This might not be the most blasphemous game anymore...

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NGL, it's kinda sad when you really think about it. Poor Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel! :mad: :-(

Also, it's crazy to see how many times certain games in the Fallout series is referenced in the Magic cards, Tactics BARELY made it, while others like New Vegas & 4 have the most references out of them. Kinda sucks to see Fallout 1 & 2 having the least amount though, I do wonder why they left out BOS, when they could've made just ONE for it like Tactics hmmm?


Oh, and KUDOS to @SquidWard for creating that tally of the number of references the Magic cards had! :ok:
*Also consider that FO3 is a reskinning of TESIV, complete with Tamriel being the internal world name. Oblivion does play in third person optionally, just like Skyrim; it's ignored in FO3, but it's still in there.

You know it's funny you say that, because the same thing can be said for Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel itself, of it being a reskin of a fantasy adventure game!(Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance)

So I guess that's another similarity between the two then, heh a game engine being used for a fantasy setting, then to a post-apocalyptic one.

And Interplay even got into legal trouble for that too! Well, at least for using the same engine Dark Alliance used.

A similarity, (long known) is that FO3 is essentially [and could pass for being] a FOBOS sequel.

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Also, it's crazy to see how many times certain games in the Fallout series is referenced in the Magic cards, Tactics BARELY made it, while others like New Vegas & 4 have the most references out of them. Kinda sucks to see Fallout 1 & 2 having the least amount though, I do wonder why they left out BOS, when they could've made just ONE for it like Tactics hmmm?


Oh, and KUDOS to @SquidWard for creating that tally of the number of references the Magic cards had! :ok:
Thanks! Lol. I'm not shocked by the numbers too much honestly. I thought Fallout 2 would have gotten a few more overall than it ended up getting though. I think Fallout (1) getting more than 2 in the end makes the most sense though. It's the root of the series and every sequel has refused to entirely let go of many things it introduced despite how sensible it would be to do so. You can expect Super Mutants in every game and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Brotherhood of Steel too! They were iconic of the first game, showed their faces in the second game, and ever since have been coined as the de facto things that a Fallout game must have.
New Vegas has its online presence of a cult classic that also pisses people off at this point. Probably due to the massive love it still receives.
Fallout 4 is probably Bethesda's biggest Fallout sales wise and is more recent than 3 so that also lines up. Though, I personally think that Fallout 3 was more culturally relevant than Fallout 4 was. It was a reboot-sequel of what a truly cult classic game series that had a lot of turbulence. Old fans were likely excited and many disappointed but hopefully not as disappointed as they were with BoS. And the game brought a lot of new fans to the series even if they only ever played 3 and onward. Fallout would not be a popular subject if it weren't for that game and still be a more niche cult classic. That was the only thing that somewhat shocked me. I really thought 3 would overall be closer to NV and 4s count due to that but I guess Bethesda doesn't want you to remember that game as much as they want to push their more recent titles (and they've likely given up on trying to sell you on 76, either you're in it or you're not).
Thanks! Lol. I'm not shocked by the numbers too much honestly. I thought Fallout 2 would have gotten a few more overall than it ended up getting though. I think Fallout (1) getting more than 2 in the end makes the most sense though. It's the root of the series and every sequel has refused to entirely let go of many things it introduced despite how sensible it would be to do so. You can expect Super Mutants in every game and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Brotherhood of Steel too! They were iconic of the first game, showed their faces in the second game, and ever since have been coined as the de facto things that a Fallout game must have.
New Vegas has its online presence of a cult classic that also pisses people off at this point. Probably due to the massive love it still receives.
Fallout 4 is probably Bethesda's biggest Fallout sales wise and is more recent than 3 so that also lines up. Though, I personally think that Fallout 3 was more culturally relevant than Fallout 4 was. It was a reboot-sequel of what a truly cult classic game series that had a lot of turbulence. Old fans were likely excited and many disappointed but hopefully not as disappointed as they were with BoS. And the game brought a lot of new fans to the series even if they only ever played 3 and onward. Fallout would not be a popular subject if it weren't for that game and still be a more niche cult classic. That was the only thing that somewhat shocked me. I really thought 3 would overall be closer to NV and 4s count due to that but I guess Bethesda doesn't want you to remember that game as much as they want to push their more recent titles (and they've likely given up on trying to sell you on 76, either you're in it or you're not).

