
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I honestly think people are just buying starfield just for the future mods. Every comment I ever see in a starfield video always has something to do with modding potential. I never see anyone actually praise the game for what it is.

I see a lot of those comments as well and I honestly don't understand how people can fall for this. No matter how dedicated and talented you are, when you don't have access to the game's source code much less the massive budget/manpower that the actual developers had, what you can do in order to salvage a disaster like this is incredibly limited. And in any case 95% of mods for most games are bullshit that either doesn't improve the experience or outright makes it worse. Just look at the modding scene for Skyrim and you will see how it is dominated by an endless sea of coomer bullshit. Not to mention all of the mods that are really questionable in that they are making pointless "rebalances", or "overalls" that modify a bunch of stuff that was fine before, and then there is also the people adding fanmade stories and missions that have FanFic-tier writing. Only like 5% of all mods are something serious that actually is an real improvement to the overall gameplay.
I see a lot of those comments as well and I honestly don't understand how people can fall for this. No matter how dedicated and talented you are, when you don't have access to the game's source code much less the massive budget/manpower that the actual developers had, what you can do in order to salvage a disaster like this is incredibly limited. And in any case 95% of mods for most games are bullshit that either doesn't improve the experience or outright makes it worse. Just look at the modding scene for Skyrim and you will see how it is dominated by an endless sea of coomer bullshit. Not to mention all of the mods that are really questionable in that they are making pointless "rebalances", or "overalls" that modify a bunch of stuff that was fine before, and then there is also the people adding fanmade stories and missions that have FanFic-tier writing. Only like 5% of all mods are something serious that actually is an real improvement to the overall gameplay.
This. I was about the type the same thing. It's the same for Fallout 4. Most mods are just bug fixes, minor re-balances, and coomer bait bullshit.
Why? You yourself already admit what you expect the experience to be like? So why not go for a game that has positive feedback and actually sounds good to you? Go play Rodina for example. Maybe somewhat 'worse' looking but you have no loading screens when traveling between planets and you have a lot more freedom.
Funny enough it is being made by a former Bethesda employee.
I can't 'really' criticize it unless I can play it and see what 'exactly' is wrong with it. For example I booted up Skyrim again despite knowing I loathe it and after playing it for a few hours tons of issues came back to me that I had completely forgotten about, such as the jumping mechanic just straight up not working sometimes or being inconsistent in how you jump and/or land. Seeing others play it is one thing, playing it myself is another. Besides, I'll probably lose interest after a while and not finish it anyway and can use game pass to enjoy other games instead. :>

I see a lot of those comments as well and I honestly don't understand how people can fall for this. No matter how dedicated and talented you are, when you don't have access to the game's source code much less the massive budget/manpower that the actual developers had, what you can do in order to salvage a disaster like this is incredibly limited. And in any case 95% of mods for most games are bullshit that either doesn't improve the experience or outright makes it worse. Just look at the modding scene for Skyrim and you will see how it is dominated by an endless sea of coomer bullshit. Not to mention all of the mods that are really questionable in that they are making pointless "rebalances", or "overalls" that modify a bunch of stuff that was fine before, and then there is also the people adding fanmade stories and missions that have FanFic-tier writing. Only like 5% of all mods are something serious that actually is an real improvement to the overall gameplay.
I wonder if it's just a meme that people have actually bought into and whenever their setup of mods doesn't fix the game it's just cause they're not modding it the right way! And so they get to work on overhauling the game with different mods instead.
Downloading so many mods for any Bethesda game is not even a good thing anyways. It just makes it prone to more crashing and adds even more bugs.

What's more depressing is that these problems are also nothing new. In Skyrim you could swing your sword, use destructive magic, and shoot arrows around people and nobody reacts to anything you do until you finally hit somebody. This problem even goes as far back to oblivion. Even GTA San Andreas has more basic interactivity then any Bethesda game. Twos decades of being an AAA game studio and Bethesda still doesn't know how to surpass Gothic's NPC intelligence.

What's more depressing is that these problems are also nothing new. In Skyrim you could swing your sword, use destructive magic, and shoot arrows around people and nobody reacts to anything you do until you finally hit somebody. This problem even goes as far back to oblivion. Even GTA San Andreas has more basic interactivity then any Bethesda game. Twos decades of being an AAA game studio and Bethesda still doesn't know how to surpass Gothic's NPC intelligence.

