and I have also been disgusted with how the protest are going on here. I'm sure you saw the shit show that was CHAZ? What a disaster that was. Hate what has happened here. The Pacific Northwest was once so beautiful, now it is just a mess that looks like something out of a post apocalypse movie, with garbage and ruin buildings everywhere.

Well to be fair those who would have done that are long gone and have passed into legend. If people enjoyed Fallout 3 that is fine. I played it, I had my fun with it. Nobody has a problem with somebody enjoying the game, just don't say it is good. because it isn't. it is a buggy janky mess and the story is a fucking castle of stupid built on a foundation of retarded. Oh some don't think stuff isn't stupid with the game's story or setting....two words.

Little Lamplight.
I can't believe that Bethesda thought that was a good idea to the point that they even referenced it and made one of the most annoying characters from there a companion in Fallout 4. Bethesda really does think that their shit doesn't stink.
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I can't believe that Bethesda thought that was a good idea to the point that they even referenced it and made one of the most annoying characters from there a companion in Fallout 4.
I Fucking hate little lamplight. Not only is the concept fucking retarded given the time frame the game is set it in, they had to go and fill it with the most annoying little shits and make them invincible. That little prick who pick pocketed me on the den found out how bad of a mistake it was when it turned out he lifted a Bomb on a timer, here there is no catharsis of doing an extremely late abortion on all those little shits.

At least I got to shoot Three Dog in the face for talking shit about me on the radio.
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