So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I've been busy with catching up on work lately, but I should have enough time and rest to do Nolanverse episode 2 by tomorrow night.
"The Bitter Springs massacre didn't happen. But the Khans deserved it."
Bitter Springs certainly wasn't a "net positive" because it displaced the Khans into the canyon where they couldn't be easily uprooted, and after the Khans learned how to make drugs from the Followers they directly supplied the Fiends and maintained banditry in the NCR's rear. The NCR exacerbated their problems by trying to "pacify" the Khans instead of working out a diplomatic solution, and the blowback of Bitter Springs came in the form of the Fiends.
They already tried that and it didn't work. They should have done what the Chinese did with their namesake and bought them off as auxiliaries for dealing with other raiders. This is where "we don't negotiate with terrorists" gets you.
The Khan's have most amount of plot armor any faction has ever had in a series. They get wiped out in 1 2 and twice in the events preceding new Vegas yet here they are.
Moore is right, put the boot down and get rid of them. Just as the vault dweller intended. Dealing with the Khan's will kill off a ton of fiends too since they are the primary chem traffickers of the region.
How many people do you think survived the original Fallout 1, 21 years after the bombs dropped? Shady Sands is a town of like 30 people, there are more Khans in a raiding group than an entire town? The Khans survive game after game and need to be ended already.To be fair, that's game engine limitations. The Khans and New Khans are not actually wiped out in either game. The Vault Dweller and Chosen isn't wiping out their villages. They're just killing the warriors present.
Fallout 1 is like 80 years after the bombs dropped.How many people do you think survived the original Fallout 1, 21 years after the bombs dropped? Shady Sands is a town of like 30 people, there are more Khans in a raiding group than an entire town? The Khans survive game after game and need to be ended already.
Vault 15 opened 21 years after the bombs dropped I did bad sentencesFallout 1 is like 80 years after the bombs dropped.