
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 35 60.3%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.1%

  • Total voters
Well, my default settings on Display is all "Low" that's a good start. I can play other games on high or ultra just fine but this one's low. Well, if that's my INTENDED experience then let's roll with it. (gonna go ahead and update this post periodically)


Marvel humor at the start.

Boss lady in the mine has a tint to her accent, feels strange.

Framerate is ass on an HDD on low settings, that's fun.

Supervisor asked a subordinate what to do with the mine she's supervising.

Wow, weird bug, so the game looks like it freezes right, but when I move forward the game continues but then I moved forward a bit more and it froze again and I just waited and then I heard the supervisor comment on something so I moved forward again and it stopped being frozen.

Maybe it's just cause of my settings but the game occasionally just feels blurry at mid-distances.

Ok I touched the artifact, the vision I got is basically just, idunno, neon effects on the screen and then it goes back to the game.

Character creator.
No sex, we're just body types again.
There is a serious lack of good looking feminine hair. Is this just a modern day thing? Do gen z's just have shit hair styles or something and they're appealing to the kiddies? Cause there is not a single good looking feminine hair.

Honestly, I found these settings for face creation worse than F4, it's not hard to create a pretty female in that game but in this one she looks like a dude regardless of what presets I tried changing it too.

Uh... When I moved over to Traits my mouse cursor went invisible and whenever it pops into existence for a frame or two it seems locked on the screen... But if I hold down a mouse button then it appears and I can move it around again but when I let go of holding down LMB or RMB it disappears again... Oooooh, it's cause my controller was plugged in, dunno why it didn't get all twitchy until now.

Traits are surprisingly few for being allowed to pick 3 of them.

Sometimes the characters stop lip syncing to the dialogue and talks like a ventriloquist. If you don't pick a dialogue option and just write a message like I am doing now the character you're talking to starts nagging you to talk. Might be "realistic" but I find it annoying.


Ok seriously this fps is going to be unplayable. I don't have an FPS tool that counts it in the corner or anything but I doubt it's like 20 or something but it is revolting to even just move around a little bit and I'm not even in an open space yet. The optimization for this game is complete dogshit.

There is a medical station (meaning, a gurney and some cabinets and an oxygen tank) right at the hull door leading into the mine. Not very sanitary.


Ok, I saw I had 240gb free om my 2nd SSD so I'm gonna go ahead and redownload and reinstall the entire thing on that one instead. I thought I only had like 80 gig free on it which is why I went with the HDD.

However, I will still say the same thing, if your game is 140 gig then it is unreasonable to demand that it goes on an SSD, if your game is that big it should be able to work on an HDD on LOW settings at least and if these framerate and "freeze" issues I suffered is because of the HDD then playing on an HDD might not be possible. I'm still calling this game unnecessarily bloated and unoptimized but we'll see when I can actually play it on the SSD later.

Ah, I can move the install folder through the gamepass app so I don't have to redownload it, still, it's gonna take time for this to go through so... I guess I'll just go and look at funny duck videos for half an hour.

Also, apparently it's your first day on the job or something and yet YOU are asked to go and touch precious scanning thingie that is massively important for this mining companies financial future. Why? A bunch of NPC miners basically tell you to fuck off because you're a newbie and unimportant and to leave them alone so why are you asked to go deal with this thing and why is your SUPERVISOR not coming along to SUPERVISE YOU?
Bad writing imo.

The mine is also suffering the same old problem with a lot of Bethesda things of just feeling too scaled down. Like it's just so... Cramped. There's also this thing with a digger vehicle that I didn't pay attention to enough because I was bored but I dunno if they could squeeze that differ vehicle down there. (no you cannot pilot the digger, no land vehicles for you)


Well, I moved over from the HDD to the SSD, it did nothing for the framerate, I feel like I'm locked into 30fps here.

Wow, the dialogue between gay chocolate man with a free spaceship and supervisor boss lady is sooooooooo wooden. It feels like an alien wrote their dialogue. "This is how humans who know each other would speak when meeting after a long time".

Everything in the starting area is so washed out in its colours that it is hard to see what is what, from the clutter in living areas to the enemies who attack at the landing pad. The art design of how to make things stand out from one another so far is just plain bad.

