Ben Soto
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  • @Prone Squanderer I don't mind synths as a concept, but they're indicative of the main problem of F4: Alright ideas, horrid execution.
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    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    That's how they were established in F3. You can even get android parts.
    Still harkness was far too sentient for my tastes. Whats his faces bodyguard should be more what they are imo. Fully sentient androids should only be a potential ending imo
    I think cyborgs like robobrains with humanoid bodies would have been better. They could grow the brains in tanks then do all their memory wiping and programming when they've matured. Fits a lot better thematically imo. This could also tie into the above post with using sentient computers rather than brains being the good Institute ending.
    Anyone got an idea for a good parts list for a PC at $550 USD, sans OS/peripherals/monitor?
    The good news is that Bethesda doesn't want to allow mods that are already out there in this. That's not absolutely horrible.
    If they're going with this credits system, it better be easy to earn credits without paying, or this thing'll crash and burn.
    Lmao "earn credits without paying". Nah won't happen, they want to take your money.
    Bethesda, instead of doing paid mods AGAIN, put a damn donate button next to the mod!
    But then how would they make money off of mods without forcing everyone to purchase said mods to use them?
    I like Quake Champions, I'm excited for Wolfenstein, but Jesus, I've seen better press conferences from GE.
    Yo dawg, I heard ya like paid mods, so I put some-wait, you *don't* like paid mods? Well, damnit.
    ESO isn't my cup of tea, but I do like they're going back to Vvardenfell.
    Yeah now they can butcher what made that good too! Morrowind has some really unique creatures *adverts feature a bear and skyrim's dwarven spheres*
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