Recent content by dslotti

  1. dslotti

    Survival, the only way to play....

    The same thing - love to play but hate of bugs. The main point of settlements also - I'm damn looter and take everything to bring to settlement to give weapons to people or to dismantle to materials. That is why need containers also, you cannot find them on the road and no need.
  2. dslotti

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    IMHO hostile ghouls in F4 are very cool. They are maybe not perfect enemies but effective fast like in horror movies
  3. dslotti

    Completed New Vegas Iron-Man Style

    1. Congrats. I cannot count how many times I died in Fallout. You can play flawless only after approx. level 30 without problems. 2. I played hardcore (the most hard mode) from the begin in all F3, otherwise there is really no interest.
  4. dslotti

    Project Van Buren

    According to website - yes. I checked twitter - seems working. But how many years necessary for 1 developer to make the world and number of quests like F2? What is the goal? Anyway thank you for your activity and work.
  5. dslotti

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    I will take a vacation if I will get remastered F1/F2 to play)))
  6. dslotti

    Project Van Buren

    So finally... Is it dead???
  7. dslotti

    3d Fallout 1 & 2?

    I will buy ANY Fallout, from Bethesda or indie studio, doesn't matter. But if it will be remake of F1/F2 I would like to buy and support the finished or almost finished game. There are a lot of projects like "Oh look, new F2 on F3 engine, here are 5 screens and 3 houses made in Arroyo village"...
  8. dslotti

    Important! Free F1 - F2 till 23/12/2022

    Hello! I checked and found that you can get Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics free of charge (giveaway) till 17.00 (05.00 PM) from EPIC GAMES. So if you missed possibility to play and do not want to pay something for outdated gems, it is chance to get for free. For all other lovers, chance to get if you...
  9. dslotti

    Survival, the only way to play....

    Survival mode is only one reason WHY YOU NEED TO BUILD SETTLEMENTS. Because you do not need them in other mode, you can just teleport everywhere. But crate and bed in Survival counts much. The complete shit is crash in Survival. It could burn one gaming hour for nothing...
  10. dslotti

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I don't know how I'm really discovered the disc. I liked isometric style. I checked about comparison to Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment but Fallout came first. And it was so big and impressive so for sure I had no possibility to pass Fallout 2. Before I played mainly quests and RTS
  11. dslotti

    Favorite Fallout 4 Quests?

    To tell the truth main Covenant quest was interesting because of possibility of choices. I cannot say that is my favorite but at least it has the plot on it. F4 mainly has stupid quests, really.
  12. dslotti

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I can call myself a fan because I like F4, liked and passed F3 and F3 NV and liked and passed F1 and F2 in nineties