Recent content by Montez

  1. M

    Costs of developing Wasteland

    Apart from the rent on Interplay's office space and the salaries of the people who worked there, probably none. It was all made in-house, for computers that were incredibly simple and limited compared to the ones of today. There wasn't really anything to pay for except people's time.
  2. M

    A New "I Am Legend" Movie

    I saw it the other day and liked it; my main complaint is the same as most others - the cop-out religious angle at the end, and it negation of the clever twist in the book. So he's a legend among this town of god-fearing christians for creating a cure for a plague which they are never going use...
  3. M

    The Baseball Thread

    I don't care about baseball, but I'm for the Rockies just because I don't want to deal with a riot in my neighborhood if the Sox win.
  4. M

    Better than The Beatles? Who?

    I was just joking around, I didn't literally mean that the Beatles were unquestionably and universally the greatest band ever and that everyone else should think so. On the other hand, if you're trying to make some rational argument to convince me that the Beatles aren't unquestionably and...
  5. M

    Better than The Beatles? Who?

    You people are all crazy. The Beatles are the greatest band that ever was or will be. I usually try to be objective about these things especially since music is so subjective and relative, but this is the exception. Alec is right, the rest of you are wrong. As for the other question; Not...
  6. M

    SuperHeros and SuperVillians

    I've never really thought about them in terms of categories like that before, but I guess if I had to choose I'd pick self-made, then altered, since those two usually leads to more interesting storylines and characters than the other groups. Plus, I think those kinds of characters generally...
  7. M

    Steam Team

    I'd be up for something, even though I'm pretty bad at all of the official HL/HL2 mods. I'm not sure how a multiplayer game of Garry's Mod would work, but if someone would explain it and if it doesn't require setting up dozens of key bindings I'd be up for that as well.
  8. M


    Mission Hill, Boston. Charming neighborhood!
  9. M

    Video card advice needed

    Here are my current specs, since they seem relevant: A64 3000+ processor and 2 gigs of RAM. My monitor is a cheapo flatscreen that has a max resolution is 1024x768 - so I'm not looking for a super turbo charged card, just something that is a significant boost from the 6600GT at that resolution...
  10. M

    Changing file sound volumes

    Audacity works perfectly for that, no need to look further.
  11. M

    Video card advice needed

    Long story short; I have a motherboard with an AGP slot, and I have no interest in upgrading my MB or CPU at this time. I was looking around and notice that there are still Geforce 7900/7950 cards being made for AGP. I currently have a 6600GT card - would it be worthwhile to upgrade it to a...
  12. M

    Anyone know were i can get Wasteland

    Fargo may have the copyright to Wasteland now, but the game itself belongs to EA. Fargo isn't making or losing any money by anyone buying the game or downloading it (and neither is EA or Interplay, for that matter), and since he's supposedly making a sequel I would think he'd rather having...
  13. M

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    You can also get the full CD version + emulator at the ScummVM site: The emulator is also a great program to have when you get the urge to play old LucasArts games.
  14. M


    Jon Spencer Blues Explosion? I don't think they fit what you're looking for exactly, but worth a listen.
  15. M

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Weird, I'm playing TLJ now and Dreamfall is next on my list. I'm really enjoying it so far TLJ so far; I think after I finish Dreamfall I'm going to have to dig out all the old Sierra and Lucasarts games.