Okay so the reason gay chocolate man gives you his spaceship is because of this turn of events:
1 you touch shiny
2 they contact their contractor
3 they send gay chocolate man
4 gay chocolate man is followed by red bois
5 the mining facility is attacked by red bois, some miners die
6 you're supposed to leave with gay chocolate man to se Constellation
7 supervisor scorns him for wanting to take off after the mess he caused
8 his solution... Is to stay... And give random stranger... His spaceship...



In order to scan flora or fauna you need to scan the same type multiple times, that means that they took the generic scanning feature in NMS and made it worse by increasing the grind. Also, landed on a spot right but I think this isn't proc-genned cause I've seen stuff in this area in other peoples gameplay videos but the area is quite big and filled with just generic nothing and POI's are super far away from one another and thanks to no vehicles that means just running in a straight line forever.

By the way, I'm extremely bored with the game already and I have not seen a hook for the game yet.


Boy I sure do love realism. Yknow what's realistic? Clutter! You know what would make it easier for players to discern between useless clutter and actually important items? Art design! Oh right we're Bethesda and can't do that... Then neon highlights! But nope, instead there's nothing. Trying to 'loot' in this game is tedious. It takes so long just to look through one room cause I can't distinguish between anything cause everything is just so damn washed out in their colours.

CORRECTION: You can see highlighted items if you use your scanner which adds an ugly HUD all over your screen. But it highlights all items that can be picked up, even things like forks which aren't used for anything.

[edit YET AGAIN]

Ok so, ugh, few thoughts to get out I guess.
I fought a Terramorph, some kinda strong enemy? But still, it was just a bullet sponge that did a weird spit attack on me that would just always hit? That wasn't fun.

Went to the main thing on the planet I'm at which is a dungeon and I'm finally doing some space-dungeon loot n shootin and yknow what I keep thinking of all the time? I wanna play nu-Prey. I don't want to play this. Nu-Prey is a better game in every single way and I'd much rather be playing it right now.


Hm, all right, so if you press ESC to get to the menu while you're in the middle of transitioning from planet to space or anything like that the game might get to framerate hell and have like 5fps or something.

Also, the dungeon I went into for the main quest had a little sidestory there that seemingly had nothing to do with anything so there's location stories that are superfluous. I also explored 2 other locations on the planet, one which looked like a refinery and another that looked like a military compound. These are all within 1 km distance from one another.
I don't understand why, on a barren moon, three separate companies decided to build their own stuff within a 1km hike of one another. There was no enviromental storytelling or anything that established anything either. Seemed like these locations are just plopped down for the sake of just being there, adding nothing to the cohesion of the locational design of the moon I was on.
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The total conversion mods are the only things that interests me too. The only F4 TC mod that interests me that's not a remake of the old Fallouts is Fallout Cascadia, which has received no progress updates in a while. It's literally dead silence on their youtube channel and Facebook. Two years since the last progress update. Which worries me. Other mods like Fallout Miami and London just feel fanfictiony and are leaning too much into the "lol wacky" philosophy Bethesda has of the fallout games.

Fallout Cascadia has not had an update? That is not good news. I decided to check out their twitter account and saw that their last post was almost a year ago. Maybe the project is on hold because of reasons so we can't say anything of its status for now, but if there is no news of progress within the next eight months I think we can assume that the project is dead.

I know what you mean regarding Fallout Miami and Fallout London and going more for the direction Bethesda went. When I saw the trailer for Miami and read about some of its setting and factions I already felt that it was more a tie in to Fallout 3 and 4. Making the pirate 'faction' look like cosplayers from Pirates of the Caribbean to me tells what the designers think what the setting is like.
And Fallout London seems to be more based on British cliches though I would not be surprised if they also thrown in some stereotype King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

I wouldn't hold my breath that the writing in any TC mod for a Bethesda Fallout to be good tbh.

Yes, after The Frontier and California my confidence in complete fan written projects has also taken somewhat of a hit. Fallout New Vegas might do well as long as the designers don't feel like they need to 'modernize' or 'update' the quests. I have not heard if they plan to add more content.
As for Fallout 1 TC, well I hope when I get a response on the questions I send the team lead that we get an idea what additional content they have made up themselves to add to the base campaign of Fallout 1 to expand the game's content.

