Recent content by nimeni

  1. N

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    not good at this. but why did you add the res config there, if it is not used by default. and if another is used, why is that not configurable anyway, my point is , I cannot play it in window mode with the default ? where do I configure the DEFAULT settings? edit: nvm. its in ddr ini is...
  2. N
  3. N

    The top 50 video game moments

    Why doesn't anyone mention the Legacy of Kain series? It was the first and best storyline I've found.(the best probably because it was the first) Then why put Diablo 2 in there? The only moment in it that made me high, was when i traveled to Tristram. D1 is way over it. Plus that the cow...
  4. N

    Another Fallout 3 demonstration today

    Yup, this guy wasn't a suck-up. I think he got tired of watching Todd giving head-shots, and flaming about it.
  5. N

    Another Fallout 3 demonstration today

    Same thing as G4. No RPG elements whatsoever. "VERY INDEPTH"
  6. N

    Fallout 3 Demo on Monday

    I hope the one testing it will have some sort of experience with "presenting a game", and most of all, won't have a controller in his hands
  7. N

    Fallout 3 in PC Gamer US, Emil & Todd on The Escapist

    I suppose there are a lot of people out there that value graphics, and contemporary 3D games feel like reality to them ... -_-, but surely they're not the majority .. hopefully Why isn't any of you getting filthy rich, to build a good gaming company ?
  8. N

    RM Milner on Fallout fans again

    heh, we all know there is a middle way for it :roll: ..
  9. N

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    = revolutionary in my book. so that's that .. its a relative term. its not the most groundbreaking original super exciting game but ... revolutionary
  10. N

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    well if Diablo wasn't revolutionary, then why the hell was it the game of the year and won alot of other awards, why is Diablo the cornerstone for this type of games. Then why the hell the action rpg that followed were called diablo clones. (posted , as Jenx didn't reply in time to pm)
  11. N

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    erm ... maybe now their products aren't revolutionary, but in the past it was them who made the rules. Diablo clones are all over, Diablo didn't copy another game. Same goes for Warcraft. Fallout wasn't ready for something revolutionary, not from my point of view.
  12. N

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    I've played D1 in '98 '99 i think, then D2 when it popped out. Don't know why i played D2 for so long, probably to see all the spells, and item sets. I was a sucker for discovering everything. But after that was through, there was the period of playing out of boredom, then i began to hate it...
  13. N

    I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream opinions

    hey, each to its own, i for one loved it. although i played it 1/2 years ago, right after full throttle ^^. very original. those old adventure games were pure gold. What was released now? dracula...rhodan smtg... sinking island...overclocked ... experiment blonde ... rather weak
  14. N

    Fallout 3: Are you getting it?

    i was cought in the moment when the preorder thingies appeared. After a week that passed, and as im from Europe .. no preorder was possible/ and none will be made
  15. N

