Recent content by Makagulfazel

  1. Makagulfazel

    UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

    Man, some of this site's members are so tiresome, can't find joy in anything other than picking apart even indie games that are trying to cater to the gameplay they claim to desire. I could literally replace the words "Underrail" and "Fallout" and nearly come up with the same conclusion. In...
  2. Makagulfazel

    UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

    Are you supposed to wake up as the "Chosen One" like 90% of other RPGs? Why can't you be a normal person that slowly proves their worth? You could argue Fallout 1 is just one giant fetch quest. So? You're helping your community with the immediate threat in both game. The real threat appears...
  3. Makagulfazel

    Wasteland 2 gets last beta update

    Lol, fat chance at that. People seem upset in general; then again, when aren't they? I'M EXCITED! Another cRPG? Gimme
  4. Makagulfazel

    Changing gameplay in Sequels

    I can get that some people want item images, but I still think it's kinda weird to hinge onto since you can actually see the detail in the items in modern games by viewing the item within the world. The descriptions are nice, though, to at least let you know where the item originated from in the...
  5. Makagulfazel

    Changing gameplay in Sequels

    ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz Maybe it's because a fraction of people bitch no matter what they are given. Or the developers get lambasted in reviews for not innovating. Or the publishers want to appeal to a larger audience(console users). The "Why" could be several answers. Concerning inventory...
  6. Makagulfazel

    What Josh Sawyer wants from Fallout 4

    "Nuanced" is a good word. Bummer that the Bethesda/Obsidian relationship is pretty much nil; I would've loved to see Obsidian at least consult for Fallout 4's development. One way or another, Josh hits on what I believe to be the most important aspects of the Fallout series: Ambiguity, choice...
  7. Makagulfazel

    Underrail making progress: Core City sneak peek

    I'm pumped. So many promising games coming out within a year: Underrail, Age of Decadence, Wasteland 2, Dead State, Witcher 3. RPG boner torqued. This year been pretty "blah" for in-depth RPGs.
  8. Makagulfazel

    Wasteland 2's opening cinematic

    Yeah, the line wasn't the brightest idea. I just wanted to prepare you guys for my whining about your "whining" - the best way to look like a winner. Everyone's entitled to their opinion; sometimes I get in the mood where my opinion is prime. Like WorstUsernameEver said, you're stuck with that...
  9. Makagulfazel

    Wasteland 2's opening cinematic

    Next time they'll spend $150,000 for Liam Neeson. He's so disappointed in you. __________________________________________________ ______ Sears-ly.. This crowd, sometimes. Looks like I stumbled into another "Never good enough" thread. Oh, loooook! Crni is here! I'm not saving the guy is a...
  10. Makagulfazel

    Wasteland 2's opening cinematic

    The narrator is Snake Vargas, mafuckas! He's supposed to sound like some military dood(crappy or not). Less than 30K for some intro a lot of people will skip? Seems like good money management. The dubbed part at the end did make me lol just a little bit, I'll admit. I'm apathetic towards any...
  11. Makagulfazel

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Thank you very much for the detailed response; I'll definitely look into Rock River, Stag and Smith & Wesson. I've seen the M&P rifles mentioned, just got lost in the slew of manufacturers I've been looking into. My dad owns a Colt LE6940 and a Bushmaster(don't know what model AR), so I wanted...
  12. Makagulfazel

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Looking at getting one of several AR-15s: DDM4(whatever version) LWRC M6A2 Ruger SR-556 Sig 516 and the BCM Recce-16(after seeing Johnny's new machine and reading a bunch of glowing reviews for BCM on various websites). Got any other good candidates you think I should have on the list? Trying...
  13. Makagulfazel

    Wasteland 2 Beta Out!

    Scotchmo doesn't give aah FUCK about some piddling pirates
  14. Makagulfazel

    Wasteland 2 Beta coming within 2.5 weeks

    Play this inXile classic while you wait!