I have a feeling that if people would do Legion content that they would make the Legion either more evil, or try to much to 'redeem' the Legion, making it sound like 'good guys' like people have been doing with the Enclave. To me the best option would be to make them morally ambiguous, that they do thing we would consider not just wrong but cruel and i
I started to notice how everybody has these dead unmoving faces and I knew I've seen this before but couldn't figure out where, then it hit me.
First landing in New Atlantis.


The landing engineer and gay chocolate man are both REALLY expressive with their eyebrows, is this gonna be a common thing?

Wow, right off the ramp there is a woman informing some people something something attack and then she turns to a kid and goes as to you billy we'll see you situated with new foster parents soon and when he says that they aren't dead they just took a different shuttle she's like suuuuure Billy, wink wiiiink!
Talk about a callous bitch.

Oh god, what the hell is wrong with the childs face? I... I think it's a grown ups face scaled down. This is soooo uncanny.

Okay I've seen enough of the facial animations that I'm gonna stop commenting on it anymore. It's awful. It's always awful. Everyone looks like complete shit. They don't... 'Move' in the way a face should move when talking and the way they just stare at you with their eyes fixated while their entire face just contorts around is so uncanny. How anyone can take dialogue from these face animations seriously is completely beyond me.

New Atlantis got so bad with its framerate that I had to drop down another setting and honestly, Deus Ex' textures for things like billboards look better than Starfields does. This game is soooooo badly optimized.

New Atlantis, a futuristic city, is running on... Hydroelectric power... I don't buy it. With how energy draining all kinds of futuristic stuff would be I doubt hydro could cover that.


Right so I met with Constellation and I'm asked if I want to help them and... It's hard to describe this cause I'm not transcribing everything that happened but let's put it simple:

You're a random schmuck mining.
All of the sudden you get knocked out by artifact.
Your only way off of the rock is the ship man of gay chocolate gave you.
Through this you've been attacked once at the mining factility, once in space and you had to assault an enemy base once.
Upon giving Constellation the artifact they go "hey, you're our new bestie! Join us! :D "

And... I mean... This doesn't make any sense to me. Why would you? You aren't a space merc, you're not some soldier or whatever. The universe's fate isn't on your shoulders. No, you had thing, delivered it, done. Why would you, who wanted a simple job as a miner, who suddenly had your life threatened trice, want to endanger yourself further?

This is just really bad writing to me. This is the hook. I have no idea who these people are, what they're about or anything but from a roleplaying perspective I'm just some regular joe schmoe who suddenly had my life endangered trice, I had to slaughter like two dozen people and who knows what kind of effect that would have on my psychologically and now these weirdo's want me to go and potentially get into even more danger because... They got a glowie thing?

God the story in this game sucks hairy unwashed swampass.
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Its not that interesting? I have occasionally considered in the past to get the game but I am not sure if I can invest the time in Elite to really unlock everything.

I loved Elite. I played it so much that I would see swirling stars when I would close my eyes because I played so much.

It just became clear that the game... wasn't going to go anywhere really. It ended up stagnating and losing a lot of the appeal. What was the final nail in the coffin for me is when they finally introduced on-foot gameplay, and yet the internals of the ships you fly couldn't be explored. It's all just copy-pasted bases and whatnot. It was just generic first person shooter stuff when the setting of Elite could have lent itself to both that, and something like EVA operations like you would have in something like Hardspace: Shipbreaker.

It just ended up feeling like Frontier just... stopped caring.
I find it tres amusant X 5 the so called Bethesda haters now discuss how wanky it runs and should they dedicate an SSD to play the fucking thing. Hypocrites or what lol.
When asked on Brit TV " Are games getting too long " smarmy hot toddy says " Oh after spending 20 to 30 hours playing the main storyline the player can then do side quests etc"
So far I’ve only heard mention of New Atlantis. Are there any other cities in the game?
Yep, I've heard of Akila and some kinda cyberpunk city.


