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  • Playing Red Dead Redemption again has gotten me so excited for RDR 2. Can't wait for October
    Fair; imo the only reason they named it that was because of the success of RDR. Not many people remember Red Dead Revolver so to most it's just "The Red Dead Redemption Series". Let's just hope that naming it after RDR is the only case of laziness Rockstar exhibits this time around.
    There are so many r words tho. It being a prequel they could've called it red dead rewind or someshit. Like redemption was al called because it was Johns quest for redemption. Why is this called redemption if its the days when he was bad?
    Maybe the main character is gonna have his own redemption lol. Even then that's basically implying that John didn't get the idea to leave that Van Der Linde gang on his own; it was someone else's originally. And that sucks.
    I have little to no issue meeting people in person, but Tinder gives me more anxiety than anything has a right to.
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    The masses will always have their opiates, one way or another. I'm sure Ug the Caveman lamented the decadence of the emerging cave-painting culture.
    I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Heh. Fair enough.
    My Facebook is Antony Sylvestre. I'm the asshole with the glasses and the Lost MC shirt on. Feel free to add me. Or don't. Idgaf.
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    I don't use Facebook, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately)
    @ Pariah Dog Probably fortunately lol. And yeah there's a lot; but my job description is student (cause, you know, I am). The main reason I tried it this way is I kept getting an error message when I tried to link my facebook profile with my NMA account so... when in Rome.
    also @Pwener I literally spit my coffee out reading that. Thank you
    My friend Sarah calls me “too supportive” and all my other friends are confused as to what that even means or how someone is too supportive
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    If you want her opinion of you to change then start acting like a jerk who just doesn't care - chicks love that. She might even put out (yes, I just assumed your gender, deal with it).
    @Pwener its not so much that I want her opinion of me to change as I want her to fucking explain what that even means. She and I have tossed around the idea of dating already; it's not outside the realm of reality as things stand. I'm just more confused than anything else. Also I am a man, you assumed correct lmao
    In less depressing news, my 4th was a lot safer than the last one, when my friend Thomas got high as shit and almost set himself on fire
    Sorry I've been offline. My friend Sam died in a motorcycle accident and I'm still in shock. My condolences to his family, if any are here.
    I've made it a tradition to listen to the Anti-Flag song 'On Independence Day' at least once every 4th of July. It's a good tradition.
    Do you guys ever throw something into the trash then hit the deck, pretending it's a grenade? Me too.
    got my card games confused lmao
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    I lucked out on my last stay and got a room all to myself, let me do a lot of thinking and stuff. Didn't have much privacy for the first 24 hours because suicide watch but after I had calmed down it wasn't too bad
    Well I'm glad you have the time to think; and I appreciate you being open man. It's a hard thing, I know, but it also takes a lot of strength to do. Don't ever forget that.
    Do you guys realize that the medieval Wars of the Roses could've been stopped (or at least postponed) if Henry VI wasn't such a useless cuck
    This is true as I studyed it at college ! Also didn't help he had a mental disability really. These days it would't matter but being such an important person an acting like that was bount to great tentsion. The wife was defiantly pretty ruthless as she showed as ludlow. Or maybe she could't keep control
    Yorkist in my opion always had the right rally , King edward was a pretty decent king on all counts. Pretty great military aswell
    I mean, his mental disability didn't need to hold him back either. He just kinda blanked out for long periods of time; it'd be worse if he was like the French king Charles, refusing to bathe and believing he was made of glass lol. I think Henry's problem, more so than mental illness, was just that he was too pacifistic and (even for the medieval times) too pious to be king. He'd have been better suited as a monk
    I'm loving the Fallout 2 Restoration Project (thanks to user That Damn Dog for telling me about it)
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    The only (minor) problem I'm having is now the map screen lags like a sonuvabitch. Still playable (then again Fallout 2 would have to be Fallout 4 to be unplayable HAHA TOPICAL), just kinda irritating that it takes me 20 minutes to get to New Reno when it used to take about 2.
    Happy July everyone! In other news seeing Reel Big Fish at Warped this month is gonna be a form of wish fulfillment
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