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  • I must be the only man alive who gets excited to write a thesis paper
    When you visit your friend at work only to find it's her day off so you drag your sad ass to Starbucks, conveniently located in the store.
    I Jumped in and tried to mediate by contacting them both separately, and I got my friend to admit that the comment was pretty fucked up and she deleted it. Then today I tried to visit her at her work but she wasn't there, so I got a coffee and went home. Recently texted her to see if she's feeling better; she wasn't in a good place when she made the comment and I hope she's ok.
    So yeah that was my morning at 1 am.
    If anyone is wondering neither friend was the girl I usually mention; she and I aren't really on speaking terms after an argument, so I'm also accepting applications for a best friend. Should be down with me randomly ranting about Caesar and how fucking awesome he was and me occasionally playfully hitting on you
    In an unrelated note, why did General Lee, a man opposed to slavery and secession, when offered the position of Union general go like "nah"
    @TorontRayne I'm currently reading A History of the Civil War and the issues it outlines are broad. I mentioned slavery because it's all anyone mentions; I know that the South wanted to become its own nation out from under the Federal yoke, lower tariffs on their cotton, etc. I was more talking about General Lee, who disagreed with the South's cause but still sided with his home state when it left the Union.
    So it's the idea that he'd choose his state over his country that you're asking about?
    They couldn't communicate like we do. Everyone you know well lives near you. Sure, people write letters to old friends in other places but that's no phone. He grew up here, he has friends and family here. Those people matter to him. I think he even knew the South would lose the war.
    @Squadcar I suppose you're right on that count. I dunno, it's odd how many West Point graduates were generals in the war; how many classmates fought directly against one another, as though statism overruled academy camaraderie. Funny note: U.S. Grant was Lee's subordinate during the Mexican War; Lee chewed him out for his dress. I don't think it's a coincidence that Grant showed up to Appomattox dressed like a scrub.
    Total War: Rome. I'm late on the fanbase train for this series but I'm playing the iOS port and I LOVE IT.
    @Norzan I'm playing as the Julii (The red Romans), and I've destroyed Gaul as a nation with the leadership of my top general, Decimus "The Cruel" (game's nickname, not mine). Decimus took over the army when his grandfather died and the new family head was shown to be incompetent (my fault technically)
    If you ever play with the green Romans, prepare for a lengthy war with Egypt. This is the faction that grows the fastest, to the point it starts to grow faster than you.
    @Norzan I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. So far Spain has been the biggest pain in the ass for me; the Gauls have been reduced to 33 roaming nomads, with no settlements in their control, and yet they still won't assimilate through diplomacy. So honestly, this game's pretty historically accurate in terms of Gaulic pride (pronounced: de-loo-zhun)
    Also why is the song “The Girl All the Bad Guys Want” literally about my love life
    Shit, count yourself lucky your love life isn't more along the lines of Copacabana.
    Never fight over a woman if she has several guys barking at the door and she reciprocates.
    I’m reading Killing Lincoln right now and the whole idea of a man like him being assassinated depresses me deeply
    Dark Souls is fun. It makes me hate myself even more than I already do, but it’s fun.
    Eh, I can only say good things about Bloodborne. Dark Souls takes their gimmick of slow and methodical a little far in some places.
    Deleted member 93956
    Don't worry, you'll eventually join us in the smug fucks club once you get comfortable enough with it/beat it.
    Once you find your jam, it gets even better.
    Everyone’s excited for fall because leaves and cider and etc happy shit and I just want seasonal appropriateness for my Niko Bellic outfit
    I don't think there can really be any appropriate time or place to dress up like Niko Bellic.
    Big No
    Big No
    What about the guy from Behind Enemy Lines? Could he dress up as Niko? He pretty much IS Niko.
    So I’ve noticed that I gravitate towards people who make me feel feelings, because I don’t often. Too bad they usually don’t feel the same.
    I have a ps4 as well as a PC, if anyone also does. I’m always down for more people to play Dead By Daylight and Far Cry co-op with
    @TorontRayeofSunshine fair enough I guess
    Deleted member 93956
    People on NMA just aren't inclined for multiplayer, usually. Discord being the best place for it and it only really spawned that little period where people played FOnline.
    Makes sense. Just figured I’d put it out there
    In other news, I'm progressing farther into Kingdom Come and at this point I honestly have a love-hate relationship with it.
    The Gun Control thread just makes me sad at this point. All these ad hominem attacks and people condescending to one another and ugh.
    It's run it's course.
    I’ve started playing Kingdom Come Deliverance (which I bought myself as a birthday gift, fun fact) and I really enjoy the combat.
    I just finished the “Resist” ending of Far Cry 5 and it’s so dark and nihilistic. I fucking love it.
    Aren't both the endings pretty much mirror images of each other though?
    @Ayelander I mean, in essence yes; the vehicle for the nihilism is different however. In the “Walk Away” ending the sheriff says they’re going to get the military and take Joseph Seed down, but Only You plays on the radio: screen cuts to black, implying that The Deputy killed everyone in the car; Jacob Seed’s brainwashing took root. In “Resist” Montana gets nuked and Joseph uses the Deputy to rebuild his “family”.
    In a less depressing vein, if you could describe your life in one song what would it be?
    So I had to put my dog down on my birthday Wednesday. But hey, it’ll get better. The kicks in the balls have to stop soon, right? RIGHT?!
    Ah, its nothing. Happened two years ago, nothing you can really do about it anyway. Its just a shame they don't get to stick around longer.
    Though I guess there would never be enough time to leave you satisfied in the end.
    @Ayelander Won’t argue with that. Seems no matter how long or short my family and pets live I always feel like they’re taken too soon.
    They put my cat on drugs so he wouldn’t freak out and shit himself when I picked him up from the family member watching him and he’s fucked
    I seriously dislike animals like that. It's like raising a mentally retarded kid or something. My Dog pisses all over the place.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Isn't that normal dog behaviour?
    No. Yorkies are the hardest to train. They are stubborn little fucks.
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