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  • I hope Sambo doesn't get much flak, people it was Soviet made derived from bunch of native Japanese disciplines.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    Yeah UkrainianSambo does exist. No, Russians do not have monopoly toward the sport. The greatest Sambo athletes come from Caucasus.
    Yeah Krav Maga too huh? Or am I recalling wrong...
    Yeah Krav Maga too. In fact the official ranking system is based on Judo's.
    I want to be be Mary Sue.
    @KingArthur A good struggle and good jourmey are good. A good balance between self-actualization and facing obstacle. Sadly nothing like that always exist in real life.
    "mary sue" are the lazyest approaches to "strong females" (i guess mostly written by dudes eager to impress) but no protagonist is of any interest, unless they struggle and face their weaknesses and failures. The whole point of success, is that failure was always around the corner, and avoiding it was the challenge.
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    Not always, Eissa, no. But even a string of pain can break monotony and help us grow. Every bad experience does something for us, whether we see it in the moment or not.
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    I was shadow banned again, DAMNIT
    That or it was caused by last comment on r/newvegasmeme. Fallout subreddits can be damn autocratic like a dictator during his foulest mood.
    I am too but it did not stop Crni for calling me alt right for 4 or 5 years.
    @TorontoReign Well depends. If you cherry picking certain policy as your favorite subject, you will be called by term(s).
    I was called names in r/solarpunk for wanting private healthcare in human service (but keep drug subsidized) as option. I was also denounced by some people for defending welfare policy. At least for me, being moderate is hard.
    In the Noble Brightness of the far future there is only High Adventure
    The Emperor is a Techno-Barbarian. He's just never described as such because he actually won.
    But in reality he's just a monstrously powerful sorcerer (psyker) who introduce strange restrictive rule about gene-wrought fleshcrafting and no AIs.
    The Director from Left 4 Dead series was one of the best innovation in gaming. I wish a Fallout game got one.
    Perhaps such kind of "World AI" might be affected by Luck stat for Fallout version.
    Man...my youtube suggestion list is filled with all kind of Johnny Depp characters vs Amber Heard.
    It's for sure at least 50 percent because nothing else but horrible nonsense is happening on the news nonstop. At least the trial is funny.
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    The fact that INT affects dialogue while CHR doesn't is so strange.
    I think the system works fine as is (Fallout is not the best RPG) because you are asking for something that would get broken easier and would take longer to program. People hated PoE and Pathfinder just due to being different.
    You do know right that New Vegas possibly make Luck being on par with INT as the best SPECIAL stats. All because that hilarious " I C E C R E AM" check and Blackjack caps farming. I want something more like that basically.
    As for Charisma, a separate reputation that basically called "affinity" can work well. In essence it is to measure people first impression toward you and would grow as you get accepted. But too low, then you will never have chance to increase yours.
    Apparently the best kind of "Urban Camouflage" is just to look like average dude and not drawing attention.
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    Reactions: zegh8578
    Or dress up like a big, green garbage bin or something, a phone-booth maybe
    In ideal time, Imperial Guards should be more like mechanized infantry that following motorized H.guns. Which mean anything that SpaceMarine
    There is a STC that allow ordinary human to be turned into killer borgs in span of minutes, complete with memory rewriting to have that "killer instinct". Basically the concept has existed that when you make everything almost manual to combat AI uprising, be sure to have lots of cyborg that can interface with big guns on top of vehicles.
    Yet like everything in 40k, such concept got corrupted to the point of arming militias with servicable weapon. In this case it is much better, that is the lasgun. But in earlier era? Whole guards are basically power armored soldiers with lots of gadget. Thole concept of IGs is to deal with foes that employ numerical superiority like Orks and Tyranids.
    Essentially just like in LOTR, everything in the past were supposed to be grander and much nobler. That apply in Warhammer 40k too.
    You tell her Camille Vasques! OMG your voice is also much more soothing than that Amber " a set of lies and turd on bed" Heard.
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    Camille is MVP of 2022 thus far.
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    Maybe Chris Avellone should've hired that lawyer. (One can only dream, but still).
    That moment when MMOs have better crafting mechanic than SP RPGs. And not even grinding.
    I don't believe you.
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    I think these fantasy games should have more realism.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    What MMO?
    Father Elijah is basically Fallout's discount Primarch Perturabo. Able to analyze any tech just by looking at it.
    And looking at most DAOT-lite civilizations like Auretian Technocracy, Interext and that brain uploaded people with holographic body, I am quite convinced that The Imperium are basically akin to Caesar's Legion. Using stuff they don't understand, and this was 30K. And most importantly, they are big cosplayers nutjob governed by actual edge-lord. Preaching he's much better than he's actually is.
    The paddle ball from Nuka World is ridiculous! At least at first look. Yet we still use wire-guided missiles. Bouncing bombs are also exist.
    Looking at Amber Heard v Johnny Depp, I'm convinced that while there are indeed exist evil men, same applies with evil women.
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