Recent content by Mr. Necrosis

  1. Mr. Necrosis

    When do you go to bed and wake up

    Can you confirm if space-Nazis are planning an attack from the dark side of the moon as well? Lets be frank we both know the SS divisions up there work quicker than you. All the vegan moon cheese makes you strong.
  2. Mr. Necrosis

    When do you go to bed and wake up

    Can confirm Sarcastic is a Eco-Nazi. Burn all the forest now to protest his posting habits. Be cruel to animals to protest. Eat a hamburger while smoking a fat cigar to Eco-Nazism. This is what happens when you get less than five hours of sleep a day.
  3. Mr. Necrosis

    When do you go to bed and wake up

    Adolf Hitler was a vegan and tree huger. Therefore you are a Nazi. How could you possibly want to throw non-vegans into gas chambers?
  4. Mr. Necrosis

    When do you go to bed and wake up

    A breakfast thread would be more reasonable. If you don't eat eggs and bacon in the morning you are a democrat or a socialist. If you don't eat biscuits n' gravy at brunch you are a right winger conspiring against hash browns.
  5. Mr. Necrosis

    Military discussion thread

    I know that feel all too well. Arma 2 is so much better but Arma 3's mods are getting impressive. Ace and the other mod clean up a lot of my problems but it doesn't fix the flinching issue when people get shot. You just felt so much more fucked up in Arma 2 after being wounded.
  6. Mr. Necrosis

    Top 50 RPGs Project

    I'll try but I can't guarantee anything. Would not say I have much taste in CRPGs. Edit I: Looking into a new game called Balrum (2015) but it has the building and crafting world type larping attached. Isometric top down play-style. Not sure if it just has RPG attached to it or not as it does...
  7. Mr. Necrosis

    Military discussion thread

    You actually can in the mod. Eve has Agent Orange I believe. Cluster bombs and napalm have the nicer graphics but that is about it.
  8. Mr. Necrosis

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Liked the intro; though I have a softspot for electronic / synth style so I'm biased. Nice and smooth through the middle. Would make good drive music. Mid-ending was to scratchy for me, but had good parts. Ending was short and sweet. 7 / 10
  9. Mr. Necrosis

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I tried to patent a half-burnt hop recipe labeled six million hops and one ash-tray beer. They rejected it for some reason. No idea why. It taste pretty good too.
  10. Mr. Necrosis

    Military discussion thread

    Speaking of which there is an Arma 3 Vietnam mod where you can go down the rivers of Vietnam in those. If only I had a computer that could run it; barbecued viet-kong every day after work. I'd rather be a pilot in those times though. The amount of munitions they got to drop was fascinating...
  11. Mr. Necrosis

    Top 50 RPGs Project

    Liking this list. Hopefully it can kemo out all of the casual norms I'm custom too. Not sure if I want to start on Arcanum or Fallout to begin said kemo.
  12. Mr. Necrosis

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    I almost forgot about that website. Damn.
  13. Mr. Necrosis

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    Duck and Cover is a far better website than this shit hole.
  14. Mr. Necrosis

    Military discussion thread

    True true. I do like me some smoked meats. Still though. Those Vietnam era tanks shooting napalm is a true work of art.