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  • Visiting Gettysburg today! My road trip to PA has been pretty cool so far
    Oh hell yeah, I been there before. Not too bad of a drive up either if I remember correctly.
    I live in CT, so it was an 8 hour drive but it was nice to just get away from civilization for a while on the way there, you know?
    You can’t spread the mayonnaise if you don’t have the mayonnaise to spread. Words to live by.
    I’ve always wanted to get one’ve those 10 pound gummy bears, scream “special delivery” and fling it through someone’s window
    Damn, the Legion is upgrading from spears to 10 pound gummi bears. I better call the Gun Runners and tell them to start manufacturing skittles-shooting machine guns.
    Johnny, Terry and Clay deserved a more dignified death than what they got in GTA V. Fuck you Rockstar (I love you don’t leave me lol)
    First a friend died, then my girlfriend of one week and I broke up, now I’ve had a falling out with my best friend. Life is just great.
    Condolences my dude.
    Accept my condolences. Hang in there, as bad moments always pass.
    Thanks to all of you. To quote a Batman movie, “The night is darkest just before the dawn.” And your support means the world to me. Just know that I appreciate all of you. Thank you.
    I wonder why no one has made a medieval knight armor mod for NV; it wouldn’t be practical but it’d be fucking cool. (And I’m not GECK-savvy)
    Oblivion armors have been ported over I think.
    Today I told my friend that I wanted to be a benevolent military dictator (while he was high as shit) and we had a long discussion about it
    Exactly. My friend's argument was that benevolent dictatorship in and of itself is impossible due to a dictatorship, by definition, crushing the rights of the people. My idea was more along the lines of a modern-day Alexander; conquering and uniting peoples under one flag, bringing peace and relative cultural autonomy.
    Oh, you won't be able to pull it off though. Since you use Alexander as an example, look right there! His unity fell apart as soon as he let other grabby, short-sighted politicians their hands on his empire. As soon as you begin to delegate, you'll concede more and more power to people less and less in agreement with you, it's unavoidble - especially in the long run
    That's something I've thought about; Alexander has to have known that his successors would tear his empire apart. So why did he leave it to "the best man"? It's a question that actually drives me crazy
    Trying to find a windbreaker that looks like Niko Bellic's from GTA IV and I'm just getting pissed off and frustrated
    When you realize that your bed is the only one who will ever love you like you love them
    Gee thanks for the vote of confidence TorontRayne lmao. A day isn't complete until I'm accused of humping my bed or some other odd activity. But in seriousness, this is the shortest relationship I've ever been in; I'm less depressed and more like "bitch why" you know? Then again, like I said we weren't a good fit *insert penis joke here*
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    It's ok, there's no need to explain to us about your anime girl bed.
    Getting Chinese food alone cause I’m just that cool. (Pronounced: lonely)
    So your girlfriend of one week dumped your ass huh. She probably saw your post about beheading her. Screw her then! More Chinese for you.
    She probably did lmao. I wish people didn't take everything so seriously, and realized when people were joking. But hey, gotta love the idea of more Chinese food for me. Honestly, she and I weren't gonna last very long anyways. So this might be a blessing in disguise.
    Just another hot, muggy fucking night with no AC in lovely MA.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Nothing worse than no aircon.

    Except working in a clean room with no air con, that's definitely worse.
    I wonder sometimes if Henry VIII ever considered that HE was the reason he had so much difficulty producing a male heir
    And if perhaps that insecurity is why he was so quick to keep beheading wives
    I suspected that. He was a victim of a tiny pecker I bet.
    Same reason I'm considering beheading my current girlfriend if we're being honest (that and our failing relationship; which is funny cause we started dating last week haha my life is a joke)
    I just got off the phone with my friend who's in the military, and he said "the mail there isn't a great system"
    so I said that sums up a lot of aspects of the US gov't ("it's not a great system"), and the call was mysteriously dropped. Now I'm paranoid that the NSA shut us down.
    Calls drop overseas all the time.
    Damn man you ruined it. I was gonna go on a manic anti government rant lmao
    Doctor: "I'm gonna ask you a few questions-" Me: "I hang to the left." Doctor: "What?" Me: "What?"
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    Reactions: Cliffy McEdgeface
    Ok yeah I wouldn't say that to a woman lol If I find the doctor attractive I talk like I'm from the fucking 17th century: "Salutations dearest Madame. Mine genitals have ceased proper performance and this disturbs me greatly. Might you inspect the region and produce reason as to why they take issue with my girlfriend?"
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Have a doc once examine your prostatae and you won't be direct anymore.

    One advice from an old fart guys, eat your fucking fibers.
    I'm still far from needing prostate exams but if I do make it that far I want me women doctors. If somebody is touching me I want them to be the sex I'm attracted to damn it!
    I love you all so much and this is my favorite forum that I'm a part of.
    The last 20 seconds of the song “Slow Down You Graverobbing Bastard” make me deeply uncomfortable
    So; I had an argument with my best friend and gave her a choice to cash out've my life or not.
    In the meantime, I'm reading up on BPD so that I can cope with my mental health issues in a, well, healthier way so that I can be a better friend to her should she decide to stay in my life. Fingers crossed guys cause if she leaves I'll be fucking devastated.
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Is this a situation where you both would be healthier apart, though?
    Honestly? I don’t know anymore man.
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