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  • Keep disappearing for long stretches in this forum, and coming back after reading R/Fallout again *sigh*
    Why you vanish tho? Not enough 'citement?
    @TorontoReign By the time I left I was hanging out with uni friends pretty much every week on top of having consistent coursework.
    Love it when threads get so toxic that going back to heated gun control debates is a refreshing change of pace.
    Weather here is fucking ridiculous. We had snow all the way in to April then suddenly, bam, heatwave!
    • Like
    Reactions: Prone Squanderer
    Same minus the heatwave. It's actually pretty cool.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    Then another wave of cold with no snow, then warm, then like lukewarm.
    No longer shall the gentle labourer suffer under the noxious greed of Mr Krabs We will dismantle the oppressive establishment board by board
    The Service Robots in Fallout: POS were quite cool. Too bad they were the only remotely tolerable thing about POS.
    Playing Serpent in the Staglands. Don't understand people who say it's difficult, it's fairly easy.
    If you do Arcade Ganon's companion quest shortly before midnight, you can start the new year with For Auld Lang Syne.
    Was going through old threads, and discovered you can actually see official warnings on posts. TIL
    Praising the obviously poor decisions of Fallout 4 as "Trying new things", while putting down the actual trying new things in Dead Money.
    Love how there are only 5 members online RN. The only 5 people sad enough to spend Christmas on NMA.
    Reminder: New Vegas made a robot that can only follow orders feel more human than all of Fallout 4's Minutemen combined.
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    Reactions: lolpop109
    That's what good writing can accomplish. Something Bethesda completely forgets that it exists.
    But then Lonesome Road ruined it.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Lonesome Road's writing didn't really ruin any other part of the game, it just was kinda... bland. It's definitely the weakest part of the whole game.
    Stranger Things is shit and it's fans should be exterminated.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Okay, Mr. Dalek. Seems a bit harsh, though.
    Can you label this as a unpopular opion thanks ?
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    No, it's a controversial opinion. Big difference.
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