Yeah, for some reason Bethesda's really indifferent towards Fallout 3 these days, I wonder why? Given to as you said, put the series on the map, in the mainstream gaming spotlight.
I am betting on office politic infighting, and the faction that govern F3 project back in the days lost, badly. Notice that F4 aesthetic absolutely abandon the style of F3.
Okay at this point, would anybody on here say & prefer that Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel is more CANON than the TV Show? :confused:


Also, I can't believe that it has come to this, because now I can actually say that FALLOUT: BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL DID IT FIRST!
By having a black guy, a ghoul, & a female being the main characters/protagonists of the story.

;) :o O.o :nod:

Well... It's been like that since FO3 released. FO3 has always been —essentially FOBOS2— in almost every discernible way.
Well... It's been like that since FO3 released. FO3 has always been —essentially FOBOS2— in almost every discernible way.
Yeah I know, but anyway in regards to this show, I see some pretty interesting similarities between BOS & The TV Show...

1. The Lineup of Protagonists as I've stated above.

2. All the crazy & unnecessary lore breaks to established lore.

& 3. Trying SO damn hard to appeal to the "wider mainstream audience" that both this game & the show are targeting.

;) :roffle:
What do you mean by this?
Basically FO3 is what one would expect of a studio (known for hiking sims and empowerment fantasy) to make after scrutinizing FOBOS, and cherry-picking nouns from the IP to dress up their Oblivion game as an ersatz Fallout title.

Gameplay is basically the same as FOBOS/Oblivion—sans the ISO/3D. Treatment [presentation] of ghouls, the BOS, Supermutants, and the world setting are basically the same; the pathos of each discarded. The mentality of the populace is nothing like Fallout or even Fallout 2.

On a side note:
I read that it genuinely shocked the studio when they learned that UK Oblivion players commonly used the TPP camera view. So ingrained were they that the player must (but of course!) only experience it all through the eyes of the PC —themselves— in the game; TPP preference was totally inconceivable to them.
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This is such a retardedly fun trailer that I can't even hate. Made me laugh.

Basically FO3 is what one would expect of a studio (known for hiking sims and empowerment fantasy) to make after scrutinizing FOBOS, and cherry-picking nouns from the IP to dress up their Oblivion game as an ersatz Fallout title.

Gameplay is basically the same as FOBOS/Oblivion—sans the ISO/3D. Treatment [presentation] of ghouls, the BOS, Supermutants, and the world setting are basically the same; the pathos of each discarded. The mentality of the populace is nothing like Fallout or even Fallout 2.

Ah so you mean in spirit, gotcha. I dunno if I'd agree with that completely. In a lot of departments with Fallout 3, they really did try. They just failed miserably as a single entity.
Ah so you mean in spirit, gotcha.
Not just that, but the setting. The BOS were a xenophobic cult hid away in a bunker that the player —might— encounter during the game; they were just barely mentioned in Fallout 2. In FO3 they are the self styled saviors of the world; "we're fighting for the future of mankind".

And in FOBOS... "The Brotherhood is the law". In Fallout the Brotherhood is a tech-cult who sent the PC off to die in an irradiated hell-hole on a (deemed impossible) quest——so they wouldn't be bothered by them again.

This needs to be posted far and wide; everywhere it can be seen.
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This needs to be posted far and wide; everywhere it can be seen.
Oh don't worry bro, I've been sharing this similarity all across Social Media ever since!

:ok: :rofl:

Also, has anyone else noticed that following the release of the TV Show, with the surge of newfound interest for the series, whenever official sources talked about the franchise overall. Fallout: BOS is never mentioned whatsoever, that includes retrospective videos as well! They're really doing their best to erase this game from people's memory, & honestly from the Franchise's History! What are your thoughts on that?

Heh heh heh, SURELY this isn't a coincidence!?

Even though it's just a few letters off, still that's pretty close wouldn't you agree? :confused: ;)

You know in regards to the press kit for Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, is it true that they were actually packed with condoms? I've seen certain sources saying yes, while others have said no.
So which one is true? What's the truth of the matter here?

If someone took the time to take a picture of the presskit, to showcase the items inside, I would assume they wouldn't skip over photographing the most interesting piece, the condom. I tend to lean towards the condom was a rumor because whooooa it's the early 2000s and this game is EDGY!!1 Herve Caen probably started the rumor himself.
Credits to TriangleCity for sharing this on his YouTube Channel's Community Page, since Bawls Guarana Energy Drink was promoted A LOT in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, it seems that to return the favor, Bawls promoted Fallout: BOS on their website:

[BTW, I'm gonna paraphrase a comment that was made in the comment section of that community post]

You know if Bawls actually used a slogan for the pic above, I don't think something like "Grab your Bawls and Brotherhood of Steel" would've rolled off the tongue quite as well, wouldn't you agree?

@Bawls Lover what do you think?

:confused: ;)