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  • There was an attack in Westminster today. A guy ran over 4 people with his car, and stabbed a Policeman to death.
    Read about that. Apparently this Is the anniversary of the bombings last year, It's scary to think about how people might start killing each other without warning on this date In the future.
    Well i do agree but the media will be going on about this for weeks and its will just fuel hatered again other cultures people with just use to attack people with. Still we are more likley to die in car crash and we aren't scared to get in car are we ?
    It's a shame that the focus will be on either victim blaming or persecuting people associated with the perpetrator rather than justice.

    oh well #fuckImmigrants #fuckBBC #BBCisFAKENOOZ
    Fuck Coca Cola, Fuck Nestle, Fuck Primark, Fuck all these mega-corporations that don't give two shits about the lives they effect.
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    Reactions: kraag
    Well said.
    I know about phone/clothing companies using sweatshops but I didn't know about Nestle's shit.
    The Megacorps have taken over chummers. With the drek they spew out on the regular we are lucky Lone Star haven't fragged our ass.
    What is the obsession with voicing every single game series. Like, some work far better when you can't hear every single voice ever.
    2 months after the elections finished, and Trump still compares himself to Hillary whenever people ask him questions.
    Gonna be playing Fallout of Nevada now. Don't know why I left it so long.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    I forgot to check on your comment, but holy shit the guy is awesome! Dat determination.... maybe I'll post about this in the Codex and see if the guy could get some last minute help to speed up the progress and polish things up.
    Actually it's unfinished translation, only 30%, we are updating each time we finish one location
    Really?, I'm not that far in to the game so I didn't really notice that much, but I guess I ought to wait for the full translation then.
    Hey you know that one silly little Bladerunner reference in our game a while back?, What if we turned it in to an entire separate game.
    We haven't had a good troll in a while. I miss Superman and Dragonborn
    ive been trolling the whole time.
    It's Ironic that Todd Howard describes this as the "Golden Age of gaming" when he's part of the reason that it's not.
    Here's another thing, why can't we romance Ciri. She's easily better looking than Yenny and that ginger one (y the fuck does she has Armerican accent? u dont c Bethesda games with unrealistic accents). Although Ciri isn't as good looking as my dedicated waifu Piper. And also Yenny and ginger don't carry ur stuff like REAL companion.
    Also, why tf are there so many boss fights in TW-3? God there so overused like what the point. Kellogg, now he was a real boss fight. And he give you a sexy c00l gun. How many guns do those shitty bird monsters give u?

    And I have to use shitty detective vishion. Like stop ripping off Hitman 2016.
    My golden age was from the late 90s to the late 00s.
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