So Sarah, constellation mommy who wants to grind you, doesn't use a spacesuit. So I'm on this barren rock where most people are walking around in spacesuits and because of her ICONIC LOOK (her pants are unbearably dreadful btw) she's just sticking out like a sore thumb. Also trying to play stealthily and having a companion forced on you that wants to go berserker every time I shoot one shot is messing up the stealth playstyle completely. What did Godd mean by this?

OOF, the game has sunk another 3% on Steam to 81% positive. I mean it's still very positive but I don't think any game studio that has worked on their magnum opus for 7+ years and have XBOX breathing down their neck about it having to be a success wants to see that. Sitting on a 3.6 over on out of 5, so if 4 is 80% and 3 is 60% then each point in between is... 2%? So... 72% if we calculate it to steam review score?

2023-09-08 09.51.45 bfa905f04a42.png

2023-09-08 09.51.50 ca0dec9545ea.png

Critic score hasn't moved yet but I heard that placed like RPS didn't get their code in time so their reviews could be delayed, still, critics gonna critic and they don't want to be locked out of good graces by shitting all over a game that XBOX is hinging on so I wouldn't put much stock in them. If the critic score was more like... Between 70 and 80, I would give them a bit more leeway but this game has soooooo many issues that other games have been raked over the coals for that to rate it that high is clearly just a sign of outside influence. However, this is Metacritic and we did have giant manbaby rant about pronouns so maybe this thing is being reviewbombed cause it asks you your pronouns, I haven't looked over the user reviews yet but yeah I would say that the user reviews are accurate in their scoring. I would probably place it between 5 and 6 as well. (however if the bugs keep coming then for me personally it's going down to a 4 but the experience of bugs is very inconsistent, some experience a lot, some none (game breaking that is)).
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Walking around sucks.

You lose stamina if you are overburdened but if you aim down your iron sights then you'll walk and regain stamina.

If you lose stamina a new red bar starts to fill up, if it reaches 100% then you start losing health from overexertion.

Walking around sucks.

I'm starting to wonder how many items you pick are really necessary. Honestly, if you just focus on high value items you can just sell them and then buy the resources you need in New Atlantis at various merchants like the commie store. And that makes me wonder what the point is of mining rocks or killing animals and looting them is even useful for.

Scanning is awful, see, let's say there 8 fauna on the planet, all 8 will not be in the square you land in, so you will need to re-land multiple times to run around aimlessly and scan shit and you have to scan fauna and flora like 8 times for a full scan. There doesn't seem to be anything important to do with the data but to sell it for a pittance in comparison to the time invested. Meaning: Do not bother scanning anything until I report otherwise.

Walking around sucks.

New Atlantis is way too big. I know we've complained about scaled down locations before but this area is just bloated in its size, being able to fast travel to different districts doesn't really matter all that much when you still have to navigate the place with no map.

Your traits will veeeeery rarely pop up in dialogue but often times it just seems like it is flavor dialogue and isn't really used for muchf of anything at all. Just a RP way of saying "yes" to a quest.

I haven't focused on story content so far but out of what I've played I've gotten the dialogue minigame once and failed spectacularly.

Walking around sucks.

Leveling up is way too slow. Fucking everything is locked behind a stupid perk, oh I'm sorry "skill". The flabbergasting thing is that during the main game you are explicitly given a Pack that has a "boost power" (jetpack) for the express purpose so that you can boost around and uh, no. You can't. Because you don't have the perk unlocked to do that yet. Like I've been trying to just grind (without looking up information) and leveling is sooooooooo slow and you need soooooooooo many perk points to level up just basic shit.

Like, the game feels like it is designed around microrewards in order to entice you to keep playing because you never feel like you've properly accomplished much of anything. So just a bit longer with this or that and if I can just make it over that hill I'll feel like the accumulative microrewards add up to a big reward!

Walking around sucks.

Terramorphs sucks, bulletspongy cunts that force me to lower it to Very Easy as they are just anti-fun.

There's something... Off... About animals btw. Like, in Fallout 4 the enemies very much feel like they are there and will hit you and react to you properly and reactively but in this one... It's almost like Fallout 76's delay to enemies in a way. Enemies just act inconsistent and sometimes just flubb out.

Walking around sucks.


Steam lost 1% but metacritics user score went up for both xbox and pc. Starting to think there's a bit of damage control from some ornery fans.
Terramorphs sucks, bulletspongy cunts that force me to lower it to Very Easy as they are just anti-fun.

