Ben Soto
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  • Finally got Elite: Dangerous. OH MY GOD SO GOOD.
    Deleted member 93956
    I still don't know what the fuck is the game but when I get done refund credit I'm grabbing that
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Try and grab the expansion pack, Horizons, too. It adds some neat features that make the game a lot better.

    And if you still don't know what it is, go watch Scott Manley's videos on it. It's pretty great. Variabull and Yahtzee also both gave positive reviews of it.
    So, F4VR is apparently okay. Not good, not bad, just... okay.
    Well its still F4 though .......
    In less they updated the game with more RPG elements and re-written half of it. Then it's still shit
    Help I got addicted to EU4 and CK2. It's not that I don't expect the Spanish Inquisition, I just don't have the time for it.
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    Reactions: Risewild
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Yeah, I'm really preferring CK2. Right now, I'm playing as Airgialla right now and I'm trying to become Duke of Ulster and, later, King of Ireland.
    CK2 is amazing I just get too addicted. Can't play ironman mode though I make too many mistakes. I love that you literally waste hours of game time by making a mistake and not thinking things through. Combat could be little better. But dam I've sank so much time into that game
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I'm playing an Irish chief who's also a Satanist, but I've screwed up big time. I had to sacrifice a virgin and was suggested to sacrifice a member of a monastic order, so I did. Problem was, my previous leader had given her a bit of a proper fucking, so I ending up sacrificing her for no good reason.

    Wahmp wahmp.
    The Greek word biblios, which is where we derive the word bible, is synonymous with bublios. We were this close to calling it "The Buble."
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    You's not called "The Buble"? Why didn't someone tell me?! Oh I've been making an idiot out of myself!
    I'm taking on MGS2. It's only my second MGS game (after playing V: TPP.) Wish me luck.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Luck to you, I'd suggest playing MGS1 first though if you can.
    Man play the first one if you can first but have fun.
    Anybody here play Mutant Crawl Classics? I'm in a group running it now and I'd say it's fun. I prefer PF or D&D5E, but I still like it.
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    Reactions: Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Thanks I’ll check it out maybe talk to my GM cause we are getting kinda burnt out on Adventures League stuff atm.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    If you're getting burnt out on AL stuff, but don't want to switch systems, considering running homebrew stuff.
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Yeah I had pruchased some Spelljammer modules that my GM said is easy to translate to 5th ed. We might do that; a lot of AD&D stuff is transferable to 5th ed.
    Anybody here know of a game than plays like BF1942 with the same WW2 theme and bot support, but that actually runs on Win10?
    There are ways to play BF1942 on windows 10 but if you're lazy try playing Day of Infamy. It has a similar theme and class based team vs team combat but the gunplay feels like Arma.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I've tried literally _every_ solution I could find for BF1942. NOTHING has worked. As for Day of Infamy, I've heard it's less like BF1942 and more like Day of Defeat, which is a good game, but not quite what I'm looking for.
    Anybody here got a wishlist of games they want to get for the Switch?
    I don't play shooters on console. And the Lego games aren't all exactly the same game with a reskin?
    Deleted member 93956
    Kiiinda, but Lego Worlds is the most Minecraft-y of all. Everything is blocks, everything is breakable, procedurally generated etc. The <any IP> Lego games are usually simple puzzle/platformers that have been having less and less clashing 3D environments with the Lego parts. Haven't played any in a very long time.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Lego Worlds is basically your standard Lego game, but instead of being a linear, sub-par third person action game, it's an above-par Minecraft-esque sandbox.
    Any suggestions for names for an NMA-hosted GOTY awards show? I'm thinking The Harold Awards/Harolds, but IDK if that's good enough.
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    I’d love if they were called The Odins’ or The Pers’ even though its a little inside baseball so to speak.
    I'd say the "NMA Annual Mutie Awards"
    Harolds sounds pretty cool. Something to do with radiation might work too.
    First world problem: Can't fit funny quote into 140 characters. Fuck.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    [Sasha trips a button with his foot to reveal a very ugly Tiffany lamp]

    Sasha Nein: Oh... so tacky! I can't... look... directly at it! [to Raz] But I control those feelings, focus them, concentrate, and... Release! [psi-blasts the lamp to pieces] ...And the world is a better place.
    Deleted member 93956
    Let's change it to 280 shall we
    what is this place? somekind of twitter-lite?
    People who've played both KOTOR games, which should I start with? I'm thinking of playing KOTOR2.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Well, there's the Machete Order (IV V II III VI VII VIII IX,) release order (self explanatory) or numbered order (I through IX in order.) I personally prefer release order, though I know some people can't stand not using the numbered or Machete orders.
    Here's the order: IV V VI anything else is heresy.
    Play the first one then play the second one.
    There's yet another Net Neutrality vote coming up Dec. 13th. If you're in the US, kick up as much of a stink as humanly possible.
    EA's comment on BF2 microtransactions is now the most downvoted comment on Reddit ever, sitting at -350k, give or take.
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    I specially love the bullshit "argument" EA used to justify the insane grind to just unlock one hero. They should just be honest and say they it made this way to basically force the player to spend real money to bypass the insane grind.
    It is EA so I am not shocked in the least bit.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Update: Last I looked, it was at ~-455k.
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