Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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Unpopular opinion huh?

I got a spicy take for ya, McDonald's Chicken Sandwich is as good as Chick-Fil-A's Chicken Sandwich.
Vinyl is overrated. You can reproduce the same effect with algorithms without loss or distortion to the music.
Analog > digital.
Yes, I can a VST to simulate tape saturation, warble, noise, all the good stuff when recording digitally, but I can also get that directly from recording on tape, which has the added benefit that nobody will ever hear it, which makes it trve kvlt underground and not some poser shit that people actually know.
Jokes aside, vinyl and tape have some nice effects on listening habits. You can't easily skip songs, so the album has to be experienced as one packaged as intended.
Analog > digital.
Yes, I can a VST to simulate tape saturation, warble, noise, all the good stuff when recording digitally, but I can also get that directly from recording on tape, which has the added benefit that nobody will ever hear it, which makes it trve kvlt underground and not some poser shit that people actually know.
Jokes aside, vinyl and tape have some nice effects on listening habits. You can't easily skip songs, so the album has to be experienced as one packaged as intended.
I 100% agree with you on that. Black Metal tends to sound beautiful on a really low quality cassette tape. Windir and Sortsind are perfect examples of it done right. For real though, Vinyl is/was perfect for ending the loudness wars and trying to get music back down to a non tinnitus inducing volume. And to bring an end to audial clipping, bring back instrument clarity, less compression usage, and as you said "experience as one package as intended'. Plus- If a nuclear war ever happened. Most analog tech wouldn't be effected. Vinyl would survive, though I doubt the record players would survive. Even cds wouldnt be effected because it's considered digital analog and the waveform is burnt into the cd and read with a laser. Strangely Cassette tapes and reel to reel tapes wont survive because theyre magnetic and an EMP would fry all the data off the tape. I have a pretty big vinyl collection myself.

Unpopular Opinion: Modern Metal has become over excessive in the use of extreme down tuning and drop tunings to the point I hate most of it. I don't mind using a Drop tuning ever now and again but these dudes are just over doing it and abusing it by making everything stupidly easy and very derivative of even itself. It's basically just one note sustained chugs. Also C# standard is probably one of the best guitar and bass tunings I've ever used
Fallout tactics is 4x beter than FO 3
FO76 items are cheap if you want to buy it for real cash
It's popular to buy Fallout items buy fo76 items
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