Ben Soto
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  • Good news: Valve got Scream Fortress out on time. Bad news: Valve got Scream Fortress 2016 out on time.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Valve, that burning you feel? It is shame.
    I doubt they feel any burn when they are making so much money.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Tell that to the TF Team. Valve screws them over more than any other part of their company except maybe the HL3 dev team. At this point, the TF Team is basically just the janitor, a potted plant and the team baby, Team Crabwalk Rocketjump Fortress.
    Look at that. Valve managed to get out both the Pyro Update and Scream Fortress this month. Good job, Valve!
    lemme know when they actually make a fucking game.
    Just watched Yahtzee's A Hat in Time review. HOLY CRAP YAHTZEE LIKED SOMETHING.
    Defer to the first sentence of my post. Yahtzee has given a fair amount of praise to various games he’s reviewed over the years. Wolfenstein: The New Order, Papers Please, Hotline Miami, Minecraft, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal, Psychonauts, are good examples of such.
    And if you want a completely positive review from Yahtzee, check out the Portal segment in his review of the Orange Box. He had no criticisms to dish out against Portal. To add to @TheAdversary 's list, there's also Dark Souls, Doom, Persona 5, Undertale, The Witcher 3, Majora's Mask, Stardew Valley X-COM EU, Deus Ex and I'd be remiss not to add, Silent Hill 2.
    Deleted member 93956
    FTL and Skyrim too, and more often than not he'll be positive in retrospect of others.
    Can we all agree that Pokemon that evolve by trade suck? I just want to evolve my Kadabra, but I don't know anybody who has R/S/E & a GBA.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Now, IIRC, if you don't want to socialize, there is the GTS, but that only works for Gen VI and VII at the moment because the DS and Wii no longer have their gameplay servers (thanks, Gamespy.)
    Dude, WIFI has been a thing since Gen 4.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I already said that it isn't anymore. The servers are down for Gens IV and V.
    Doom on Switch is confirmed to run at 30fps. I'm honestly surprised it runs that well.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Doom, IIRC, wouldn't run at 30fps at all on the 7th generation of consoles. It's really impressive that the Switch is running modern games so well. Nintendo has never been one for massive performance.
    Switch is at the level of the PS4 about except in a handheld form. Just a cunt hair off really.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Yeah... No. Doom was aiming for 60fps on the PS4. The devs have even said that the port is hard because the Switch is weaker than the other consoles.
    Just got Civ3 off of the Humble Store. Wanted to spend 1/2 hour to try it out. Ended up spending 4.
    buy alpha centauri too ;)
    you will love it
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I didn't buy it. I got it free from a giveaway. That said, I have played Alpha Centauri before. It was pretty damn good.
    Remember when Jewel went into dance pop? Yeah, apparently that was supposed to be an homage to big band & Cole Porter... I ain't hearing it.
    Somebody just watched Todd in the Shadows.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Somebody else just watched Todd in the Shadows.
    The locking joints might have to do with a lack of prep workouts/proper hydration. I've been doing a lot of running lately (I hate running more than anything, but I need to prep for my PRT), and have had to spend the previous day staying hydrated/eating healthy, as well as a 5-10 minute warm-up so I can handle running more than 2 or 3 miles.
    Like A721402 said, your immune system is bolstered by a healthy lifestyle.

    You also might be performing anaerobic workouts, which are not good for someone who's sick. Sticking to a slower pace and building in intensity when nearing the end of your workout is a much better way to keep active than just pushing yourself immediately.
    Ah the common cold, it is one of our longest enemies, a pitched battle of the ages, time and time again it comes for us, time and time again we beat it back! Well, one of the hundreds of strains, from several families

    There is little love among the competing life forms on this planet
    For all the strife within the Pokemon fanbase, can we just agree on one thing? Wooper and Quagsire are the best. Everyone else is wrong.
    Wobbuffet is the best :D
    It was so OP that people were banned from using Wobbuffett in official tournaments in three different generations of games.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Yeah, but Wooper can use Ice Punch without any hands. Checkmate.
    Shroomish can learn Wake Up slap, Drain Punch, Focus Punch and has no hands either.
    Aron, Rhyhorn, Alakazam, Cyndaquil, Turtwig, etc. can use Iron Tail without having tails. :P
    Pokemons that can use moves when they don't have the parts necessary for them are common, so Wooper is just like many other pokemons. :P
    Game Freak is saying USUM has both a story twice as long as Sun/Moon and more post-game content than Platinum.
    I hope the Ultramegalopolis lives up to it's name and it's an actual explorable city space instead of just the Ultra Recon Squad base. I feel like we still have some URS members to discover.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    When I was talking about about S/M's length, I was referring to the main story. Game Freak is telling us to except a 30 to 60 hour story.
    My bother has a 2ds might steal it off him .....
    USUM is confirmed to have it's alternate world be filled with Legendary Pokemon, such as Mewtwo. Here's hoping we have legitimate wild Mew.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I haven't played since Gen V, and I don't have very good memories of Gen V, so if it was introduced after Black/White, I've got no clue.
    In Gen5 they have an Ace Trainer that gives you cryptic hints of what your IVs are, in Gen 6 the Super training screen showed EV allocation and the Ace Trainer hints were less cryptic, now in Gen7 you press Y on the summary screen and it shows you your EVs and after beating the game and hatching 20 eggs an NPC gives you a feature to directly check your Pokemon's IVs from the PC.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Oh. That's pretty cool. So now we just need a better difficulty select than Black 2/White 2 and we should be good.
    Haven't played any PKMN game after Black/White, which ones after that are the must-plays?
    ... Just the newest one?
    TFW you're recording a Let's Play and the game audio is super loud and the commentary is barely audible.
    Most lets players these days
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    It pisses me off especially since I had done a two-hour recording session, and now I need to do those two hours again or scrap the whole thing and try something else.
    It still strikes me as so odd that Fallout 2 is considered the better of the original games. Just... How?
    • Like
    Reactions: R.Graves
    Wasn't meant to be nuanced. It means what it says.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Fallout 2 is still a good game/RPG, and for good reasons. It's not a worthy sequel to Fallout 1 for good reasons, too, but I wouldn't say it's OUTRIGHT bad sequel.
    It's certainly not as good of a sequel as new Vegas
    Playing through Pokemon Sapphire. It was a lot easier than I remembered until it very suddenly wasn't.
    So don't play it. The whole point is to catch them all and the one's caught on an emulator don't count so it's a waste of time.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    The whole point is to beat the eight gyms, beat the Elite Four, become the Champion and fight Big Bad Evil Guy #151. Catching them all is a completely optional thing.
    Here is how you steamroll Sapphire, Choose Mudkip so you can one shot all of Roxanne's pokemon, catch a sableye in Dewford and laugh at Brawly's inability to cause it any damage, evolve Mudkip and steamroll Wattson, then Flanery, teach your Marshtomp protect and steamroll Norman by abusing truant, then steam roll Liza and Tate with Marshtomp, catch some electric type in New Mauville and steamroll Wallace.
    What's the general opinion of the Shoddycast Storyteller videos? I think they're pretty decent, but they consider F3 canon, so I give it 0/5
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    I liked the older videos, not really watched the newer stuff as it didn't appeal to me.
    I use The Vault Wiki. I don't have to listen to some of the most obnoxious YouTube personalities.
    (cont.) And Child and Adult mean nothing. Growlmon is just as childish as Guilmon, and I'd argue some Digimon seem younger as Champion/Adult
    (cont.) You have Baby... Baby II... Child? Adult? Perfect? Why is Perfect stage 5, and Ultimate stage 6. Doesn't Perfect = Ultimate?
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