It Wandered In From the Wastes

As touted, combat is 100% optional in Space Wreck. There are many ways to deal with threats, but here's one example of the engineer character using a remote control "gun" to turn otherwise hostile sentry bot into a loyal companion.
Context: there are generally five main character archetypes in Space Wreck - smooth talker, soldier, "thief" (stealth oriented), explorer and engineer (techie, hacker etc.). While there are more than few shades of gray and these roles often overlap and transcend each other, I try to provide solutions in one of these areas.
This example is of an engineer play style - granted you have high enough SCITEC and TINKER skills, necessary components, tools and access to a workstation, you can create a remote control device that allows turn your enemies into your friends (granted they are of metal). Given your success in targeting them with your PERCEPTION and RANGED, of course. There are other gadgets and tools you can construct that give you some edge in certain situations.
It's also worth noting that it is not a single skill you depend on. For example, SCITEC unlocks blueprints for items but you must roll TINKER to actually build these things. And, as I noted above, when trying to apply these in action, you must either have some decent RANGED aptitude or have to SNEAK close enough that that does not matter.