So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Same here. I think i'm permanently burned out from the series, because since i have been done with the Pre-Sequel in 2015 i have had no motivation to ever replay any of the games i played.Actually talking about the Borderlands games actually made me realize that I am pretty done with the series now.
I have no interest in playing Borderlands 3 and its DLCs, or the old games again.
I think the issue for me is that the series is a one trick pony. Wacky humor coming from wacky characters and the claim of gazillions of guns (which 98% are worthless and just junk to sell for money), with no deviation from this whatsoever. Which i guess is fine for people that only care for these things (and i'm a fan of franchises like Dragon Quest which don't deviate much from the established formula), but for me this got tiring and grating after a while to the point i don't want to play the series anymore.
And this is a minor issue, but i'm kind of getting tired of every game in the series using the cel-shaded style. I think using different styles or at least greatly updating the style they are using would help alleviate the feeling of stagnation that the series has fallen into.
Got over 4000 hours spread over nearly 6 years of playing. Becoming a beta tester in 2017 did helped greatly inflate my playtime because i was helping beta test the game.Example. Grim Dawn was made since Diablo and Blizzard sucks. I still need to beat it.
And yeah, this is far better than Diablo 3.