In Fallout 3 NPCs would react somewhat if you shot in their direction, mostly just telling you to knock it off. Looks like they couldn’t even be bothered to implement that here.
So when they say it’s the first new universe from Bethesda in 25 years, what do they mean by that? Because it’s been almost 30 years since the first Elder Scrolls game released. The closest to 25 years ago would be Fallout, but I sure hope they aren’t trying to imply that Fallout is an original Bethesda creation…
2023-09-06 20.49.10 73d2c8e26399.png

BGS literally hasn't released any games further back than 21 years ago so I have no idea what they're on about.

Bethesda Softworks on the other hand do have two titles:
2023-09-06 20.50.45 0c9ecf413b27.png

However, I very much doubt that is what they are referencing, it would not surprise me at all if they're trying to rewrite history and take credit for the creation of Fallout.

Also, Starfield NPC combat!

This is like Fallout 3 NPC combat.


Sunk 2% on steam to 84% btw, with how long Bethesda games are we might not see a negative dip for quite a while.
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So apparently, people who played it on Steam during the early access week could refund the game if they found it poopy. However if you left a review before you refunded it then they remove that review. I've seen tons of reviews for others games stay up despite getting refunds, hell, I think I've left negative reviews for games I refunded. Why are they removing Starfield's EA reviews from refunders? (to be clear, this is Valve, not Bethesda)


Enjoy this review if you got the time and enjoy reading:

A few excerpts:
"The main story is the most tedious, derivative and repetitive slog I've ever experienced in a Bethesda game. Most quests are simple fetch quests, the EXACT SAME fetch quest, repeated for hours on end."

"But what about the open world? It's always carried Bethesda games before. 1000 planets of adventure must be something, right? No. Bethesda dropped the ball here monumentally. The open world is basically a lie, an illusion of content. In truth the worlds you visit are little more than vast empty expanses of open terrain with the occasional copy/pasted structure dotted around. "

"The "skill challenges" you have to complete to progress character skills. It's just another system meant to slow the game down, to pad out the time it takes to get anything done. And the challenges are never anything interesting like, breaking into the secure vault of a band of religious zealots, or hunt a lethal predator loose on a space station that's falling into a black hole. No, it's just a grind. Do X thing Y number of times. I particularly hated having to grind space combat to pump up my Piloting skill so that I could use a ship with longer jump range."
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I see a lot of those comments as well and I honestly don't understand how people can fall for this. No matter how dedicated and talented you are, when you don't have access to the game's source code much less the massive budget/manpower that the actual developers had, what you can do in order to salvage a disaster like this is incredibly limited. And in any case 95% of mods for most games are bullshit that either doesn't improve the experience or outright makes it worse. Just look at the modding scene for Skyrim and you will see how it is dominated by an endless sea of coomer bullshit. Not to mention all of the mods that are really questionable in that they are making pointless "rebalances", or "overalls" that modify a bunch of stuff that was fine before, and then there is also the people adding fanmade stories and missions that have FanFic-tier writing. Only like 5% of all mods are something serious that actually is an real improvement to the overall gameplay.

This. I was about the type the same thing. It's the same for Fallout 4. Most mods are just bug fixes, minor re-balances, and coomer bait bullshit.

Games that are initially 'broken' and I am not talking about code or script but rather their design and the decisions the designers went with can not be fixed by mods. Modders think they can fill up the lack of content by adding more dungeons with monsters to kill and chests and corpses to loot but it doesn't work that way, at least not outside a pen and paper RPG in which players have each other to talk to and fill up time because they can play off against each other.
Even rebalancing can not make up for the lack of any meaningful or satisfying content. It only perhaps adds more or less grinding for experience and gear.
Why even fix a game that is broken when there are games that are already good from the start and any new content a modder made will be seen by many more gamers. And if their work is good they may even be hired.

People who buy games believing that the fan community will fix any flaws or lack of content the developers could not even be bothered with are not doing the game industry and they expect others to make their bad purchase a good one.
I really should not have bought Fallout 4 for example as I do not want to play the base game itself. I only want to play the total conversions for it. But I really should have waited until one of them finally got finished.

Besides, I'll probably lose interest after a while and not finish it anyway and can use game pass to enjoy other games instead. :>

At least you are not wasting 70 pop on this.
This is probably the most prophetic thing I've ever seen of someone say something about Bethesda, and it actually even applies to the entire Triple A side of the Gaming Industry today:

Keep note of the fact he was talking about Fallout 3 there, and that's about to become a 15 year old game. And still things haven't changed for the better, Bethesda didn't improve, they've stagnated even further than before! And that's sad & embarrassing.

