Recent content by Greed

  1. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    And Oblivion was a smash hit, that people played for hundreds upon hundreds of hours, and enjoyed, and is still marked as one of the highest rated RPGs of all time. Obviously they did something right. And yet Sawyer's games are played less, and worse reviewed, then Bethesda's. Out of the "big...
  2. G

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's weapons?

    That was after Fallout 4 came out, but yeah. The first Bethesda Softworks game to fall under that was Dishonored 2. Also, nice 666 likes there gizmo
  3. G

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    I love it when games add neat little things like those. Always a nice little feature.
  4. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    Except nothing actually suggests it would have been more memorial. Paraphrasing what Josh Sawyer said during the live stream "the game never made is better then the game that's shipped". It only sounds more interesting because 90% of what you imagine it to be is in your head. An Oblivion based...
  5. G

    Thoughts on bill c-16(AKA the "RESPECT MY PRONOUNS!!" Law)

    This is beyond idiotic. How the hell something like this even made it this far only confuses me. Fucking SJWs need to just all walk into the middle of the road during high traffic and just start letting the bodies hit the floor road.
  6. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    Yes? Tiber Spetim was a living god with both the power of the Thu'um and CHIM. As so famously said Tiber Septim changed Cyrodiil to reward the soldiers who fought under him because jungles are a terrible environment to live in, and...
  7. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    Actually, I started with Daggerfall. Morrowind is still my favorite TES game(though, not for its gameplay), tied with Skyrim. I really just don't get what you are talking about. Where are you getting the idea that I am putting Morrowind down to make the other games look better? I am putting...
  8. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    The original point you made was that it would require more work, I pointed out how it wouldn't. that's not doging the point, that's you moving goalposts... again. No, Bethesda never had any desire for some ultra distinct setting for every region in TES. Morrowind isn't even that fantastic...
  9. G

    Tell me about "your" Fallout game

    A. The goal of forcibly absorbing anyone who isn't them, and killing everyone who resists? All of which can be, and has been, easily done by the Legion, even without mindless crucifixions and backstabbing every other group they come across? B. When the easy was is "just kill everyone who doesn't...
  10. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    At this point I really don't know what you want anymore. You keep asking me to show you how they do it, I did, and you just keep saying that doesn't count, and for me to show you. Like, what do you want specifically? Because I am honestly confused. How do I show a book in action? its a book...
  11. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    Yes... why would you think otherwise? Not really. It would just require different textures/models then the ones we got in-game. It wouldn't be harder work by any means. If anything it would have been easier because they could have abused the speedtree program, far more then they already did in...
  12. G

    Praise for the Metro!

    All good science fiction can be made better with small bits of things that are seemingly magical, but which are never outright stated to be, and that have a "realistic" explanation by them. STALKER, Metro, and even Fallout have used to to enhance their worlds.
  13. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    Because it didn't make sense. Cyrodiil being a jungle stems from TES1: Arena, in which the Imperial City was the ONLY city in Cyrodiil, and it was surrounded by endless jungle. Obviously, the entire idea that the center of a massive continent spanning empire would be a city located in the...
  14. G

    A small mindless rant on games, graphics, brainwashed drones, and Fallout.

    Actually, the whole reasoning behind it is that the TES unvierse is effective a sentient hallucination of the "godhead", who is Anu the everything. Anu fought his brother Sithis, and flung themselves into a sun in their unvierse, and the sensory deprivation of being in the sun caused his mind...
  15. G

    Trump wins

    No. Most of Zenimax's CEOs are rich people who are CEOs in like 30+ different business, and have all this shit basically automated. They don't really DO much of anything in regards to what games Bethesda makes, they just rake in $$$.