The thing that boggles my mind from watching some of the gameplay is just why is the alien life on this game so incredibly murderous and suicidal? 99% of IRL wild animals are skittish and defensive, but the monsters on this game have the AI of a cacodemon from Doom 1 and just charge straight at you on sight and never stop attacking even while getting actively shot at.
The thing that boggles my mind from watching some of the gameplay is just why is the alien life on this game so incredibly murderous and suicidal? 99% of IRL wild animals are skittish and defensive, but the monsters on this game have the AI of a cacodemon from Doom 1 and just charge straight at you on sight and never stop attacking even while getting actively shot at.

Because games are suppose to be fun with a bunch of things to kill.
Because games are suppose to be fun with a bunch of things to kill.

Serious-Sam-tier mooks with 0 AI suicide charging the player and completely breaking immersion for anyone who even bothered to try and take the setting seriously aren't fun. I would rather prefer games with soulful intricate AI such as RainWorld thank you.
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Walking around sucks.
Yes. I decided to give planetary surveying a try. DON'T. DO. IT. One it involves nothing but walking, which is just awful. Two if you miss whatever unknown thing you are supposed to find, good luck finding it. Also combat is ass and even the lvl 4 guys still eat 15 rounds from a Assault rifle that shoots 3 bullets for every 1 fired. Might just bump this shit down to easy so I don't spend so long shooting sponges. they don't even do damage, they just take forever to die.
Now, to be fair here, the named characters you get dialogue with aren't really badly designed. The vast majority of people I've talked to look good, really good. It's just that the face animations are gobshite.

The thing that boggles my mind from watching some of the gameplay is just why is the alien life on this game so incredibly murderous and suicidal? 99% of IRL wild animals are skittish and defensive, but the monsters on this game have the AI of a cacodemon from Doom 1 and just charge straight at you on sight and never stop attacking even while getting actively shot at.
It's typical design of so many games out there, for all the praise devs wanna blow up their own ass about how they've advanced this and advanced that I wonder if there is a single game where animals really react the way animals ought to do. Maybe a hunting game? But yeah exploring alien planets just turns into a shooting gallery. Gotta get that tiny bit of microreward exp somehow!

Yes. I decided to give planetary surveying a try. DON'T. DO. IT. One it involves nothing but walking, which is just awful. Two if you miss whatever unknown thing you are supposed to find, good luck finding it. Also combat is ass and even the lvl 4 guys still eat 15 rounds from a Assault rifle that shoots 3 bullets for every 1 fired. Might just bump this shit down to easy so I don't spend so long shooting sponges. they don't even do damage, they just take forever to die.
Not only that but I find the damage of weapons really inconsistent. Sometimes I do a huge chunk of damage and other times I might as well have hit them with a flyswatter. I will keep going on Normal though because that is the "intended" experience.


Yknow how people keep going on and on about mods will fix it when it comes to Bethesda games? Has mods ever fixed a Bethesda game completely?

I think four mods that could fix some problems would be:
A mod that just replaces all generic NPC's with handcrafted NPC's.
A mod that adds in vehicles or some form of mobility for exploration.
A mod that reduces scanning to once per fauna/flora.
A mod that makes items in scanning appear as different colours rather than a uniform blue. So bodies are red, weapons and ammo are orange, healing is green etc etc.


For the amount of bullets you need to sink into a human I am starting to lose my mind with how fucking twitchy they are. They just won't be fucking still. They zoop around constantly whenever you land your aim on them. It's infuriating. Also, dark areas means good fucking luck hitting anything what so ever. All I see is bullets flying with no way of knowing where the hell the enemy is.


Yknow, before the game was released and when we were seeing reviews pop in there were a ton of mentions of how Starfield had "SO MANY SYSTEMS" (mechanics) and I've been percolating on this for a while and I wanna just throw this out there even though it might be premature:
Bethesda games, wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle.
Does this count for the mechanics in Starfield as well?