Also, the whole "Let the Modders handle it" mentality, is what's killing/killed Triple A Gaming right now! Like I said, Ethan Quin was very prophetic for saying that, sums up what we find ourselves in nowadays sadly. :-?

And for those who are curious, here's the original thread of where Ethan Quin said that:

View attachment 27663
BGS literally hasn't released any games further back than 21 years ago so I have no idea what they're on about.

Bethesda Softworks on the other hand do have two titles:
View attachment 27664

However, I very much doubt that is what they are referencing, it would not surprise me at all if they're trying to rewrite history and take credit for the creation of Fallout.

Also, Starfield NPC combat!

This is like Fallout 3 NPC combat.


Sunk 2% on steam to 84% btw, with how long Bethesda games are we might not see a negative dip for quite a while.

It really just looks like a big Fallout 4 mod honestly.
So, I’ve put in a out 2 hours of it so far through Gamepass.

Honestly, the game looks nice, it plays nice too. Within 20 minutes I was able to explore the Galaxy which is a huge step up from the usual Bethesda chore of a long intro.
There are traits, and while they aren’t as impactful as New Vegas, it’s a nice addition to be able to give my Character a negative for a positive.
Perks seem to be a simplified but expansive version on Skyrim’s perk system. Rather than get better at each skill, you just need to do a few challanges to get a rank in a perk.
I prefer it over Skyrim where progression was way too slow and you would level up due to skills you had no interest in.
I’ve tried the dialogue skill checks, and you can fail them again, but you’re given multiplw chances to pass. There’s also a difficulty scale on those checks as it seems to add to whether you pass or not. So there are options in dialogue again. It’s a much better system than both Fallout 4 and Skyrim (but that’s not saying much).

Space combat is fine, it’s nothing too detailed, but it’s impressive by Bethesda standards.
Exploration is baren, which of course it’s going to be, they stretched themselves out way too much.
Fast travel is vital now, but you do have a lot more freedom with it (you can pick where you want to land on a given planet and that would be saved as a fast travel point).

A lot of my problems came from the first ten minutes where you slowly follow someone as they stop and then carry on walking. Outside of that loop, the opening was a huge improvement.

The writing has been kind of… dull so far. I’ve not really cared about what’s been going on so far, but A. I didn’t expect much and B. I’ve not really touched the main story.

Combat is about what you’d expect. I’m hoping they’ve done away with the “Legendary Enemies” of Fallout 4, but it remains to be seen what they replace them with.

So far, it’s been 2 hours, but I’m enjoying my time with it so far, but I can see it getting dull rather quickly.
It does seem Bethesda have taken things on board from Fallout 4 and have made essentially a better version of it.
Really, it’s a cool life sim set in Space.
I’ll report back tomorrow when I’ve played a bit more.
That is basically the reason why I bought Fallout 4; for the Fallout 1 TC and the Fallout New Vegas TC, if they ever get finished. I don't want to touch the vanilla game as it is just so damn average.

The total conversion mods are the only things that interests me too. The only F4 TC mod that interests me that's not a remake of the old Fallouts is Fallout Cascadia, which has received no progress updates in a while. It's literally dead silence on their youtube channel and Facebook. Two years since the last progress update. Which worries me. Other mods like Fallout Miami and London just feel fanfictiony and are leaning too much into the "lol wacky" philosophy Bethesda has of the fallout games.
Dunno if I ever posted this one.


The total conversion mods are the only things that interests me too. The only F4 TC mod that interests me that's not a remake of the old Fallouts is Fallout Cascadia, which has received no progress updates in a while. It's literally dead silence on their youtube channel and Facebook. Two years since the last progress update. Which worries me. Other mods like Fallout Miami and London just feel fanfictiony and are leaning too much into the "lol wacky" philosophy Bethesda has of the fallout games.
Hm, I was desperate for more Legion content and got Bounties for FNV (not for legion content just for more quest content) and the guy behind Bounties is so biased against Legion that it made it boring to accept as fanon. And after that it kinda woke me up to the fact that a lot of story mods are going to be written by people who's writing quality is a complete unknown. I wouldn't hold my breath that the writing in any TC mod for a Bethesda Fallout to be good tbh.

But that's just little old me being a downer, again.
the guy behind Bounties is so biased against Legion that it made it boring to accept as fanon.
This is why i don't bother with fan quest mods after trying an handful. Most of the time you can see a clear either for or against a character or a faction and it gets obnoxious after a while.