See, the game has a ton of features that you can engage with, so many in fact that you can't engage with them all (because they're locked behind perks that takes ages to level up to) and so my conspiracy theory is that all those folks had a middling game experience but figured "hey, I haven't even scratched the surface yet, but when I do!" but I've also seen reports from peeps over on RPGcodex who've said that you don't 'need' to bother with a ton of features in the game, meaning that they're... Superfluous. They're just there for the sake of being there.

And that's where I am leaning more and more as the game goes on and it makes me wonder how many of these features in the game are really relevant at all. The idea was to create a colossal game that had a ton of things in it to do that catered to as many different people as possible casting the widest net they could by having dog fights, and dialogue, and quests, and landable planets, and scanning, and weapon modding, and research, and outpost building, and ship building, and dialogue minigame etc etc.

But how many of these features are actually important? What is the core experience of the game and are any of these features relevant or even necessary for it? And if they are then how developed are they? Do they synergize with one another?

Like if we have 3 people, one decides to focus on scanning a ton of things, one decides to focus on outpost building and the third decides to just get on with the main quest, when either of them goes to do the main quest, let's call the quest Blue Balls, Mommy Won't Fuck Me Yet (see, it's foreshadowing that Sarah wants to hump you), how do they differentiate? The person who spent 5 hours scanning things, the person who spent 10 hours working with the wonky outpost building and the person who spent 0 hours wasted and just got on with the main quest, how different are their experiences with Blue Balls, Mommy Won't Fuck Me Yet?

It just screams fluff to me. Padding. Here's gameplay mechanics and game features to distract you from 'actually' playing the game. "Oh you can't criticize the game when you spent 70 hours in it, you must have enjoyed something!" But did I? Or was a lot of my time just wasted? How many hours did I spend doing something that I 'thought' would mount up towards a reward but ended up just being a complete waste of my time?

Like I said, might be a bit too early to tell but a lot of things just seems pointless to me, cause here's the thing, like I said before you level up way too slow and you require way too many perk points to unlock features so what about those who don't spend any points in Tech or Science? THe game has to be playable for them as well. So you shouldn't NEED to mod weapons. You shouldn't NEED to operate outposts. You shouldn't NEED to build or modify spaceships. All of this is completely 100% optional as some players might never spend the points into those perks to unlock the full functionality of those features (I can't even do a suppressor for my laser rifle (yes, I know how absurd that sounds) because I don't have the first perk in weapon engineering so Muzzle Mods 2 is locked for me and I'd have to wait until I can loot or buy a modified laser rifle that has the mod on it).

Also, Bethesda, I have a mommy kink, how'd you manage to make Sarah so fucking insufferable? Also the doctor lady in The Wells is my aged wine waifu, fight me.
Example: "Why do you burry carrying all that junk? :D" ... Sarah... I'm literally picking up credit chits... It's money... I'm sorry I'm not a wealthy black widow like you are but could I please just PICK UP SOME MONEY IN PEACE!?

Like, yknow companions in games that never shut their stupid traps? That's this game. After I've finished looting this place I'm jumping straight on the main quest and doing whatever I need to get her to become dismissable cause I am done with companions in this game. They just ruin stealth anyway.


Pro-tip, wanna sell stolen stuff? There is a place called Trade Authority (big fuckoff yellow sign, can't miss it, if you use the elevator from spaceport it's the second left) and the woman in there is a fence. Also, when it comes to smuggled goods (illegal trading items) I fast traveled from one part of the planet that New Atlantis is on to this area and I did not get scanned. I don't know if this means that they never scan you if you fast travel or if they don't scan you if you fast travel within the planet but hey, that's a way to get around "smuggling".

Also the scanner at the "lobby" of spaceport didn't go red with me having 2 illegal items on me so that thing is probably just for bounties and can't scan you for illegal items either.

You can also hide your helmet and space suit in civilized areas if you go their equipment parts in the inventory and use the Hide button.


... Why are they calling "blackouts" "brownouts"?

This is what the NPC's look like whenthey smile in this game btw:


Great, traveled to another planet and a script sequence was supposed to start where Horny Mommy starts commenting on something and it just decided not to, leaving me completely stuck and not able to do anything, forcing me to reload and having to re-do a bunch of previous dialogue cause I dared to not quicksave every 10 seconds.

Oh, there's ship space stealth in this game too. And god is it boring.
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